ASMSA adopts 2025 Strategic Plan ASMSA’s 2025 Strategic Plan 1990s and refined further at the and aspiring to a global vision for affirms the school’s core mission outset of the new century as it be- what education can be. and will serve as a guiding docu- came a campus of the University of “At the core of ASMSA’s 2025 ment as the instiStrategic Plan is tution prepares to the belief that both enter its fourth deour academic and cade of excellence. residential experiA team of camences will continue pus stakeholders to evolve, innovate, updated the misand flourish under sion as part of the the care of our facstrategic planning ulty, staff, and stuprocess. The misdents.” sion now states ASMSA aims that ASMSA is a to expand both its public residential statewide reach high school servand enrollment to ing academically ensure that any and artistically mostudent who would tivated students benefit from the of all backgrounds school’s dynamic from throughout opportunities will the state. Its comhave access to its munity of learning world-class prowill be a statewide grams. center of academic Achieving that equity and opporgrowth can only tunity that ignites be accomplished the full potential of through expanded Arkansas’ students partnerships, voand educators. cal advocates, and Titled “Sparkcommitted stakeing Innovation, Igholders who conThe Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, niting Growth,” the tinue to ensure the and the Arts, a campus of the University of strategic plan will institution’s fundguide ASMSA as ing and facilities Arkansas System, is a public residential high school it creates greater are equal in measerving academically and artistically motivated educational access, sure to its aspirastudents of all backgrounds from throughout promotes statewide tions, Alderdice equity, and expands said. the state. ASMSA’s community of learning academic vigor The institution exemplifies excellence across disciplines while that benefits all Arwill further affirm serving as a statewide center of academic equity kansans through its its state and nationand opportunity that ignites the full potential of residential, out-ofal leadership in scischool enrichment, ence, mathematics, Arkansas’ students and educators. digital learning, and arts, humanities, educator developand entrepreneurment programs. ship education us“As ASMSA enters its fourth de- Arkansas System,” said ASMSA Di- ing novel curricula, meaningful cade of educational excellence, we rector Corey Alderdice. student development experiences, are excited to renew our commit“We will continue our commit- expanded partnership networks, ment to fully achieving the vision ment to addressing local needs, and stronger relationships with its for the school, first set in the early maintaining national prominence, most dedicated advocates.
ASMSA Mission Statement in 2025 Strategic Plan