Tangents Summer 2021

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Holden receives NCSSS teacher award Dr. Whitney Holden, a life sciences specialist at ASMSA, received the National Consortium of Secondary STEM Schools’ inaugural Innovative STEM Teacher Award. The award was announced during the organization’s virtual professional conference on Nov. 7. Holden was one of three national finalists for the award. The 2020 NCSSS Innovative STEM Teacher Award celebrates a teacher who works at institutional member schools. The teacher should advance the mission of the member school and STEM education. Each institutional member may nominate only one teacher. NCSSS is a consortium of apDr. Whitney Holden, a life science specialist at ASMSA, leads a camp for biology proximately 100 member high instructors across the state via video. schools, many “ranked” among the best in the country, along with 55 afHolden teaches residential stu- and resume writing. ASRI is funded filiate members (including colleg- dents at ASMSA as well as students by a grant from the Arkansas Naes, universities, summer programs, and educators virtually across Ar- tional Science Foundation Estabfoundations, and corporations) kansas. At ASMSA, she teaches an lished Program to Stimulate Comlocated in 32 states that share the independent capstone research petitive Research (NSF EPSCoR). goals of transforming mathematics, class that develops well-rounded, ASMSA Director Corey Alderdscience, and technology education. scientifically literate students by ice, who also serves on the national “I’m very honored by this recog- focusing on statistical analysis and board of NCSSS, nominated Holdnition,” Holden said in a video on peer-reviewed literature. en for the award. Twitter after receiving the award. “I She also serves as co-director “Dr. Holden is a sterling example love what I do. I also couldn’t do it with Krakowiak for the Advanced of what is possible when faculty alone. I want to take this time this Biology Plus program and the Ar- embrace the mission of ASMSA to school provides a fantastic envi- kansas Summer Research Institute. ignite the potential of students and ronment that really encourages In Advanced Biology Plus, Holden educators across our state,” Alderinnovation in so many ways. Our provides curriculum and training dice said. students are tremendous. They are for Arkansas educators who are “In the classroom, in research, always willing to try new things and teaching Advanced Placement Bi- and in teacher empowerment, she go the extra mile. My colleagues al- ology and their students. leads the way for both her colways bring their ‘A’ game, particuSchools participating in the pro- leagues on campus as well as all larly ASMSA’s Dr. (Patrycja) Kra- gram have seen a larger number of who wish to inspire the next genkowiak who I work with closely and their students who take the AP Biol- eration of STEM innovators.” the many teachers who are enrolled ogy exam receive a passing score — Holden said that being willing to in our biology outreach program.” from 10 percent when the program learn as an educator is important Krakowiak is also a life science began to 40 percent. The program when developing learning opportuspecialist at ASMSA. accounted for one in every eight nities for students. The teacher selected to receive Arkansas students who took the AP “Through my work I have found the award was expected to dem- Biology exam last year. the keys to building truly innovative onstrate how they implemented The Arkansas Summer Research experiences are mentorship, teamSTEM-infused strategies and inno- Institute allows underrepresented work, respect, and a willingness to vation in their classroom that con- groups of students of STEM to learn challenge myself as well as my stunects STEMs to real-world careers technical skills while also focusing dents,” Holden said in a video that that could be replicated by other in- on essential professional skills such was included in her nomination for stitutional member schools. as networking, entrepreneurship, the award. asmsa.org


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