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MBA Lawyers continues to receive reports regarding scammers sending fraudulent emails and obtaining funds. A common scenario is that the client receives an email from the builder’s actual email address, or from an email address which has the same or similar domain name as the builder’s email address, directing the client to pay funds for works using “new” or “updated” bank account details. The client then pays into the different bank account, only to be told afterwards that the builder never sent the email and has not changed bank accounts. The client then claims to have paid for works as directed by the builder and refuses or is reluctant to pay the builder any more money for that payment claim. This scam is also perpetrated on builders in relation to moneys owed to subcontractors and suppliers. The same scenario has also occurred between builders and trades wherever moneys are owed. MBA Lawyers urges members to be vigilant regarding protection against computer viruses and other methods of obtaining personal information such as hacking. Furthermore, and more effectively, members are advised to inform their clients immediately of this danger. Builders should advise their clients that any direction(s) to change bank account details will always be confirmed by the builder by telephone and any such email direction should be treated as suspicious and not acted upon prior to the client receiving that call. In the future, prior to or at the time of contracting, the client should be warned that all apparent directions to pay into a different bank account from the one originally used should always be confirmed via telephone. A simple telephone call by the client to the builder in this situation will most likely prevent any scam from being successful. Members are urged to make their clients aware of this serious issue and implement protective measures accordingly. If you have any queries in relation to this e-circular please contact MBA Lawyers on (02) 8586 3517 or legal@mbansw.asn.au. An Australian government-owned company has launched the country’s first building census which maps every building with a roof area of more than nine square metres. The Geoscape dataset produced by PSMA Australia identifies a total of 15,243,669 buildings. The data set collects information on the location, elevation, height, roof materials and footprint of a building as well as the presence of solar panels, nearby trees and swimming pools. It also captures all land and tree cover across Australia. Analysis of the data shows there are 4,953 buildings that are deemed high rise (more than 35 metres tall). If Australia were a city, it would sit in 7th place among the world’s top 10 global cities with greatest number of high-rises, behind Moscow (11,783); Hong Kong (7,883); Seoul (7,185); São Paulo (6,332); New York City (6,250); and Singapore (5,861), according to figures published on worldatlas.com. The data also shows Victoria has the biggest building in Australia at 187,490 square metres. Queensland has the highest number of buildings deemed to be remote (9,290) while Tasmania is deemed to be the most remote state with 33 percent of its building classified as rural, compared with 22 percent across the nation. The data set is produced by PSMA Australia – a self-funded company owned by governments of Australia. PSMA Australia CEO Dan Paull said, “We’re already seeing Geoscape being used in hugely important ways that will have real-life benefits to millions in Australia. “For example, the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) is currently using Geoscape to identify buildings that may fall within the scope of new combustible cladding legislation. By identifying features like building height and floor area, the QBCC can locate eligible buildings, which is a key step in ensuring building owners are complying with requirements to assess cladding, helping reduce the chance of serious fires.” The data is commercially available to Australian organizations. https://architectureau.com/articles/australias-first-national-buildingcensus-launched/? Video Link: https://youtu.be/GM44TS7rbbs

Roof mapping census
Create raised floors on balconies, podiums and green roof tops

Designed for creating raised floors in external applications, such as balconies, terraces and green roofs, Buzon’s Award Winning Pedestal system can be used with any type of concrete or stone paver, timber decking of all types and metal or fibreglass grid systems.
A key benefit of this innovation is the patented slope correction device. This gives up to five percent fall compensation achieving a perfectly level floor finish, simultaneously allowing for positive water runoff at structural slab level. For even more design flexibility, the system offers height adjustment from 17mm to 1070mm, millimetre by millimetre if required. This allows for unsightly services to be concealed under the floor while still offering access for maintenance of the waterproofing membrane and drainage systems. The pedestals are extremely strong as they are precision-engineered from high strength, UV resistant, recycled polypropylene and capable of supporting loads of more than 1000kg each. At roof level, this load is evenly spread by the wide base area of each unit, making them ideal for installation on any waterproofing membrane without causing damage, they can even be used directly over insulation material. The Buzon Pedestal System is also simple to install. Desired height is achieved by thread adjustment, which is lockable when reached and a range of interchangeable spacer tabs of 2mm, 3mm, 4.5mm, 6mm, 8mm and 10mm, allow for precise gaps between pavers and provide positive drainage without any concern of ponding or flooding. Using the Buzon Pedestal replaces the use of sand and cement when laying pavers, therefore eliminating efflorescence and algae and reducing weight-bearing loads on the building structure. In addition the pedestal also improves thermal insulation and reduces sounds transmission. In commercial urban environments where space is at an ever-higher premium, a building’s roof level is potentially a rich source of usable space. Buzon say their Pedestal System can be used to maximise a roof’s potential, both hiding all manner of services and protecting roof substrates from the elements, maximising integrity and longevity. The Buzon Pedestal System is available in New South Wales through Ausdrain.
For more information contact: Phone: 1300 287 372 Fax: 1300 329 372 Website: www.ausdrain.com


• Use with stone, concrete, timber, composite decking • Use over existing concrete, brick or paved areas • Allows for drainage and ventilation • Reduces noise and increases insulation • Can achieve a perfectly level deck on an uneven surface
• Adjustable heights supporting up to 1000kg • Quick and easy installation • Provides a sustainable solution • Easy access to waterproofing membrane for maintenance
Exclusive stockist of Buzon products in Australia contact:

Head Office (VIC) PASCO
13-15 Brighton Street Richmond VIC 3121 Tel: (03) 9429 9111
QLD Distributor
Adheseal – Brisbane 26 Wolverhampton St Stafford QLD 4053 Tel: (07) 3356 0000
SA Distributor P. Hughes Enterprises 15 Saltram Road Glenelg SA 5045
Tel: 0432 418 255

NSW Distributor
Ausdrain 1/36 Willoughby Road Crows Nest NSW 2065 Tel: 1300 287 372
QLD Distributor
Adheseal – Sunshine Coast 2/18 Kessling Avenue Kunda Park QLD 4556 Tel: (07) 5477 0022
WA Distributor
Civil & General Distributors 27 Oxleigh Drive Malaga WA 6090 Tel: (08) 9249 4733