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The Establishment of a Building Commission in NSW — A Step in the Right Direction
The NSW Premier’s recent announcement by the NSW Government to establish a Building Commission by the end of the year is a significant milestone for the building and construction industry. It aligns with the long-standing policy position of Master Builders NSW and to the power of advocacy.
Over the years, numerous reports and inquiries have recommended the need for an independent building commission in NSW. The Campbell Report in 2002, for instance, highlighted the structural problems within the home building process, including the fragmentation of the regulatory regime. It recommended the establishment of a Home Building Compliance Commission, independent of the State Department of Fair Trading. We supported this recommendation but also argued for a broader scope, encompassing all sectors of the NSW building and construction industry, not just the residential sector.
Our advocacy for a Building Commission has been consistent. We have presented this key policy position for some 18 years, aiming to consolidate the regulation and administration of the building and construction sector in NSW. This consolidation is crucial for delivering efficiencies, eliminating duplication, and ensuring a coordinated approach to building regulation and oversight. easier and ensure consistency and coordination in all jurisdictions. Other state and territory jurisdictions have already taken a coordinated and consolidated approach, recognising the significance of a vibrant building and construction industry.