1 minute read


Upskill today and future-proof your career. Industry licence qualifications and workshops are now available online. For builders, gaining your CPD points has never been easier!

With online learning, students can study at anytime from anywhere. Instead of rushing from work to class, you now have time to go home, settle in, grab a snack, then simply login to learn.

With Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) you can achieve a nationally recognised qualification, without the need to attend classes. Simply follow our RPL kit and provide video and photographic evidence of the knowledge, skills and experience you have.

Our training programs include:

• Builder and trade licence pathways

• Online qualifications

• Recognition of Prior Learning

• Online continuing professional development

• Work health and safety training

Search www.mbansw.edu.au

Qualifications and Licence Pathway Programs

Safety Training and Industry Courses

Professional Development Workshops

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