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Master Builders Association of Victoria 2023 Green Living Conference Building for the Future

The National Construction Code 2022 includes numerous significant changes. The 7 Star and whole of house rating is here. What will this mean and how can you deliver on these most effectively?

With energy costs increasing almost constantly, cost of living pressures and people continuing to work from home there is an increased awareness of energy spending on household budgets. More than ever a well built, energy efficient home that is warm in winter, cool in summer and filled with daylight all year long is critically important. People looking to transition to renewable energy are looking for real information that bypasses all the myths.

The Green Living Conference features industry experts who will explain what it takes to build and renovate for improved energy efficiency and comfort. New methods, materials and appliances are changing the way we build. Take part in question and answer sessions with industry experts for the opportunity to have all your questions answered, as well as product demonstration sessions with the latest information.

Master Builders Victoria is proud to have presented the Green Living Conference for 17 years. Our goal each time is to raise awareness of the development of quality construction trends. The conference focus has always been on linking the information provided to good quality, practical advice and solutions. The result is higher quality construction, healthier living and more energyefficient outcomes for your clients.

This year hear about:

• Building to the Passive House standard

More and more clients are requesting passive houses. Real world examples will take you through the construction process and provide real information about how they perform and the benefits.

• Latest developments in insulation products

The introduction of 7 Star will mean installing the maximum amount of insulation. Learn about the latest developments in insulation products and how to make the best use of them.

• Preventing condensation problems

We are becoming increasingly aware of the need to deal with condensation problems. Hear about the latest research and most importantly how to build to avoid any problems and protect yourself.

• The latest in products for high performance housing

Get the opportunity to talk directly to suppliers and get the answers to all your questions.


• Real world performance and the benefits of high performance housing

• 7 Star and what this means for windows

• Energy efficiency more than just the Star Rating

Date: August 25th

Time: Registration from 8.00 am for 8.30 am start. Concludes 3.30 pm.

Where: Hyatt Place, 1 English St, Essendon Fields

CPD: 7 points

For more information and to register go to www.mbav.com.au

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