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Creating your point of difference with timber mouldings
Skirting boards and architraves have long been an afterthought for many builders, with a quick trip to the hardware store to pick up an off the shelf small profile in a basic design for the fix out carpenters to install. With customers demanding designer choices in new home builds and renovations, along with wall panelling features this approach just doesn’t cut it. There has never been a more important time to ensure you are offering the upgrade options of designer larger skirting, architraves, and wall panelling solutions. The ‘wow factor’ achieved with timber mouldings in undeniable, enhancing the style of the home, and providing a substantial impact on the finished room. Lana, Erin and Bonnie from Three Birds Renovations recently referred to using Intrim skirting as “adding heels to a dress to create immediate impact, style and glamour”. The cost of upgrading designs is not as much as you would think and is a great upgrade profit opportunity for home builders looking to provide a point of difference from their competitors. Time on-site during the fix out is always a consideration when a change is being considered for upgrades, and this is where Fast Trim comes in. Many decorative mouldings require hand scribing the profile to provide a neat finish in corners which can add significant time to the labour required for installation. This specialist carpentry skill is not required for commodity mouldings, which is one reason why Intrim Essentials profiles such as DAR, Half Splay, Bull Nose, Pencil Round and Bevel are so popular. However, with Fast Trim, decorative mouldings are prescribed on precision machines providing a superior quality finish. Intrim even offer a FREE take-off service to confirm the materials requirements and cutting lists to supply cut to length. This means all the hard work is done for you providing even more time saving. Fast Trim pre-mitred architraves can save you up to 55 per cent of your labour time and save up to 45 per cent on prescribed skirtings. The concept of Fast Trim came from Intrim’s founder Fred Quinsey. Fred, a former chippy, understands the challenges faced by builders in Australia and has designed the system to meet those needs. If you haven’t explored Fast Trim talk to the Intrim team for your next project. Wall panelling solutions are very on trend, providing another upgrade option for home builders. Instead of plain plaster walls, the new Intrim Cavetto Wall provides a stunning fluted concave shaped profile that can be painted any colour for a modern to coastal look. Intrim’s VJ Board Pro has proven so popular for Hamptons, Cottage, and Coastal styles Australians just can’t get enough of this look. Another big trend is Wainscoting in both traditional styles for Hamptons and French Provincial styles, in addition to Shaker and board and batten Wainscoting. Intrim are the experts in all types of wall panelling designs and should be your first stop for these products from the vast range of options. There has never been a better time to explore the opportunities that Intrim timber mouldings provide from the Essentials Collection to the Intrim Upgrade options using Fast Trim for skirting, architraves or wall panelling, VJ and timber mouldings. To learn more visit intrimmouldings. com.au or call 1800 622 081.