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◾ Company Name: Conico ◾ Company ASX code: CNJ ◾ Key commodities: Copper, nickel, cobalt, gold & PGE’s. ◾ Key Personnel: Guy Le Page, Executive Director ◾ Locations: Western Australia ◾ Market Cap as of 15/07/22: $42.10M ◾Share price range over 12 months as of 15/07/22: $0.098 - $0.011 ◾ Company Website: conico.com.au
Conico (ASX:CNJ) is positioning investors to capitalise on the delivery of a rich mix of base and precious metals following multiple key advancements to their tenements this year.
The fast-moving mineral explorer has found success in multi-element projects in Greenland and Australia that heavily feature metals critical to the global construction and manufacturing sectors.
The promising Greenland tenements are matched only by Conico’s Mt Thirsty Project (Conico 50%, Greenstone Resources 50%), located in Western Australia’s world-renowned Goldfields-Esperance region, just 16km north of Norseman.
The recent discovery by Galileo Mining Ltd (ASX: GAL) of Cu, Ni and PGE’s only 200 metres north of the tenement boundary has sparked renewed interest in the hard rock potential of the region with a RC and Diamond drilling program scheduled to commence in August of this year.
Following a 2020 Pre-Feasibility Study on the oxide resources, Mt Thirsty has demonstrated its status as one of Australia’s most advanced genuine cobalt projects.
With ongoing discussion around Western Australia’s almost unrivalled capacity to support the lithium-ion battery market, cobalt in particular is presenting a timely and lucrative opportunity for investors.
Conico have hailed the wider Kalgoorlie-Norseman area as a “cobalt region” and the company believes there is potential for more advanced, low capital cost and high-quality cobalt projects.
Greenland has proven to be a particularly exciting opportunity for the Western Australian company and is drawing the world’s attention for its deposits and reserves of rare-earth minerals, gems, uranium, iron ore, oil, and gas.
A geochemical analysis on Conico’s multi-element Ryberg Project also created much buzz after the site was found to be a hotbed of copper, nickel, cobalt, palladium, and gold.
The company moved quickly to pull results from the site after it acquired private United Kingdom explorer Longland Resources and assumed control of the asset in 2020.
Spanning roughly 4521km2 on the east coast of Greenland, Ryberg is an under-explored resource of six significant prospects wholly owned by Conico.
One of the most noteworthy prospects is Sortekap, which delivered the first orogenic-gold occurrence found on Greenland’s east coast.
On July 12, the mineral explorer revealed they had successfully mobilised a field team to the operational camp and were poised to begin drilling activities on key copper, nickel, gold, and platinum group element targets.
Conico executive director Guy Le Page said the company also acquired two more diamond drill rigs to increase their output at the wholly owned Mestersvig Project this year.
“The equipment is in near new condition – it has only been used in 2021 - and is located nearby in Ryberg,” Le Page said.
“Drilling operations at both Ryberg and Mestersvig will therefore be occurring simultaneously until the end of the field season.”
Also located on Greenland’s east coast, the Mestersvig Project is a key zinc-leadcopper-silver tenement that contains the historic Blyklippen Mine.
Conico largely has its eyes on multiple mineralised occurrences along 13km of untested strike length stemming from the notable lead-zinc mine.
Observers agree zinc is on its way to be a hot commodity, since the United States Geological Survey added it to its 2022 critical minerals list and export credit agency EMIX bank provided US$657m in debt funding to develop a lead-zinc project in northeast Greenland.
JUNE 16, 2022: Mt Thirsty Exploration pivots towards PGM’s after Galileo Mining discovers platinum-palladium-gold-copper-nickel hit of 33 metres @ 2.00g/t 3E4 (1.64g/t Pd, 0.28g/t Pt, 0.09g/t Au), 0.32% Cu & 0.30% Ni from 144m, just 200 metres from the tenement boundary of Mt Thirsty. JULY 12, 2022: CNJ Drilling team arrives on site at the Ryberg project (Cu, Ni, Co, Au, PGE’s) in East Greenland and immediately begins drilling activities. Exploration at Mestersvig (Zn, Cu) to follow later in July 2022.