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Garden like a pro
Get stuck in during April for your competition garden with these tips from Mike Wells, The Chronicle Garden Competition Liaison
1Incoolerregions,Aprilisagreattimetoplantafewbulbssuchasbabiana,freesia,muscari, anemone,ranunculus,leucojumandsparaxis.Don’tforgettoenrichthegeneralplanting sitewithqualitycompost,butdon’theavilyfertiliseyourbulbsuntilafterflowering.
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2LateAprilis alsoidealfor planting floweringannuals andbiennials, particularlywhere wintersarecoolto cold.Theseinclude delphiniums, hollyhocks,English daisies, snapdragons, petunias,phlox, andIceland poppies.
3Fertiliseyourlawn withahigh potassium formulation,asthis willhelptostrengthen yourturfforthedrier, coolerweatherthatisa typicalwinterinour region.Andstarttomow atleastonenotchhigher aswell.
4Asthesoilisstillwarmfromthelatesummerheat,it’san idealtimetoplantyourevergreenperennials,shrubsand trees.Thewarmsoilwillstimulategoodrootdevelopment, andthecoolerairtemperatureswillhelptominimiseanynew, frosttendershootsfromappearing.
5WiththeclimateforecastsuggestinganElNino pattern,it’stimetolookatinstallingawaterefficientdripirrigationsystemandmulchingall partsofthegarden.