The CC Challenge 2

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The CC Challenge Armin Eminovic

Practitioner I

Paulo Grangeon’s 1600 Pandas

Practitioner II

Olafur Eliasson’s Ice Bergs, Olafur Eliasson

The Old Research Question

How does the effect of climate change on glaciers, ice sheets, and polar caps affect the animals who rely on these habitats?

The Research Question

How can you get people to donate to a charity without making it feel as if it were a charity?

The Aim of This Project

The aim of this project would be to address the issue of climate change through interactions with the CC Challenge.

The Idea


Create a video Don’t enforce Global Warming Make a fun experience Don’t make it feel like a charity case

Planning Phase -

Demonstrate Editing Skills that grabs attention Create a Kinetic Typography video Record Challenge Footage Put the videos together and finalize challenge

Design Phase

The Reasoning

The reason is to entice people to donate to Climate Change charities. “Climate change is no longer some far-off problem; it is happening here, it is happening now.” Barrack Obama “We have a single mission: to protect and hand on the planet to the next generation.” Francois Hollande


- Create something that stands out - Use word of mouth and Social Media to deliver the message. - Create a fun experience for people to try

Bibliography “15 Quotes On Climate Change By World Leaders”. 2016. World Economic Forum. agenda/2015/11/15-quotes-on-climate-change-by-world-leaders/. “Climate Change”. 2015. Givingwhatwecan.Org. “MND Australia - Ice Bucket Challenge – #Everyaugustuntilacure”. 2016. Mndaust.Asn.Au. MND-Australia-archive/Ice-Bucket-Challenge-(1)/Ice-Bucket-Challenge-FAQ-s.aspx. Olafur Eliasson’s Ice Bergs, Olafur Eliasson, 2013, Installation view of EXPO 1, Photo, New York. Paulo Grangeon’s 1600 Pandas, Paulo Grangeon, 2014, Photgraph, Hong Kong. environmental-art_n_5585288 Trade Journal, Konstantin Y Vinnikov. 1999. CMD Group, Vol. 72, Iss. 250. Arctic Region. “Researchers blame global warming for melting giant ice cap.”Global Warming; Research. 72 Journal Article, Konstantin Y Vinnikov, 1999, CMD Group, Vol. 72, Iss. 250, Arctic Region, “Global Warming.” Global Warming; Research., 78

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