Getting better treatment is always wanted for a lot of reasons. The physician who releases your health complications with a few medicines without giving a box of medicines is an excellent practitioner. Armstrong Street Medical Park is providing the same kind of treatment to the patients with a friendly ambiance. The eminent male and female practitioners are available to serve for the patients with their great effort.
Why trust the medical center? There are a lot of reasons for which health care unit becomes reputed. This is an AGPAL accredited General Practice center. So, the service quality is committed to AGPL association has to maintain for all time. The patients can rely on it for their quality health care with full confidence. Beside this, the patients will get:
The doctors are dedicated and friendly. They have years of experienced in their respected category. Affordable treatment All modern treatment facilities are available. The accommodation for the patients and the reception for the followers of the patients are really appraisable. Benefits of medical insurance is available here Visa and MasterCard, direct cash-payments, etc. are available for fee payment. The discount benefits for the patient below 16 years of age and the pensioners are available here. Online and phone appointment booking facilities are available. The dedicated general practitioners:
To win over the harsh competition of the age, the Armstrong Street Medical Park always hires experienced and quality practitioners. You will get a dedicated team of doctors and nurses to get perfect care for your patients. The dedicated team consists of following doctors:
Dr. Noel Leon
Dr. Noel Leon
Dr. Noel Leon is a general practitioner. He is an MBBS, and DRACOG (Diploma of Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists). He established the health care unit with the intention of providing the best health care for the local people. He also wanted to establish a friendly practice. Being graduated in 1991 from the University of Queensland, he started practice. More than 10 years of experience in both Private Emergency Department and Public Sectors. He is also graduated from the University of Queensland and certified in Primary Care Skin Center Medicine. He has a diploma in Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. He has an ardent interest in general practice. Moreover, he has an interest in practicing general family medicine, women’s health, pediatrics and men’s health, etc. Besides these, he shows interest in Travel Medicine, Varicose Veins, Skin Care, Sports Medicine and all types of Preventive Care. He is available from Monday to Saturday.
Dr. Trudy Madsen
Dr. Trudy Madsen
Dr. Trudy Madsen is a female doctor of Albert Park, who is an MBBS and a DRACOG. She is one of the highly experienced general practitioners of the medical care unit. In 1995, she graduated from Adelaide University Medical School. In her 21 years’ of experience, she has 12 years’ working experience as a county GP. She has a diploma on DRACOG. Dr. Trudy Madsen has a high interest in practicing as a general physician. She wants to practice in all aspects of family health care. Being a family care practitioner, she takes care of Older People's Health, Women and child health, Sexual Health, Travel Medicine and Skin Cancer Checks. She is available from Monday to Friday.
Dr. Merryn Wild
Dr. Merryn Wild
She is a GP counselor. She is an MBBS, BMed Sc. and also an MBA and a ULT. She has a working experience in taking care of mental health. She is also a renowned lecturer in University of New South Wales and the University of Melbourne. She guides and suggests for the mental health maintenance in working environment. She focuses on psychological problems like stress, anxiety and depression. She advises how to change behavior, and get more productive life.
Dr. Amra Ukera
Dr. Amra Ukera
She has an MBBS (Adel.), FRACGP, DRANZCOG and DFFP. She is graduated in 1999 from the University of Adelaide Medical School. She is a renowned female GP in South Melbourne. She has a diploma in Obstetrics of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
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Why choose us? We provide the best medical care for the patients. We also provide the best medication for the whole family at an affordable cost. All our eminent and experienced doctors offer you the best ever services for your complete family care.
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