What is an Annuity Insurance? By The Annuity Report 2011
What is an Annuity Insurance
Basic Concept: When you buy an annuity, you are essentially loaning your money to an insurance company, and they contractually commit to give you a return on that money plus certain guarantees. An Annuity is like buying insurance For your money- You buy the credit rating and claims paying ability of the Insurance company, and buy their contractual guarantee to give you back your money plus a rate of return. That sounds pretty simple, right? Well it is, to a point but‌ There are literally hundreds of Insurance Companies offering Annuities. There are more annuity varieties than Baskin Robbins flavors. Contractual obligations vary widely between products and companies. Often it is very hard to tell just what the annuity in question is, making a true apples-toapples comparison very difficult without a base knowledge of how the products work. Our Five Critical Decision Tools section details the key factors you should understand about any particular annuity contract, so you can make the best decision for your unique situation. As an additional note, annuities are an insurance product and as such are regulated by each state’s insurance commission, which proves to be an excellent resource for information on the various companies and products available in your state of residence. Unfortunately, however, not all products are available in all states. What is an Annuity Insurance