Arnaud Greder - Portfolio 2019

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Arnaud Greder Junior Architect

P O R T F O L I O Professionnal and student work


Mine head frame, Mine shaft Rodolphe- Arnaud Greder

[ Foreword ]

This portfolio is about my early professional work experiences and my work done during my studies at ENSA Paris Val-de Seine. Accros a 6 months internship and 8 months working as an architect, my final year project and some work done as a student, this book enables you to evaluate as fast as possible the conceptual and drawings skills I’ve aquired. I hope that you’ll be able to see my motivations and my abilities of commitment and adaptation. Moreover I hope that you’ll enjoy going throught this condensed and selected book.

Arnaud Greder

adress : mail


3 rue de Reims,



68100 Mulhouse, France


: 06 48 39 08 00

instagram : arn_gdr


[ Table of contents ]

. FUAA, (Formats Urbains Architectes Associés)

. p.06

Mulhousen . FREAKS, Freearchitects

. p.10

Paris . The « éco-carreau » Rodolphe,

. p.16

final year project - ENSAPVS) Paris/Elsass


. p.26

(Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris Val-de-Seine), student work Paris


Arnaud Greder - Oct. 2018/ July 2019 - FUAA Associates : Pierre Lynde

FUA A For mats Urb ains Arch ite c te s Ass o ci ĂŠ s Architect [professional work]

Inside view of a kindergarten competition , Leymen- Arnaud Greder/FUAA 6.

- FUAA, Schools in Leymen -

Axonometric projection of a kindergarten/primary school competition , Leymen- Arnaud Greder/FUAA 7.

- FUAA, Schools in Leymen/Mulhousen -

Axonometric projection of a middle school competiton, Mulhousen- Arnaud Greder/FUAA

FUAA has been based in Mulhousen since 2006 and has made some important local work through these years. The office is particularly implicated in the renovation of a huge textile industrial area (DMC) into office spaces, climbing gym or restauration places. They are also specialized in the construction/renovation of schools. The size of the office allowed me to be in contact with everybody on the team and take a look at projects on different stage of evolution, from sketches to constrution sites.


- FUAA, Middle school in Mulhousen -

Elevation of a middle school competition, Mulhouse - Arnaud Greder/FUAA

In parallel of my main work on the rehabilitation of two abandoned buildings (an orphenage and an elderly house) into a new housing program of 32 and 64 units, I worked on the refurbishment of a presbytery and a proposition for a community center/fire station. I’ve also participated in three competitions (two schools and a student housing) in Elsass.

Elevation of a middle school competition, Mulhouse - Arnaud Greder/FUAA 9.

Arnaud Greder - Nov. 2017/ May 2018 - FREAKS Associates : Yves Pasquet, Cyril Gauthier, Guillaume Aubr y

FREAKS Fre e archite c t s Graduate Internship [professional work]

The FREAKS’ trio, © FREAKS


- FREAKS Freearchitects -

The 6 month long internship made in order to validate my diploma was a very special transistion time between my student and professionnal life. I had a great opportyunity to join the team led by Yves Pasquet, Cyril Gauthier and Guillaume Aubry in their Parisian office : FREAKS. They are young and talented architects who value the process of teaching to other and doing great things in a healthy and very positive environment. With a large spectrum, through architecture, design, art and exhibition they have a really openminded attitude that allows them to adapt quickly and be very efficient during the design process. Immediately thrown in the specific emulation of the competition I was able, thanks to the teaching and trust of the three partners, to express myself freely and participate actively in different ongoing projects. The following documents are 99% drawn by myself entirely, but are always coming from productive discussions with the team.

Mass plan, ThÊâtre Nanterre/Amandiers -

Arnaud Greder/FREAKS


- FREAKS Freearchitects, Théâtre Nanterre/Amandiers -

Cross section perspective of the « light version », Théâtre Nanterre/Amandiers - Arnaud Greder/FREAKS

Cross section perspective of the « major version », Théâtre Nanterre/Amandiers - Arnaud Greder/FREAKS

Inside view of the « light version », Théâtre Nanterre/Amandiers - Arnaud Greder/FREAKS 12.

- FREAKS Freearchitects, Théâtre Nanterre/Amandiers - -

Inside view of the « major version », Théâtre Nanterre/Amandiers - Arnaud Greder/FREAKS 13.

- FREAKS Freearchitects, Paris Gare du Nord -

Axonometric projection of the cultural project and plans for the hotel, Gare du Nord - Arnaud Greder/FREAKS 14.

- FREAKS Freearchitects, Hermès -

Axonometric projections of the Hermes project - Arnaud Greder/FREAKS 15.

Arnaud Greder - PFE 2017 - ENSAPVS - DE « Écologies » Prof. : Xavier Lagurgue, Sonia Cortesse, Pierre Léger, Antoine Mauffay, Martine Bouchier

D’r* c ar re au R o dolphe, *the

abandonned industrial area in Elsass:

The « éco-carreau » Rodolphe obtained with honors and was exposed at the exhibition «architect@work» (2017,Paris)

[final year project]


- The «éco-carreau» Rodolphe, final year project -

This final year project perfectly represents the finality of my studies in Paris. On this industrial blank field I’ve been able to experiment some of the social and ecological thoughts that I’ve acquired during these critical years. Within the choice of the materials, the programs or the ability of the mass plan to organise everything into a resilient system, this project was able to use every existing spaces and to connect them with new ones in a sensible and responsible way. The site itself represents a significant part of the local history, and could turn into a very powerful entity for the future. For further information about this project you can look at searching for « Rodolphe Arnaud Greder »(in French).

Project site : Le carreau Rodolphe - Arnaud Greder


- The «éco-carreau» Rodolphe, final year project -

1. 2. 6. 7. 8.



1. Espaces du musée

7. Logement tourisme/travail

2. Halle de marché, restauration et entrée du carreau

8. Espace sportif

3. Production agricole en aquaponie

9. Gestion énergétique

4. Production agricole en permaculture

10. Traitement des eaux de pluies et dissolution du terril

5. Transformation des produits cultivés

par phytoépuration

6.Espaces de coworking


- The «éco-carreau» Rodolphe, final year project -


1. 3. 1. 10.



Axonometric projection of the urban project - Arnaud Greder


- The «éco-carreau» Rodolphe, final year project -





1. 6.


4. 7.


9. 8.



Floor plan of the urban project - Arnaud Greder

100 m

- The «éco-carreau» Rodolphe, final year project -

Axonometric projection highlighting the different journey- Arnaud Greder


- The «éco-carreau» Rodolphe, final year project -


Plan and elevation of the new markethall - Arnaud Greder


- The «éco-carreau» Rodolphe, final year project -

Exploded axonometric projection showing the new parts of the project - Arnaud Greder


- The «éco-carreau» Rodolphe, final year project -


Plan of the offices inside the existing building and elevation of the new markethall - Arnaud Greder


- The «éco-carreau» Rodolphe, final year project -

View of the new markethall with the existing building in the background- Arnaud Greder


Arnaud Greder - 2011/2016 - ENSAPVS Prof. : Denis Lenglart, Elisabeth Essaïan, Dominique Brard, Ludovic Vion, Philipe Zourgane

E NSA P VS (E cole Nat iona l e Sup ér ieu re d’Arch ite c ture de Par is Va l -d e-S eine) short selection of documents (bachelor-master)

Paris / Bagneux / Bordeaux / Saint-Denis / Clichy [student work]

Cross section in axonometric projection of the metro station, Bagneux -


Arnaud Greder

- Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris Val-de-Seine -

Plans of the metro station, Bagneux -

Arnaud Greder

The future metro line in Paris will be a great feature for the « grand Paris ». Due to all the existing lines and underground infrastuctures in Paris’ suburbs, the new stations have to be constructed far above the ground. We tried here to fill the huge empty spaces resulting from the construction constraints. The objective was to experiment an underground place where people could find still attractive spaces to do sports such as climbing, playing basket-ball, squash or classical workouts in between their personal and professional life.


- Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris Val-de-Seine -

Work spaces

16x 60m² modules

Exercise tower


Residential apartments

Exchange and exhibition space

Artistic journey Sport journey Vegetal journey


- Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris Val-de-Seine -

Existing gym renovated and extended 700M²+2000M²



Head office of FAYAT

«Deschamps» Sequence of the « parc aux angéliques » Floating pool 2000M²

Axonometric projection of the urban project, Bordeaux -

Arnaud Greder


- Ecole Nationale SupÊrieure d’Architecture de Paris Val-de-Seine -


- Ecole Nationale SupÊrieure d’Architecture de Paris Val-de-Seine -

Transformation of an abandoned train maintenance building into housing units, Saint Denis - Arnaud Greder

Puppet theatre, Clichy - Arnaud Greder 31.

P O R T F O L IO Professionnal and student work

to be continued ...


Mine head frame, Mine shaft Rodolphe- Arnaud Greder

Arnaud Greder - Junior Architect Architecte DE : ENSAPVS, Paris

In this book you’ll find a condensed and selected portions of the work I’ve done during my studies at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris Val-de-Seine as well as during my professional experiences in Paris and Mulhousen. I hope it will properly show you my abilities and passion for architecture and also my dedication to my work. Don’t hesitate to take a look at my website ( or visit my issuu page (Arnaud Greder) were you’ll find more information about my final year project and other works. You can reach me at any time for further information through my personal details below.

adress : mail


Mulhouse, France




: 06 48 39 08 00

instagram : arn_gdr

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