NGO "Eko forum" Zenica our activities 2008-2013

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NGO "Eko forum" Zenica our activities 2008-2013 presented by Samir Lemeš president

Eko forum Zenica 

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Organization established in December 2008, at the initiative of the group of citizens. Reason: the enormous pollution after restarting integral steel production in ArcelorMittal Zenica. Organization is a non-political, non-governmental, non-profit. The main goal is to strive for: the protection of the environment, legal compliance in the environmental policy and business operations which endanger the environment, and the principles of sustainable development in the Zenica-Doboj Canton. Since the beginning, we cooperate with other relevant national and international organizations, in order to achieve our goals.

Basic principles 

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Actions towards environmental revitalization of BiH and the capacity building of local institutions, organizations and businesses in the process of European integration, in accordance with international environmental standards. Advocacy for raising and developing environmental awareness and commitment to protecting the environment. Tolerance. The fight against all forms of discrimination in context of achieving environmental rights. Democracy and Social Development.

Our first activities ď ˝

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January 2009: Calling all Zenica environmental forces, citizens and NGOs to come together in a unified front to protect the environment in Zenica, due to the alarming level of pollution and carcinogenic elements in the air above the Zenica. February 2009: Comments on the plan of Activities with measures and deadlines for gradually reducing emissions (Pollution) and for compliance with Best available technology for plants and facilities of ArcelorMittal Zenica.

Environmental permits for AMZ  

The deadline for issuing environmental permits for existing installations was 2008. According to the national Law on Environmental Protection Federation, the deadline for permit issuance is 120 days from the date of application. Federal Ministry issued the environmental permits for ArcelorMittal plants after long delays (some permits were 3 years late) While waiting for permits, plants operated without any legal obligations and legal mechanisms.

Air monitoring 

February 2009: Assesment of air-monitoring results: In only 9 days, hourly average concentration of SO2 (500 μg/m3) was exceeded 9 times (allowed annual limit is 24 times). Daily average concentration of SO2 (240 μg/m3) was exceeded 3 times (allowed annual limit is 7 times) Daily average concentration of PM10 (100 μg/m3) was exceeded 4 times (allowed annual limit is 7 times).

Bankwatch ď ˝

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May 2009: NGO Bankwatch visited Zenica in order to control the 25M eur loan from EBRD, which was granted to ArcelorMittal for project of increasing energy efficiency and environmental protection. The first meeting with management of ArcelorMittal, where we received promises about answers to our questions (plan of activities, results of internal monitoring, ...)

Water pollution 

August 2009: New pollution incident uncontrolled discharge of coal dust in the waste water into the river Bosna. Although they initially denied responsibility, the investigation has found exclusive liability of ArcelorMittal Zenica. December 2009: web page

First response 

21.12.2009: First written response from ArcelorMittal:   

The company suffers strongly from global recession Measurement results are not available publicly, they have sent them to authorities. Environmental projects will be mostly realized before 2011

First spontaneous civil protests 

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March 2011: Declared support to spontanous civil protests Local authorities recognized as sluggish and indifferent Citizens dissatisfied with constant excuses for pollution and false dillema "employment OR clean air". Authorities responded with excuses instead of proposed solutions.

Central heating is environmental problem  

July 2011: Open letter on the ocasion of 25% increase in central heating price Increased costs lead to reduction in the number of users and indirectly in air pollution. We supported the proposal of heating from Thermal power plant Kakanj (price: 21 instead of 41 KM/MWh)

Public debates 

October 2011: Participation in the public debate for the strategic documents of the Municipality: Development Strategy of Zenica for 2012-2022 and the Waste Management Plan for 2011-2016 Cca 10% of our proposals were taken into account. May – October 2011: Multiple requests to Federal Ministry to deliver us information on emissions from installations for which they issued environmental permits (under article 33 of the Air Protection Law). No response.

Privatization agreement 

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May – October 2011: Multiple requests to Federal Government to deliver us information about duties from Privatization agreement concerning environmental projects (35+65+35+60 millions of USD until 2014). Answer from Privatizaton Agency: "Not our jurisdiction." Answer from Federal Ministry of industry: "We don't have them, ask the Ministry who issued the permits."

Winter episodes of high pollution 

December 2011: Request from Ministry for education of ZDK, to prolong the winter school holidays for one week, and to organize transportation of students to nearby mountains and holiday resorts. No answer, we have heard from media that they will not do it, since "it wasn't planned". BH government cannot deal with causes, nor to remediate consequences of air pollution.

Phytoremediation in Tetovo

600 trees less in Zenica ď ˝ ď ˝

March 2012: Initiative to remediate consequences of deforestation along the new road. Still waiting for realization of their promises.

Let's do it  

April 2012: New premises (Metalurg city center), meetings, workshops, seminars, projects October 2012: Saving action "Let's do it" – in 14 days we managed to organize the action instead of organizations who failed after 6-month preparations. November 2012: As authorities failed to react to increasing pollution (election year), we warned them to wake up or we will organize protests.

Composting (project with schools)

Massive protests   

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December 2012: The massive protests under the moto "We survived the war, we will survive you as well" We are waiting 3000+ days for the solution 10.000 participants Requests sent to five addresses. Requests fulfilled only partially.


First larger project 

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January 2013: EU IPA project "Effective action" started with 5 NGO's from Tuzla, Sarajevo, Lukavac, Zenica and Zagreb (Croatia). Capacity building, public participation, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources July 2013: Response to poor national environmental report. Only EU officials responded.

Protests. Again  

November 2013: Report about health effects of air pollution prepared by cantonal government. December 2013: The new air monitoring equipment used for the first time to pronounce the alert episode. Protest indoors.

Lawsuits 

January 2014: Requests from "indoor protests" sent to 6 addresses. They have legal obligation to respond within 30 days. Planned activities with lawyers and attorneys in prepapartion of lawsuits against polluters and corrupted authorities. For these lawsuits we need solid proofs.

For ecologically sustainable Zenica

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