Annex B MUNICIPALITY OF PRESIDENT ROXAS B ALANCE SHEET TRUST FUND As of June 30, 2012 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS CASH Cash on Hand Cash in Vault Cash-Disbursing Of f icers Cash in Banks-Local Currency Cash in Bank -Local Currency , Current Account Total Cash RECEIVABLES Receiv able Accounts Due f rom Of f icers and Employ ees Inter-agency Receiv ables Due f rom NGAs Due f rom LGUs Total Receivables TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS PROPERTY , PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (Net of Depreciation) BUILDING Of f ice Building Hospitals and Health Centers OFFICE EQUIPMENT, FURNITURE AND FIXTURES Of f ice Equipment Furniture and Fixtures IT Equipment and Sof tware CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS Public Inf rastructures/Ref orestation Projects Construction in Progress -Roads, Highway s and Bridges Construction in Progress - Waterway s, Aqueducts, Seawalls Riv er Walls and Others Construction in Progress - Other Public Inf rastructure Total Construction in Progress Total Property, Plant and Equipment TOTAL ASSET LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES
19,018.00 47,400.00 1,724,422.06 1,790,840.06
118,138.15 184,628.44 502,866.59 2,293,706.65
990,713.50 22,300.00 34,490.00 48,400.00 28,000.00
3,171,859.44 963,464.00 6,705,281.28 7,829,184.78 10,122,891.43
Pay able Accounts Accounts Pay able Inter-Agency Pay ables Due to BIR Due to Other NGAs Due to LGUs Intra-Agency Pay ables Other Liability Accounts Perf ormance/Bidders/Bail Bonds Pay able Total Current Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES EQUITY Gov ernment Equity - Beg. Adjustment to Beg. Bal. Adjusted Beg. Bal. Add: Retained Operating Surplus: Current Operations Prior Y ear's Adjustments Less: Transf er to Registry Public Inf rastructures Ref orestation Projects Prior Y ear's Adjustments Government Equity, June 30, 2012 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY
1,470,892.76 816,379.37 883,545.72 6,907,032.83
45,040.75 10,122,891.43 10,122,891.43
Certif ied Correct:
ANALYN B. AGONACE Municipal Accountant 1