WeiLand: An NCTC British Literature Publication - Fall 2020

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WeiLand An NCTC British Literature Publication

December 11, 2020 Dear Reader of Digital Magazines, As our project ran into its final week, I signed on (2020 brought delightfully digital classes out of necessity should you have forgotten) to find the group fervently creating on the whiteboard in the classroom mentioning things like internment camps and a civil dictatorship. I..um…was a little concerned at that point. The idea was to experience Colonial literature, reflect on how difficult it is to create change within systems where people with different ideas exist, and then to create a society that would start off on a better foot than we did. Simple, right? In expressing my concern, many came to bat for the idea of Alex Weiland leading the new nation of WeiLand. And as you’ll see in the pieces that follow, there is a seriousness with this idea. It took a different turn than I had planned. I didn’t image when designing the challenge that we would have a publication filled with QR codes. My mind ran to various different types of pieces from poetry to songs, from plays to movies, from essays to political manifestos. Beyond my short intro, you’ll find a few pieces that establish the ideas in words and imagery, but mainly you will be invited to enter the WeiLand Video Vault. Inside you will find people asking their fearless leader for permission to create the changes that they see fit. You will see the dictator himself. You will hear ideas both bit a small,

well defined and vague. But, in the end, I think that they grasped the intimate difficulty of creating change when serving others is the goal. What more could I have asked for? So, reader, or should I say viewer?, enjoy what comes now. Questions alongside them and make something new that is incredible. What are you waiting for? Change is possible. In the name of progress and hope, JA

Matthew Best THE CONSTITUTION OF THE JUDICIAL AUTHORITY OF THE WEILAND Preamble TO the end that a civil government and constrained judiciary be upheld, we of noble blood, in order to secure unto posterity the land of their fathers, their right to law and to its right practice, give our name and dignity to establish this Constitution of the Judicial Authority of the WeiLand.

Article I - The Judiciary Section I - Branch and Election All judicial power and certain legislative powers of the State shall be vested within the head of one Supreme Court, being the Supreme Justice, from such time as they should be appointed til death, should the head of the Supreme Court retain a good manner, and shall be elected in the year of the ratification of this Constitution by the nobility of each district elected by the people, being they which hold in excess of five acres of land. Section II - Powers of Interpretation and Criminal Trial The Supreme Justice shall have the power to interpret all manner of law within the Judicial Authority of the WeiLand, State and local, in matters of this Constitution, treaties withforeign nations, all elected officials excepting himself, the military, and laws of districts that be subordinate to the State. Matters of criminal offences shall be judged by a jury elected by the Supreme Justice, and shall 5

in no way be checked or reviewed by the Executive Powers. The Supreme Justice shall have the power to declare war. Section III - Rights of the Accused In no ways shall the Supreme Justice be granted power to deny the people their right to trial, the selection of a jury, information concerning the nature of a crime they have committed against the State, or to the protection of their property til warrant be issued by reason of evidence by the State in such a case as might result or has already resulted in detention, or in their defamation or harm, else they be subject to court-martial and imprisonment or execution by the Lower Court. Section IV - Legislative Powers The Supreme Justice shall have the power to create law which should pertain strictly to the matter of State punitive action against any criminal which should infringe on the rights of the State in an act of Treason, to the naturalization of any persons seeking entry into the Judicial Authority of the WeiLand, the establishment of a single court within each district of the Judicial Authority of the WeiLand, the election of two judges to each of three quarters of district courts chosen at the discretion of the Supreme Justice every two years proceeding the signing of this Constitution, and the doctrinal qualities of conscripts of the armed forces that shall not include that of military officers or the number of either officers or conscriptions. The Supreme Justice shall have the power to regulate State education and entertainment, and shall not infringe on the powers of Parliament to regulate their respective national markets. 6

Article II - The Legislature Section I - Branch and Election Certain legislative powers of the State shall be vested in a Parliament of delegates of the choosing of nobles, one from among the nobility of each district, the election of which shall be held in the year of the ratification of this Constitution, five years proceeding, and every ten years proceeding that year, or when a member of congress shall die or be subject to punitive action by the Supreme Justice or the Executive Powers for criminal offense or Treason. The number of delegates within Parliament shall not exceed the number of districts within the Judicial Authority of the WeiLand. Section II - Powers of Legislation Generally and in the Military The body of the legislature, being Parliament, shall vote on the creation of laws that shall pertain to all manner of State law, being primarily the regulation of a limited number of markets in the economy of the Judicial Authority of the WeiLand, being the technology, transportation, education, entertainment, and prisons, to the exclusion of agriculture, making no special provision for any member of Parliament within such markets. Parliament shall vote on the creation of laws that shall pertain to the conscription of the armed forces with respect to their quantity, shall make no appointment of military officers excepting for the two Executive Powers, being Consuls, which shall be elected from among the armed forces, and shall not infringe on the right of the Supreme Justice to determine the quality of those conscripted. 7

Section III - Election of District and Supreme Judges and Ambassadors Parliament shall procure two judges to preside over each of one quarter of district courts every two years proceeding the signing of this Constitution, shall elect a Lower Court from any district to the trial of Treason or criminal offense against the Judicial Authority of the WeiLand by the hand of the Supreme Justice brought by the Executive Powers, and shall elect a Supreme Justice that shall neither be from among the delegates nor shall have given to them financial aid of any kind five years prior to the election when a Supreme Justice should die. Ambassadors shall be elected by Parliament from among its delegates and from among the noble electors. Article III - The Executive Section I - Branch and Election All executive powers of the State shall be vested in two Executive Powers, called Consuls, elected in the year of and every ten years proceeding the ratification of this Constitution, or when one of the Consuls shall die or be subject to punitive action by the Supreme Justice or Parliament upon being found guilty of committing a criminal offense or Treason. Section II - Military Personnel and Conscripts All military personnel and conscripts shall take an oath to defend this Constitution and those to whom it is given, shall be subject to commands given by Consuls or those directly under the Consuls, and shall be subject to increase or decrease in rank on the authority and discretion of the Consuls. 8

Section III - Punitive Action and Warfare Consuls shall make provision for an internment camp and annual State plans for prison maintenance and employees, such being under the direct command of the Consulary. Judgements passed from the Supreme Justice in matters of punishment of the convicted and warfare shall be obeyed by the Consuls on pain of death, lest the Consulary appeal to Parliament and find by way of the judgement of the Lower Court the Supreme Justice guilty of Treason or criminal offense in his command. To the end that the Consulary uphold the judgements of the Supreme Justice, the people shall be required to keep and bear arms kept to the standard that the Executive Powers should choose. Article IV - Citizenry and Amendment Section I - Rights of the People The rights of the people, enumerated, are those to Habeas Corpus, to keep and bear arms, to the free use of speech and belief which does not seek to commit Treason against the State and its heads, to property, to the prevention of unwarranted search and seizure. Section II - Annexation Should lands be controlled by the Judicial Authority of the WeiLand which are not controlled by the same at the time that this Constitution should be ratified, they shall be subject to those laws which are then in place throughout the WeiLand, and Parliament shall be given the power to divide such lands into districts to which the Supreme Justice shall have the power to elect two district judges to each district added to the WeiLand. 9

Section III - Amendment Should the need arise that this Constitution be found insufficient to the needs of the State and the people together, an amended draft of this Constitution may be presented to the Supreme Justice and to Parliament for ratification by a special majority of three fifths of Parliament, approval from the Supreme Justice, and a majority of the popular vote. Section IV - Definition of Eligible Noble Electors Nobles that shall elect delegates to Parliament shall be elected by a convention of the people of each district from among those citizens that own land in excess of five acres.


Zeke Dunlap As Patriot Leader of WeiLand I am in charge of anything and everything that has to do with the symbols of not only the great nation of WeiLand but also the ideals and beliefs of the people of WeiLand. I created the flag of WeiLand, however I do not know what happened to it after finishing the drawing portion of it somebody said that they would do the coloring so I handed it off, I don’t know where it ended up nor do I know if it was finished and colored. That was one of the main things that I was put in charge of and I sadly can’t show that to you, but if somebody posts a picture of it as part of their assignment just know that I designed and created that. I was originally going to be in charge of Agriculture along with Hailey and I was going to be in charge of Farming while she was in charge of livestock and ranching, because I work on a farm and I have the most knowledge of it in the class. However as I was saying it somebody shouted out that I was in charge of drawing the flag because and I quote “Zeke’s good at drawing, he can do it.” So I will submit the mascots and symbols of WeiLand. Although this sounds accusing I actually did have a fun time with this project, drawing and discussing the society that we have created so thank you for this experience.


WeiLand’s mascot The Beautiful and Loyal Golden Retriever, represents our nation becuase of Alex’s loyalty to us and our loyalty and need for approval for our leader Alex. WeiLand’s seal The seal is on the flag, it shows Dictator Alex wearing a hoodie, shorts and Air Jordan shoes which he often wears holding up the earth. This represents the lighthearted workbased nature of the nation, while also showing our leader holding up the world to represent the control he has, the importance of his job, and the humble upbringing of his athletic past. WeiLand’s national motto Hakuna Matata, No worries for the rest of your days because of our low costs for everything and our dependence on our nation we have no need to worry because our leader and society will survive and flourish. WeiLand’s national bird The independent scavenger Vulture, although they are seen as trashy like our nation who also uses dead bodies to sustain ourselves (as fertilizer) we rely heavily on scavenging.


WeiLand’s national flower The beautiful yet dangerous Rose, although its majestic we are also deadly with a strong military. WeiLand’s national tree Osage Orange(AKA Horse Apple Tree), although it often gets animals drunk its still a great tree to make bows out of which represents our military presence.


Alex Washburn


Gracie Perryman and Harper Mulkey


Hayden Moussa

This type of law enforcement is needed to control the peace in the colony. If I were in control of this system within our government, I would oversee the training and recruitment of officers, as well as, be in charge of disciplinary actions towards the officers. When an action is taken that isn’t breaking the law but is breaking the code of conduct. When being sworn in as an officer. Domestic Law Enforcement is needed to provide justice for the colony and give the people a sense of protection.


Siera Cypert and Claire Porter

In our society we all had a role to play. When the citizens pass away what would you do with their body? That’s where we come in. We take care of them after they pass on. We work side by side with the Agriculture System and the Health System. When a person dies then their family will have the option of a funeral. A week after their death their body comes into our control. We have our own canoe to travel the canals and send the body bags to where they need to go. Everyone is required to be an organ donor, so after they die we send them to the healthcare buildings. After they have taken the organs needed then we will go pick up the bodies. Their next stop is to the agriculture system to be recycled and become fertilizer to help make sure the land is bountiful. By giving back to the Agriculture system we will ensure that cows and such will be a constant food source for the society. The reason we are needed is because we don’t just want bodies lying everywhere and stinking up our world and making it gross.


Alexa Garner and Sydne Jones



WeiLand Video Vault

Alex Weiland

Alex Washburn


Alexa Garner & Sydne Jones

Austin Bengston


Caitlyn Brown

Chloe Poole


Claire Porter & Siera Cypert

Cordie Ford


Dallas Howard

Riley Jackson


Gracie Perryman & Harper Mulkey


Hailey Crumpton


Haley Vanzuiden & Averee Tipton


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