The D.I.Y Blog
ho are these strange people? Why do they spend so much time immersed in this crazy new fashion? Why do they use the language that was once so beautifully created in a way that is so bogus and outlandish? Who knows why they act in this weird way, do they know that they do it themselves, or are they trapped in some sort of delusional language this (apparently) great, social networking wave has brought us? Am I hallucinating, or are the next generations going to become these animalistic status addicts? These foul, idiotic beasts of the social networking empire destroy the everyday normality of public conversation. Dead behind their screens, they talk nonsense, and state pointless facts and events within their own lives for other people they may or may not know, to judge them. These densely populated sites have got to a point where if you’re not part of them, you’re abnormal and unfashionable. Any status could spark absolute mayhem, or it could be used to send a political message, or maybe a joke, the decisions are endless with what to fill that empty text box with. So this is my aim, which I hope will make you think about the power of this text box called ‘Update Status’, and the change that is happening to this intelligent race because of it. This zine is to show you, the target audience and the subject matter, what is been written on a daily basis on social networking sites, leaning mainly towards Facebook. I want you to be able to understand the mind and attitude of these attention-seeking modernists and the way they use these sites to express feelings, explain situations, or just randomly write rubbish and why they are telling people this. Are these mad, social network addicts actually lonely people, looking for friendship, attention, humor and an answer to their miserable lives? Or is this an idiotic movement in a worldwide online culture that we will all have to learn and use in the future? Ill let you decide from these random statuses, whether we are slowly becoming clones of these fools, or will this madness end. Enjoy.
hope you have found viewing the statuses I have found on my own Facebook account as interesting, humorous and entertaining as I did. I hope it has made you think the way I think every time I look on my homepage, which is filled with statuses and even images, videos, etc. made up of absolute nonsense. My prediction is this; the generation I am part of, and the generations after me will only type endless, idiotic, pointless statuses as time goes on. So Facebook and other social networking sites should ban abbreviations and have spell and grammar checks on their sites. Not only will this educate the dole dossers, who failed the education system and just sit on these sites all day. It could also save the beautiful English language we once all spoke. The English language is the most recognizable language in the modern world. We descended from people such as William Shakespeare and Rudyard Kipling to people now using words like ‘LOL’ and ‘LMAO’ to explain reactions, say short sentences etc. If you believe yourself to be one of these people, I hope this magazine has made you change the way you think about what your doing, and made you change your type style on the internets powerful social networking sites. If you’re just a reader that agrees with my view on this problem, then I thank you, if you don’t like my view, then you’ve just wasted more time looking at statuses… strange person.
The statuses in this book have not been edited or exaggerated by myself or anyone else for comical effect. I found them that way.
Special thanks to Facebook, my Facebook friends and The Entire Social Network Empire.
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