Top 20 Ways to Use Essential Oils for Various Purposes!! Pure essential oils have a lot of wonderful health benefits. It can cure many physical and mental disorders naturally. 1. Sore feet are treated by soaking feet in peppermint essential oils along with pinch of Epsom salt foot bath. 2. Oregano oil is known to boost immune system. Rub 2-4 drops of essential oils on the bottoms of feet. 3. Get relief from painful menstrual cramps by mixing Basil, Clary Sage or Rosemary oil mixed with four parts base oil. Massage this blend into abdomen. 4. Mix two drops of peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender essential oil. Massage this oil behind ears, neck, forehead and nose for soothing headache.
5. To open nasal passage, inhale the vapour of lavender and eucalyptus essential oils. 6. Make your own hand sanitizer, by mixing equal parts of Eucalyptus, Cinnamon, Clove, Lemon, and Rosemary oils diluted in water. Avoid Germs While Traveling. 7. Prevent hair fall with Hops flower, Burdock Root, Ginger, Thyme, Lavender, Rosemary, Yarrow oils mixed with carrier oil. 8. Lavender and Tea tree oils are used as disinfect on cuts and abrasions. Dilute the essential oils before usage on sensitive skin. 9. Rosemary and Juniper oils have detoxifying effects. 10. Protect your skin from darkening due to summer sunburn. Mix one part of Myrrh oil, Carrot oil, and two parts Jojoba oil 11. Reduce Fever by adding equal parts of essential oils of Sage, Eucalyptus, Pine, Peppermint and Rosemary oil to a bath. 12. Eucalyptus, Sage, and Basil oil can relax tired muscles.
13. Say bye bye to Insomnia by sprinkling Chamomile and Lavender oils on pillow at night. 14. Invigorate your office with Ylang Ylang, Basil, Orange and Jasmine essential oil blend added to a diffuser. 15. Create an aromatic environment in living room/bathroom by using Chamomile, Cedarwood essential oil in a diffuser. 16. Eliminate lingering food odor with Clove, Citrus oil and Cinnamon spice oils. 17. Dissolve stubborn components such as chewing gum, wax, oil or glue with Lemon essential oil. 18. Wash fresh fruit and preserve its freshness with Grapefruit essential oil. 19. Remove Mites from Bed linens with a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil mixed with water. 20. Deodorize your refrigerator with Grapefruit, essential oils after cleaning or added to baking soda.