Tsangaron portfolio2015 print r

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tsang aron wai chun. [PORTFOLIO]

SELECTED WORKS 2011 - 2015





Master of Architecture [Distinction]/ University of Hong Kong/ 2011 - 2013 Bachelor of Arts (Architectural Studies) [First Class Honors]/ University of Hong Kong/ 2007 - 2010

- Intr o d u c t i o n/ Pe rso na l S t a t e m e nt -

[PERSONAL STATEMENT] Born, raised and based in Hong Kong.

tsang aron wai chun. introduction

Architecture is a progressive act - the continual motion, if not transformation, of physical, e.g. object-subject distance, and metaphysical dimensions, e,g, values and emotions. Hence, the last thing I would like to do is to construct any unanimated piece of object as so-called ‘architecture’.


Progressive development happens, in fact, always during the design process. All my works are the results only from intensive trial-error design process. Many of them are the continuation of previous projects, but under a different context and subject, hence circumstantial. The underlying principle of my ideology remains the same - architecture remains as a process. Tsang Aron Wai Chun received his MArch and BA(AS) from University of Hong Kong with Distinction in 2013. He has previously worked in the offices of Rocco Design Architects HK, iArc Architects Seoul.

- I nt ro d u c t i o n/ C o nt e nt -

[ACADEMIC WORKS] top left: PLAY_GROUND/ 2012/ MArch I/ University of Hong Kong/ Tutor: Jason Carlow/ p.03-16 top middle: HERE AFTER/ 2013/ MArch II/ University of Hong Kong/ Advisor: Eric Schuldenfrei/ p.17-32 top right: BOUNDARIES/ 2012/ MArch I/ IUAV Wave Workshop/ Tutor: Elena Konstantinidou/ Collaboration with Nam Wu/ p.33-38 bottom left: HOLLOWNESS/ 2011/ MArch I/ University of Hong Kong/ Tutor: Jonathan Solomon/ p.39-44 bottom right: THE PLATAEU/ 2012/ MArch I/ University of Hong Kong/ Tutor: Kristof Crolla/ Collaboration with Buzz Yip, Carol Lau/ p.45-48

[COMPETITION WORKS] left: SEEDS OF MEMORY/ 2013/ Collaboration with Carol Lau/ p.4956 middle: THE ROOTS/ 2014/ Collaboration with Carol Lau, Kenton Lam, John Tso/ p.57-62 right: THE SPINE/ 2013/ Collaboration with Carol Lau, Alfred Chan/ p.63-64

[PROFESSIONAL WORKS] top left: M+ Museum/ 2014/ TFP Farrells, Herzog and De Meuron, ARUP/ p.65-68 middle: RMT BUILDING/ 2013/ IArc Architects, Seoul/ p.69-72 right: DATA CENTRE/ 2010 - 2011/ Rocco Design Architects Ltd., Hong Kong/ p.73-76 bottom left: THE FISHING BRIDGE/ 2014/ Collaboration with Alison Chan June Yee/ p.77-80


tsang aron wai chun. introduction

middle: THE GRADUANDS/ 2013/ 15mins/ Collaboration with Archilles/ p.81-84 right: TIME-SLOT/ 2012/ 40mins/ Collaboration with Archilles/ p.8588


academic work 01

PLAY_GROUND Honorable Mention International Architectural Thesis Awards 2013 Dialogue

Published on Recorder: HKU Papers Vol.2 2013


Honorable Mention Gurroo Innovative Minds Competition 2012

[PROJECT INFORMATION] 2012 MArch I University of Hong Kong Tutor: Jason Carlow

[PROJECT OVERVIEW] Taking a very challenging yet excitingly interesting, Dharavi, for this design project, it is easy yet difficult at the same time. Easy in a way that numerous issues are available and obvious to deal with, such so pollution, tight living space, poor hygiene etc. However, difficult in another hand since the fabric is extremely delicate. A slight wrong touch could result in a domino destruction in the complicated yet homeostatic balance of the huge community system as a whole. My project deals with spatialization of the roof top layer, which is in fact currently being used for various functions by the dwellers. A new spatial structure would be deployed above the fabric, providing them basic infrastructural advancements. The structure, provided their 5x5m grid, anticipate the dwellers below to construct and add their own components to serve their needs. These personal add-ons fill in the middle gap (roof layer before) as a multi-functional mass, on the other hand, in a way benefit the whole community by knitting a new free public ground on top. All in all, it is a structure that allows people to play with unprecedented ways, generating unpredictable ground.

[back: Final Model]

tsang aron wai chun. academic works

- a c a d em i c wo rk/ 01 / PLAY _ GR O U N D -



2012/ MAr c h I/ Un i ve ri st y o f H o ng K o ng / T u t o r: J a so n C a rl o w -

[MANIFESTO] The ground is filthy, congested, uninhabitable. It is out of question that any human being should live there. We, However, adore the density, so we retain it. We adore the extensive yet subtle connections, so we even amplify it. Here, we introduce a layer, a ground. A clean and humane ground.

We are providing opppurtunities for voluntary creation to begin, giving them rights to construct what they desire, and that is a habitable ground. [top: Overal Rendering] [left: Production Units Spatial Diagrams]

tsang aron wai chun. academic works

We intervene with their fabrics, but not destroying it.



tsang aron wai chun. academic works


2012/ MAr c h I/ Un i ve ri st y o f H o ng K o ng / T u t o r: J a so n C a rl o w -

[TYPOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT] A hovering structure is designed to be deployed into the site in a growing manner. The structure incorporates various basic infrastructural functions, e.g. drainage, ventilation, light diffusion, public void etc.

Types of creations could be in a wide variety, depending of the structure-roof height (the intermediate layer), the programmes below the grid. [left top: Structural Model] [left bottom: Site Map] [above: Typological Diagrams]

tsang aron wai chun. academic works

The bottom of the structure consists of a 5X5m grid that allows dwellers below to start their creation on the structure.


tsang aron wai chun. academic works

- a c a d em i c wo rk/ 01 / PLAY _ GR O U N D -


[above: Phase-Growth Diagrams]


2012/ MAr c h I/ Un i ve ri st y o f H o ng K o ng / T u t o r: J a so n C a rl o w -


Each end of the modules incorporate a sunken clear-span area that serves as a public void for functions to begin, and also as a connecting tissue for the next module to appear and connect.

[above: Components Collage Typologies]

tsang aron wai chun. academic works

The structure is based on a module of a neighborhood block size, e.g. 30X30m, with at least 4 columns touching ground as structural support.


tsang aron wai chun. academic works

- a c a d em i c wo rk/ 01 / PLAY _ GR O U N D -



2012/ MAr c h I/ Un i ve ri st y o f H o ng K o ng / T u t o r: J a so n C a rl o w -


After the erection of structure, the dwellers below slowly infill components on the grid and participate in the construction of this new habitable ‘play-ground’

[above: Exploded Axonometric Drawing]

tsang aron wai chun. academic works

The structure, theoretically, could be expanded infinitely as cellular growth in all directions.



tsang aron wai chun. academic works

tsang aron wai chun. academic works



tsang aron wai chun. academic works

tsang aron wai chun. academic works


academic work 02

HERE AFTER Grand Prize D3 Unbuilt Visions Competition 2013 2013 Honorable Mention eVolo Skyscraper Competition 2014 2014 Certificate of Excellence Perspective Awards 2013 - Architecture (Student) 2013 Silver Award of Merit SARA NY Design Awards 2014 Nominee RIBA President’s Medal Awards - Student Silver Medal (Part 2) 2013 Published on ‘What is the Future of Architecture? II’ 2013

[PROJECT INFORMATION] 2013 MArch II University of Hong Kong Advisor: Eric Schuldenfrei

[PROJECT OVERVIEW] The project involves a soon-to-be exhausted copper mine, Ruashi mine, in Lubumbashi, D.R.Congo. By the time 2020, the mine would be left as an huge urban void next surrounded by the rapidly expanding city. Embracing the ‘left-over’, e.g. the mine, waste soil and sulfuric acid from acid mine drainage, from the former copper production, I see it as an oppurtunity in creation and continuation. By first implementing a machine that reutilizes the waste soil as a neu- tralization agent to the sulfuric acid, while at the same time through erosion generating unique raw building blocks that would be used to construct new public spaces on-site. As the machine operates, starting from the South end, the remained structures from the former neutralization process would be reconfigured as an university campus. Throughout the process, it embraces its own ‘left-over’ from various ‘former’ processes, the ‘left-overs’ that are embedded, imprinted with memories and narratives - an architecture that anticipates, responds to and records time flow. [back: Axonometric at 2045]

tsang aron wai chun. academic works

- a c a d e m i c wo rk/ 02 / H ER E AF T ER -



2013/ MAr c h II/ Unive ri st y o f H o ng K o ng / Ad vi so r: Eri c S c hu l d e nf re i -

[THESIS STATEMENT] A newly completed building may express the architect’s aspirations in its pristine state, however, would immediately subject to numerous forces that slowly bring it down. While we commonly ignore, or even deny, such natural process, namely decay, through great effort of maintenance, there are always too many unforeseeable and unpredictable agents that lead our endeavor in vain. While decay is a natural and inevitable phenomenon, why don’t we embrace it and see it as an opportunity?

[left top: Lubumbashi Mine Life Analysis] [left below: Material and Components Life Time Flow Diagram] [above: Ruashi Mine Google Image from 2005 - 2013]

tsang aron wai chun. academic works

I see material and building aging not as a deterioration process, but indeed a process of how the materials and components change their norms and meaning through time. Like wine accumulating value through time, so could architecture gains an additional layer of value, e.g. textural, spatial effect or even memory, through weathering and usages.


- a c a d e m i c wo rk/ 02 / H ER E AF T ER -


tsang aron wai chun. academic works

So that is the point where my implementation begins, of embracing this ‘leftover’ landform from the former copper production.


There are 2 main agendas for me to react to at the initial state: 1. resolve the hazardous impacts of the AMD 2. make use of the vast open landscape at the prime location at the city, allow it to regain its potential value and give it back to the city at large. The programs would first involve a neutralization machine and a gypsum factory that through neutralization of the acid produces unique building blocks and also gypsum by-products.

[above: Collage Map of Ruashi Mine at 2020]


2013/ MAr c h II/ Unive ri st y o f H o ng K o ng / Ad vi so r: Eri c S c hu l d e nf re i -

[top: Section across Ruashi Mine at 2013 & 2020] [below: Masterplan at 2020]

tsang aron wai chun. academic works

Slowly along time and location of the operation, a university campus would grow through re-utilization of the former machine structure, while a few pieces of large public spaces would be constructed from using the eroded building blocks from the neutralization process.


tsang aron wai chun. academic works

- a c a d e m i c wo rk/ 02 / H ER E AF T ER -


[above: Operation Diagram of the Machine]


2013/ MAr c h II/ Unive ri st y o f H o ng K o ng / Ad vi so r: Eri c S c hu l d e nf re i -

[THE MACHINE] The machine consists of a horizontal layer with 4 stratifications, silo track, conveyor track, catwalk circulation and the reaction belt. With the vertical retractable cranes as well.

From the reaction, the block would be eroded into designated forms but with unique texture, while the gypsum by-product released would be pumped back to the factory on the other end to manufacture gypsum products.

[above: Foam Erosion Physical Testing Models]

tsang aron wai chun. academic works

So the operation of the machine at first mix the lime and waste soil to the compression chamber to produce the raw earth blocks which is then dipped into the sulfuric acid for neutralization to occur.


tsang aron wai chun. academic works

- a c a d e m i c wo rk/ 02 / H ER E AF T ER -


[above: Detail Section of the Machine]


2013/ MAr c h II/ Unive ri st y o f H o ng K o ng / Ad vi so r: Eri c S c hu l d e nf re i -

[PHASED DEVELOPMENT] 5 different stages have been depicted throughout the operation over a span of 30 years starting from 2020. Each stage undergoes various operations in reaction to the progress of the acid mine drainage and the resultant landform. a. The relocation of neutralization operation areas, which moved from the south to north end along the contour. b. The extension of retractable cranes that reach the rim of the eroded landform. c. The replacement of silo track structures as basic modules attaching to the vertical cranes to house campus programs.

e. Slow invasion of the middle circulation layer with additional partitions using the copper compression chambers and gypsum products in establishing the generic slab for campus programs. [above: Section Diagrams of Phased Development, 2020 - 2045] [above: Axonometric Diagrams of Phased Development, 2020 - 2045]

tsang aron wai chun. academic works

d. The translocation of eroded earth blocks for construction of public programs.



tsang aron wai chun. academic works


2013/ MAr c h II/ Unive ri st y o f H o ng K o ng / Ad vi so r: Eri c S c hu l d e nf re i -


The auditorium encompasses and demonstrates the potential of using the eroded blocks as both shelter and textural substances in creating spaces with unique spatial experiences. [left: Interior Render of the Auditorium] [top: Sectional Model of the Auditorium, Scale 1:150] [beolow: Perspective Section of the Auditorium at 2025]

tsang aron wai chun. academic works

The auditorium make use of the resultant eroded earth blocks from the neutralization process, with post manufacturing involving carving out individual edges in suiting the program’s needs.


tsang aron wai chun. academic works

- a c a d e m i c wo rk/ 02 / H ER E AF T ER -



2013/ MAr c h II/ Unive ri st y o f H o ng K o ng / Ad vi so r: Eri c S c hu l d e nf re i -

[RESOLUTION] In conclusion, the thesis explores the potential of seeing acceptance and embracement of decay of architecture as part of the design process.

[above: Perspective Section of the Machine at 2030]

tsang aron wai chun. academic works

Through respecting the varying conditions of material and component that changes over time, re-appropriating them with different norms, as a result to create a piece of architecture, that embedded with unique spatial and textural qualities that could never be achieved without the passage of time.



tsang aron wai chun. academic works

tsang aron wai chun. academic works


academic work 03


[PROJECT INFORMATION] 2012 IUAV Wave Workshop Tutor: Elena Konstantinidou Collaboration with Nam Wu

[PROJECT OVERVIEW] Venice is a city of negatives. The public life, which is the utmost vitality of the city, is attributed by the activities happening on the lanes, streets, squares and campos - the ‘negativities’ of the city. We wish to extend this motto of Venice into our site. In referencing 4 different campos of different characters in Venice, we try to compose the site as a series of campos, in which each is bounded by different shapes, scales and programmes, that are linked up by the users’ routes - the public and the artists.

[back: Final Rendering]


tsang aron wai chun. academic works


2012/ IUAV Wa ve Wor kshop / Tu t o r: El e na K o nst a nt i ni d o u / C o l l a bo ra t i o n wi t h N a m W u -

[TYPOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT] These two groups of users have different pre-scripted routes in nevigating the area. The public descends into the below ground of the 1st gasometer area and slowly move across the site in programmatic speed increment, reaching the climax and the seaside plaza. The artists, who are living in the housing block in the site, enter in another private entrance.

[left: Site Map] [above: Typological Development Diagrams]

tsang aron wai chun. academic works

The two groups of users intersect at various conjunctions along the paths. These junctions are the locations for the campos to situate. Based on the immediate programs, ground patterns, sizes and shapes, the campos would develop into different characters, contributing to the variety of the area.


tsang aron wai chun. academic works

- a c a d e m i c wo rk/ 03/ B O U N D AR I ES -


[top: Detail Assembly - Artist Dormitory] [below: Detail Assembly - Library]


2012/ IUAV Wa ve Wor kshop / Tu t o r: El e na K o nst a nt i ni d o u / C o l l a bo ra t i o n wi t h N a m W u -

tsang aron wai chun. academic works

[top: Library and Artist Dormitory Plans] [below: Overall Section]


academic work 04

HOLLOWNESS Published on ‘The Architecture Asia 2011’ 2012

[PROJECT INFORMATION] 2011 MArch I University of Hong Kong Tutor: Jonathan Solomon

[PROJECT OVERVIEW] Critique at the precedent study, the Canton Tower, its singular dominating iconic object, the enclosed ground condition and weak skin-core relationship, trying to propose a new vertical organization in structural and architectural possibilities. The ground would now be punctuated by pilotis from the tower structure, but opening up a hollow space in the middle like a public arena. The pilotis not only act as the structure, but also as a node generating, diverting flows of people and, in some extent, scripting their activities.

[back: Analog Model]


tsang aron wai chun. academic works


2011/ MAr c h I/ Unive rsi t y o f H o ng K o ng / T u t o r: J o na t ha n S o l o m o n -


[left: Analog Model] [above: Analog-Digital Model Analysis]

tsang aron wai chun. academic works

Carrying on the same logic of a precedent study of Canton Tower, the remaining site is further punctuated with different ‘rod’ like acupuncture generating differentiated flows and activities around the tower, while the tower serves as a public gathering ground.



tsang aron wai chun. academic works


2011/ MAr c h I/ Unive rsi t y o f H o ng K o ng / T u t o r: J o na t ha n S o l o m o n -


[top: Structural Typological Development Diagram] [below: Ground Site Strategy]

tsang aron wai chun. academic works

The transformation that providing the structural reinforcement ribs at the bottom and upper layer. The surface ‘pleatings’ creates a combined linear skin profile at certain positions along the height of the tower, allowing reinforcement of structure along these locations, while still keeping the tower as a hollow standing tube structure.


academic work 05


[PROJECT INFORMATION] 2012 MArch I University of Hong Kong Tutor: Kristof Crolla Collaboration with Buzz Yip, Carol Lau

[PROJECT OVERVIEW] By analysing the 3-dimensional surface of the topography of any site, since provided the site is Tai Tung Mountain, we try to control a habitable platform always maintaining a horizontality by 3 servo-motors’ rotation angles. In addition to providing an always horizontal platform, the plateau as we call it, the enclosure would be another aspect to tackle with. By connecting data from Ecotect, sun paths could be analysed. The retractable framework we designed for the enclosure would directly respond to the calculated sun angles in real-time response, so as to provide shade as well as maximum openings for ventilation in the pavilion.

[back: Final Model]

tsang aron wai chun. academic works

- a c a d em i c wo rk/ 05/ T H E PLAT EAU -


[top: Plans & Sections of Final Model] [below: Responsive Diagram]


2012/ MAr c h I/ Univer sity of Hong K on g / T u t o r: K ri st o f C ro l l a / C o l l a bo ra t i o n wi t h B u z z Y i p, C a ro l La u -

tsang aron wai chun. academic works

[above: Testing Models & Final Model Details]


competition work 06

SEEDS OF MEMORY Shortlisted Lung Tsun Stone Bridge Remnants Design Ideas Competition 2014

[PROJECT INFORMATION] 2013 Lung Tsun Stone Bridge Competition Collaboration with Carol Lau

[PROJECT OVERVIEW] Hong Kong with only around 150 years of history, Lung Tsun Stone Bridge no doubt marks an important significance. Not only it is a landmark in the historical perspective, but, more importantly, also an crucial linkage between the old Kowloon Wall City and the future Kai Tak Development geographically. This is a site of history and contemporary growth together in one place. Passive observation by passer-by is the last thing we wish to happen. We hope that through constructing an ever-changing structure on the site could respond to these archeological remains and encourage public engagement with them - An architecture that embraces and animate history, while bridging the continuity to the future.

[back: Rendering at 2025]

tsang aron wai chun. competition works

- c omp etiti o n wo rk/ 06/ S EED S O F MEMO R Y -


[from top to bottom: 2015, 2025, 2035 Renderings]


2013/ Lu ng Tsu n Stone B ri d g e C o m pe t i t i o n/ C o l l a bo ra t i o n wi t h C a ro l La u -

[MATERIAL CONTINUITY] Observing the remnants, we realized Stone has been an important artifact in the 19th/early 20th century Hong Kong that served as a foundation of our followed prosperity. We wish to utilize the this significance of material artifact as the major component in bridging our past, present and future. Bamboo, instead of concrete, on the other hand, is the most significant material since the 60s. It has acted as an indispensable material for building scaffolding the pre-requisite of all buildings. Hence, bamboo, in fact, is the signature material of our modern times, even to current date.

Hence, these are the three major material components we used in bridging our history, present to the sustainable future. [Past - Stone; Present - Bamboo; Future: Vegetation]

[above: Typological Development Diagram]

tsang aron wai chun. competition works

Followed by the exponential growth of the city, we finally realized that we had been exploiting nature and vegetation. In order to pursue a sustainable future and development for Hong Kong, plants and vegetation, would no doubt be the most indispensable element in supporting our city from now to the foreseeable future - vegetation is the new stone.


tsang aron wai chun. competition works

- c omp etitio n wo rk/ 06/ S EED S O F MEMO R Y -


[above: Masterplan at 2015 - Initial Stage]


2013/ Lu ng Tsu n Stone Bri d g e C o m pe t i t i o n/ C o l l a bo ra t i o n wi t h C a ro l La u -

tsang aron wai chun. competition works

[above: Masterplan at 2035 - Flourish Stage]


tsang aron wai chun. competition works

- c omp etiti o n wo rk/ 06/ S EED S O F MEMO R Y -



2013/ Lu ng Tsu n Stone B ri d g e C o m pe t i t i o n/ C o l l a bo ra t i o n wi t h C a ro l La u -

[DESIGN STRATEGY] Initial Stage - Bamboo would be recycled from the scaffolding process, which truly marks traces of presence on the material. A series of bent bamboo modules would be installed along the corridor, following the Lung Tsun Stone Remnantsall over the length. The modules not only protect the stones from extreme weather, but, more importantly, also draw people in the corridor and generate public engagement and programs, through various typologies, with the historical remains Vegetations are planted in-between the knots of each bamboo modules and supported by the underground water irrigation system, which also serves as a water feature on the site. Growth Stage - Slowly through time the vegetations grow and break apart the knots of each bamboo module, which releases them to stand back upright positions. This creates an ever-changing experience of the Preservation Corridor. The operation is expected to begin at the center part, in respond to the development of underground shopping street and the upper N-W building plot, and slowly spread to both ends.

[above: Typological Development Diagram]

tsang aron wai chun. competition works

Flourish Stage - Over 20-year, alongside with the completion of the new Kai Tak development, the Corridor is anticipated to be flourished with the planted vegetation surrounded by a bamboo forrest. We wish this green corridor could serve as a breathing spot and oasis in our dense urban fabric.


competition work 07



Competition Entry Budapest Ethnography Competition 2014


[PROJECT INFORMATION] 2014 Liget Budapest Ethnography Museum Competition Collaboration with Carol Lau, Kenton Lam, John Tso

[PROJECT OVERVIEW] This Museum of Ethnology, namely ‘The Roots’, would be more than merely a display of collection of mankind’s creativity and the pursue of beauty in form of artefacts, it would be a journey for people to experience thousand years of human civilisation and understand that we have always been, and still are, a part of the nature. Mankind may be categorised into various genre, e.g. skin colour, origins, language etc. Yet we believe though we may all begin from different origins and culture, we would sooner or later return to the same root - the Nature. Our vision is through the Museum as a vehicle to tell the stories of different mankind histories of civilisation coupled with a carefully planned dramatic spatial experience sequence to shed a light on the visitors in hoping that they would be enlightened and comprehend this simple, yet often neglected, truth of our mankind existence.

[back: Interior Rendering]

tsang aron wai chun. competition works

- c ompe t i t i o n wo rk/ 07/ T H E R O O T S -


[top: Floor Plans] [bottom: Sectional Perspective]


20 1 4 / Lig et Bu d a p est Ethnog r a p hy Mu seu m C o m pe t i t i o n/ C o l l a bo ra t i o n wi t h C a ro l La u , K e nt o n La m , J o hn T so -

[THE SPATIAL DRAMA] The Museum is governed by the central idea of the experience of approach through circulation route. We have assigned different scenarios, hence moods, and roles for the visitors to be exposed at different moments throughout the museum.

[top: Axonometric Overall Site Plan] [below: Development Diagrams]

tsang aron wai chun. competition works

The general flow for the visitors begin from the ground landscape - The Wanderer, then enter dispersedly from number of cores to the West and East lobbies - The Spectator. Ascending to the main exhibition floor where the exhibition halls are spread over in generating free flow of circulation - The Searcher. Following their ‘Search’, they enter the central dome displaying permanent exhibitions and ramping down - The Follower. Eventually reaching the central courtyard as a dramatic meditating space for them to rethink what they have seen from the exhibitions and, hence, comprehend a new understanding and role as mankind in the nature.



tsang aron wai chun. competition works


20 1 4 / Lig et Bu d a p est Ethnog r a p hy Mu seu m C o m pe t i t i o n/ C o l l a bo ra t i o n wi t h C a ro l La u , K e nt o n La m , J o hn T so -

tsang aron wai chun. competition works

[top: Elevations] [middle: Longitudinal Section] [below: Overall Bird-eye Rendering]


competition work 08


Finalist Tai O Twin Bridge Design Competition 2013

[PROJECT INFORMATION] 2013 Collaboration with Alfred Chan, Carol Lau

[PROJECT OVERVIEW] Taking the significance of ‘Chinese Dragon’ as a symbol of strength and good luck, and also echoing the celebration of the annual Dragon Boat event, the metaphor of Dragon has been used in the concept of design. The metaphor of Spine would, in fact, have two folds of meaning. First, since Tai O has been one of the most prosperous and oldest village in Hong Kong, it could be said as being the ‘spine’ of the development of Hong Kong. Second, as one of the foremost projects in the revitalization process of Tai O, this new bridge is considered as the ‘spine’ for the future rebirth of Tai O. Fascinated by the almost bottom-up construction of the village, especially the stilt houses in adapting the physical environment, the bridge is designed in sections of wooden frame in which is human-scale and possibly be put together by the villagers themselves. The wooden frames are then primarily connected and suspended by tensioned steel cables running through resulting into an elegant form.

[back: Presentation Board]

Herzog & de Meuron, TFP Farrells, Ove ARUP & Partners HK

professional work 09


[PROJECT INFORMATION] 2013 - 2018 Architect: Herzog & de Meuron, TFP Farrells, Ove ARUP & Partners HK Location: Hong Kong In Construction

[PROJECT OVERVIEW] Following an international competition, the celebrated Swiss architecture firm of Herzog & de Meuron, working with Hong Kong-based TFP Farrells and Ove Arup & Partners HK, has been selected to design the M+ building. Scheduled for completion in 2018, the approximately 60,000 squaremetre scheme will create an iconic presence for M+, and Hong Kong, on the museum’s site overlooking Victoria Harbour.

[back: Exterior Rendering]

Herzog & de Meuron, TFP Farrells, Ove ARUP & Partners HK

Herzog & de Meuron, TFP Farrells, Ove ARUP & Partners HK


2013 - 2018/ Her z og & d e Meu r o n, T F P F a rre l l s, O ve AR U P & Pa rt ne rs H K / H o ng K o ng -


[top left: Axonometric Circulation Diagram] [bottom left: Overall Section] [right: Floor Plans]

tsang aron wai chun. professional works

I have joined the team since early 2014, in which the beginning of Detail Design Stage and participated extensively in galleries and public spaces design and modelling, statutory coordination and submissions, tendering package submission etc.


iARC Architects

professional work 10


[PROJECT INFORMATION] 2013 - 2015 Architect: IArc Architects Location: Perth, Australia In Construction

[PROJECT OVERVIEW] Comissioned by the company RMT, a new extension of office blocks will be planned to construct in the site behind the existing office building. A free-form phelan-weimer light steel structure is constructed to achieve the extraordinary cantilever. While the two bottom podiums would be the only points in supporting the floating mass above in order to be seen in the surroundings.

[back: Exterior Rendering]

tsang aron wai chun. professional works

- p r of essi o na l wo rk/ 1 0/ R MT B U I LD I N G -


[above: Construction System Diagrams]


iARC Architects

2013 - 2015/ I Arc Arc hi t e c t s/ Pe rt h, Au st ra l i a -

iARC Architects

[CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING] To meet the schedule of construction and due to the difficulty of unordinary steel structure of the floating mass, extensive studies had been carried out in deciding the most effective way of construction. [FLOATING MASS STRUCTURAL DESIGN]

[top: Interior Renderings] [below: Tetrahedral Joint Detail]

tsang aron wai chun. professional works

Extensive studies had been paid in designing the tetrahedral steel joints of the phelen-weimer structure of the floating mass. As well as the construction of the lower podium supports to connect the floating mass to the ground.


Rocco Design Architects Ltd

professional work 11


[PROJECT INFORMATION] 2010 - 2013 Architect: Rocco Design Architects Ltd. Location: Hong Kong Completed

[PROJECT OVERVIEW] HKEx Next Generation Data Centre is located at the Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate . The new Data Centre will be a fivestorey state-of-the-art I.T. facility consists of data halls and office space with a total approximate floor area of 31,400 sq.m. The new building is expected to open in the fourth quarter of 2013.

[back: Exterior Rendering]

Rocco Design Architects Ltd

Rocco Design Architects Ltd

Rocco Design Architects Ltd


2010 - 2013/ R o c c o De si g n Arc hi t e c t s Lt d . / H o ng K o ng -

[RESPONSIBLE DUTIES] I entered the team in mid-2010 during my year-out experience in rocco Design Architects Ltd. I participated from the conceptual design stage to the beginning of construction and end of interior package tendering, by mid 2011.

[top: West Elevation] [Middle: External Works Tendering] [Below: External Works Details]

tsang aron wai chun. professional works

. 3D Model Building/ . Graphical Representation/ . Meeting with Clients/ . Coordination with Consultants/ . Meeting Suppliers and Sourcing Products/ . External Work Design/ . Facade Design/ . Interior Fitting Design/ . Tendering Package Preperation


professional work 12


[PROJECT INFORMATION] 2014 Design Proposal for Zeng Chu-An Village, Xiamen Urban Design Workshop Collaborated with Alison Chan June Yee Completed

[PROJECT OVERVIEW] Urban design workshop collborated with Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Chung Shan University and Xiamen University. The workshop was conducted by Xiamen government in a bid to improve the condition of Zeng Chu-An village, one of the most famous art and cultural district developed from a previous fishing village. The design proposal involved a bridge linking the village entrance to the seaside across a 6-lane road. The bridge was inspired by the former fishing village and the wooden structural

[back: Overall Rendering]

tsang aron wai chun. professional works

- p r of essio na l wo rk/ 1 2 / F I S H I N G B R I DGE -


[from top to bottom: Fishing Bridge Renderings]


2014 / Colla bor a tion w ith Al i so n C ha n Ju ne Y e e / Ze ng C hu - An Vi l l a g e , X i a m e n -


[left: Entrant Plaza Rendering] [top: Axonometric Drawing] [Below: West Elevation]

tsang aron wai chun. professional works

The fishing bridge is anticipated to bring forth 3 major advantageous to the village. First it helps to draw people to and fro the seaside as an addition major attraction. Second it establishes an iconic gateway before entering the village. And lastly it opens up and establishes two main public squares at either side of the entrance of the bridge.


film 13


[PROJECT INFORMATION] 2013 Genre: Drama Length: 15mins Collaboration with Archilles

[PROJECT OVERVIEW] Immersed in studio, we desperately spend our lives in paying effort on seemingly aimless creations. We found ourselves in the limbo of trial and error cycles, desperately as it may seem so. This is a film about an architecture student who followed the paths of any other architectural students would do, a typical student in the midst of ‘creation’. Video Link: http://vimeo.com/75635460

[back: Screen Capture]


tsang aron wai chun. films


2013/ Dr a ma / 1 5m i ns/ C o l l a bo ra t i o n wi t h Arc hi l l e s -

[CENTRAL IDEAS] Frustration comes from time to time. Happenings that are not initiated by oneself, neither by anyone else, they just happen.

Accept the neutrality of events in your life. Accept the reality then you would be enlightened.

[left & above: Scene Cinematic Shots]

tsang aron wai chun. films

You could never blame happenings, no wrong in anyone, they are just neutral. And so, you resort to yourself, you question about your personality, your talent, your choices. You become furious, regretful, upset and finally, hopefully, accepting.


film 14


[PROJECT INFORMATION] 2012 Genre: Sci-Fi Drama Length: 45mins Collaboration with Archilles

[PROJECT OVERVIEW] A film production, in which I took part as the director, collaborated among our graduating class during our final year. The setting was a dystopiac future of a absolute controlled tyrannic society, as metaphor of our repeatedly reproducting current day, if not major sectors of architectural development, society. It is a fictional story that how a normal worker in this world relaize its aspiration of life through various discourses and happenings from the surroundings and collegues. All scenes were shot around our studio, in which we reconstruct the whole alternative world as a montage. The locations were picked that aimed to arouse our memories of our everyday routine working day and night in the studio.

Teaser Link: http://vimeo.com/76061590

[back: Screen Capture]


tsang aron wai chun. films


2012/ Sc i-Fi/ 4 5m i ns/ C o l l a bo ra t i o n wi t h Arc hi l l e s -

[PLOT INTRODUCTION] The Globe has become a unified single nation in the very near future. Individualism has been forgotten long ago, if not had been a taboo and non-existing.

Individualism has ceased to be existing. ‘I’ am only the second-hand chasing the ever-running clock.stage for any person in the town to perform their own accidents. This is the stage of the town.

[left & above: Scene Cinematic Shots]

tsang aron wai chun. films

In this century, Totalism has since been the social structure. Each person participates as one of the tiny wheels in the rotation of the functioning Earth.


- R e su m e -

tsang aron wai chun. [BASIC INFORMATION] phone : +852 92168763 email : aronaron610@gmail.com date of birth : 10th June 1988 (age 26) address : Flat 815, Block J, Kornhill, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong SAR portfolio website: http://www.aron-tsang.com

[EDUCATION] Master of Architecture [Distinction] UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 2011 - 2013 Bachelor of Architecture (Exchange Semester) ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS VIENNA 2009 - 2010 Bachelor of Arts (Architectural Studies) [First Class Honours] UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG 2007 - 2010

[EMPLOYMENT] Architectural Designer TFP FARRELLS, HONG KONG 2014 - current Architectural Internship IARC ARCHITECTS, SEOUL 2013 Architectural Trainee ROCCO DESIGN ARCHITECTS LTD, HONG KONG 2010 - 2011


tsang aron wai chun. resume

Silver Award of Merit (Here After) SARA NY DESIGN AWARDS 2014 2014



- R e su m e -

Certificate of Excellence (Here After) PERSPECTIVE AWARDS 2013 2013 Honorable Mention (The Stage) TARANTA POWER STATION ARCHITECTURAL COMPETITION 2013 Honorable Mention (Play_Ground) INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURAL THESIS AWARD 2013 Nominee (Here After) THE PRESIDENT’S MEDALS STUDENT AWARDS (SILVER MEDAL) 2013 Published on (Play_Ground) DIALOGUE RECORDER: HKU ARCHITECTURAL PAPER VOL.2 2013 Finalist (The Spine) TAI O TWIN BRIDGES DESIGN COMPETITION 2013 Honorable Mention (Play_Ground) INNOVATIVE MINDS INTERNATIONAL 2012 2012 Published on (Hollowness) THE ARCHITECTURE ASIA 2011 2012 1st Runner Up (House for Angelina Jolie) STAR’S HOUSE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ARCHITECTURE CONTEST 2011



LANGUAGES Cantonese: native; English: fluent; Mandarin: professional working

tsang aron wai chun. resume

COMPUTER PROGRAMMES Adobe Illustrator: advanced; Adobe Photoshop: advanced; Adobe After Effects: good; Rhinoceros: advanced; Grasshopper: good; AutoCad: good; Revit: good; Microstation: intermediate; 3D Studio Max: intermediate; Microsoft Word: good; Microsoft Excel: good; Microsoft Power Point: good


tsang aron wai chun. [PORTFOLIO]

SELECTED WORKS 2011 - 2015 academic/




phone: +852 92168763/ email: aronaron610@gmail.com personal portfolio website: http://www.aron-tsang.com

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