Self-circulating co - farm 1
DESIGNER / CHEN-PO-HAN 建築系 & 文化發展事業學系 四年級
Department of Architecture & Department of Cultural Development Year 4
建築畢業設計 題目 : 不散不見 : 當代殯葬場域再述 基地 : 新北市中和尖山 關鍵字 : 殯葬場域、積極地景、情緒樞紐 指導者 : 黃宏裕 老師
Architecture Thesis Design TOPIC : Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields SITE : Zhonghe Jianshan, New Taipei City KEYWORD : Funeral Site, Positive Landscape, Emotional Hub ADVISET : Huang-Hong-yu
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我曾經以為死亡是如此地搖不可及。 那場喪禮上你一如既往的沉默,我們 一句話也沒說,直到線香燃燒殆盡、 冰櫃與臨道高速公路的轟鳴將你蒸 散。
I used to think death was so out of reach. At that funeral, you remained silent as always, and we didn't say a word. Eventually, the incense burnt out, and the roar of the freezer and the adjacent highway evaporated you.
Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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意識到再熟悉不過的生命體消逝,我 們力所能及的不過是為他寫一首詞藻 華麗的訃聞爾後與失去靈魂的軀殼再 一次道別,可不知何時開始,我們卻 連好好地說一聲再見,也這麼的難。
Realizing the disappearance of the most familiar life form, all we can do is write a gorgeous obituary for him and then say goodbye to the body without soul again, but I don't know when it will start, and we no longer have the right to say goodbye.
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「雖然知道你離開了,但我們還能好好再說一聲再見嗎 ? 」
"Although I know you're gone, can we say goodbye properly "
Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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尖山鄰近新店溪為界,為中和與新店 之界山,昔日乾隆至日治時期開墾台 灣在山腳臨岸處及交通節點設立信仰 中心,以宗教的力量構成初始社會空 間的秩序,串聯信仰中心的巷弄也成 了最初的道路系統,南北側的尖山山 頭則成為新北市了安放先者的墓區。
J i a n s h a n i n N e w Ta i p e i C i t y i s bounded by Xindian River, which is the boundary between Zhonghe and Xindian. In the past, when Taiwan was reclaimed from the Qianlong to Japanese occupation period, a belief center was set up at the foot of the mountain and at the traffic node. The power of religion constituted the initial social and spatial order. The alleys connecting the faith centers also became the original road system, and the tops of Jianshan Mountains on the north and south sides became the tombs of the ancestors.
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時至今日,在山河之間樹立了一道高聳的人工堤防試圖劃定屬於生者的區域。中和第 一及新店第六公墓便佔據於山腰之間,臨山的工業區,殯葬場域與自然紋理交織成人 與非人的邊陲地帶,在此喪葬的墓齡近數十年以上,多數墓塚甚至無人看雇變得殘破 不勘,前來祭拜的人隨著時間逐漸消散,對於這樣的一個悠久的文化地景,也形同逐 漸走向衰亡。
Today, a towering artificial embankment has been built between the mountains and rivers in an attempt to demarcate the living areas. area of the person. The Zhonghe No. 1 and Xindian No. 6 cemeteries are located between the mountainside. The industrial area near the mountain, the funeral field and the natural texture are intertwined in the border area between adults and nonhumans. The tombs buried here are more than a few decades old. The tombs have become dilapidated and unexplored, and the people who come to worship have gradually dissipated over time. For such a long-standing cultural landscape, it is like a gradual decline.
Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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千百年來,殯葬設施以各種姿態介入了城市與生活,從陵寢、墓柩,乃至當代的殯儀 館,承接的是城市百年來的記憶。然而隨著殯葬習俗的快速變遷與都市增長,在折衷 之下,一般人多認為只要符合儀節,存歿兩安即可,至於目前台灣城市與喪葬空間之 邊界相互依存成為了不可逆地現狀。
For thousands of years, funeral facilities have intervened in the city and life in various ways, from mausoleums, tomb coffins, to contemporary funeral homes, and inherit the memories of the city for a hundred years. However, with the rapid changes in funeral customs and urban growth, under the compromise, most people believe that as long as it conforms to the ceremonies, it is enough to survive and die. As a result, the current interdependence of the boundaries between Taiwan's cities and funeral spaces has become an irreversible status quo.
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Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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當生者的生活尺度被迫直接面對「死亡」時,現階段的殯葬設施將經濟性置於優位, 在生死觀迥異及規劃設計不當的配置下當代殯葬空間缺乏告別空間應有的人性考慮, 公立殯儀館百家爭鳴的現象成了當代葬禮中強烈的負面感受,本應充滿哀戚之情的喪 葬儀式在誦經、超渡與哭喊亂成一團之下,人們難以獲得慰藉以及追悼的需求。
When the living standards of the living are forced to face "death" directly, the current funeral facilities give priority to economics. With the disparate outlook on life and death and the configuration of improper planning and design, contemporary funeral spaces lack the humanistic considerations that a farewell space should have. , the phenomenon of a hundred schools of thought contending in public funeral homes has become a strong negative feeling in contemporary funerals. The funeral rituals that should be full of grief are in a mess of chanting, transcendence and crying, and it is difficult for people to obtain comfort and the need for mourning. Under the context of the disappearance of life and the disconnection of the living, today's traditional funeral spaces have long been unable to respond to such complex urban issues.
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所謂的殯葬場域再述,討論的就是如 何在當代都市尺度不可逆地增長下, 重新找回悼念逝者及心靈慰藉的訴 求。
The so-called retelling of the funeral field discusses how to rediscover the appeal for mourning the deceased and for spiritual comfort under the irreversible growth of the contemporary urban scale.
Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
「死亡很強大,誰也無法練習,我們只能在一次次的告別中重拾生活。 」
"Although I know you're gone, can we say goodbye properlyDeath is so powerful that no one can practice it, and we can only pick up our lives with goodbyes again and again."
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隨著連接尖山兩大主峰的山稜線被劃分,園區的新址位於尖山的南側,迂迴的道路性 質依循著山稜線被區分為登山用途及參喪用途連接著新店、永和登山口和殯葬園區。 位於山河之間的區位環境全年多雨四季潮濕,墓園構造材料粗胚混凝土飽吸水氣呈現 暗黑,與蒼翠且枝幹繁複的低海拔闊葉林交融。
With the division of the mountain ridge line connecting the two main peaks of Jianshan Mountain, the new site of the park is located on the south side of Jianshan Mountain. The nature of the circuitous road is divided into mountaineering purposes and funeral purposes according to the mountain ridgeline, connecting Xindian, Yonghe Mountain Pass and the funeral area. Located between mountains and rivers, the location environment is rainy and humid all year round. The cemetery’s construction material, rough concrete, is saturated with moisture and appears dark, blending with the green and complex low-altitude broad-leaved forest.
Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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我盡可能地延長告別儀式動線的過程,轉換悲喪者告別的尺度與心情,最後從而獲得 解脫。設計中的原形置入了延伸山稜線與地勢的出挑弧形量體,出挑弧形使量體打破 了絕對的水平,建築和土地托開卻發生更多連結,被挖去的橫向立面,形成允許自然 有機進入的空間單元,建立了儀式過程必要的神聖性,在概念上,建築量體與自然形 成了複雜的關係,更進一步的拉長了儀式動線的過程,而告慰生者的非線性空間序列, 將被有序排列在其中。 I try to prolong the moving line of the farewell ceremony as much as possible, change the scale and mood of the mourners to say goodbye, and finally obtain liberation. The original shape in the design is placed in an overhanging arc-shaped body that extends the mountain ridgeline and terrain. The overhanging arc makes the measurement body break the absolute level, but there are more connections between the building and the land. The horizontal façade that was dug out, It forms a space unit that allows nature to enter organically, and establishes the necessary sanctity of the ritual process. Conceptually, the building volume forms a complex relationship with nature, which further lengthens the process of ritual movement, while comforting the survivors. A non-linear spatial sequence, in which it will be ordered.
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Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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中和生命紀念園區分為火化場,齋場 ,靈骨紀念館與紀念舊址的象徵性碑柩區 ( 登山 口 ) ,四處量體依山坡既有的地勢,被碎化散置在南側山腰,高低的落差及迂迴的園 區道路在十分臨近都市尺度的山區遙盼新店溪與中安大橋,詩意的拉長了儀式的過程, 與已存在的山勢地貌以及近處的住宅區融接成一幅對大地施予最小量干擾的地景,更 長的時間尺度中,沒入山頭的粗胚混凝土構造物將被爬山虎、五葉地錦、常春藤 ,讓 原有的自然地景真正地和人文環境共生。
Zhonghe Life Memorial Park is divided into cremation ground, mourning hall, Linggu tower and the symbolic monument area (mountain entrance) to commemorate the old site. The drop and circuitous park roads look forward to Xindian River and Zhong'an Bridge in the mountainous area very close to the urban scale, which poetically lengthens the process of the ceremony, and merges with the existing mountain topography and the nearby residential area to form a picture of the earth. Given the least amount of disturbance to the landscape, in a longer time scale, the rough concrete structures submerged in the hills will be replaced by creepers, five-leaf brocade, and ivy, so that the original natural landscape can truly coexist with the human environment.
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Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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西側原先具避臨效應的墓地被重劃為作為居民活動的登山口與行經齋場的象徵性紀念 舊址碑柩區,延伸山稜線與地勢的出挑弧形量體,打破了絕對的水平,與土地托開卻 發生更多連結,被挖去的橫向立面,建立了允許自然有機進入的空間形式。到了傍晚, 山壁上數以千計鑿洞的碑柩的透發出微弱的的光點,另一種層面上重新喚發舊墓區先 者與現實維度的連結。
The cemetery with negative effects on the west side was rezoned as a mountain entrance for residents' activities and a symbolic monumental coffin area for passing through the mourning hall, extending the mountain ridgeline and the overhanging arc of the terrain, breaking the absolute level, but it happened when it was separated from the land. More connected, horizontal façades that have been dug out, establish spatial forms that allow the organic entry of nature. In the evening, thousands of stele coffins with holes on the mountain wall emit faint light spots, and on another level, the connection between the ancestors of the old tomb area and the reality dimension is revived.
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Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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過渡到非日常的空間,悲喪者在每日,通過大約七分鐘的步行或車程,短暫的轉換心 情後可到達山腰的齋場,齋場內的靈堂有別於傳統殯葬空間的配置,安放遺體的冰櫃 成為了靈堂單元的一部分,返還了如同過往與逝者更親近的告別尺度,左近的排列及 增設的中介空間和中庭,在些許取捨經濟性的同時創造了較高的隱私性。高窗、透明 冰櫃與瞻仰區域,光明與黑暗的對比烘托出強烈的儀式感,生者置身黑暗,逝者卻在 光明中永生。
Transitioning to an extraordinary space, the mourners can reach the mourning hall on the mountainside after a short change of mood after walking or driving for about seven minutes every day. The configuration of the mourning hall is different from the traditional funeral space. A part of the mourning hall unit is returned, and the farewell scale that is closer to the deceased as in the past is returned. The adjacent arrangement and the additional space and atrium create a high degree of privacy while trading off economy. High windows, transparent freezers and viewing areas, the contrast between light and darkness creates a strong sense of ritual. The living are in the dark, but the dead live forever in the light.
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Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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火喪場平行於稍經調整過的陡坡,同時順著坡勢方向朝新店溪。整個墓園區由於人工 構造物以最低限量地呈現於地景的視框之內,在原有的自然序列創造了一種不全然屬 於自然界的靜謐,這裡的機能除了火化設施外,西側的服務空間作為公共區域,給了 人們等候火化過程、摺經紙、禱告,禮拜乃至休憩用餐等過度悲傷的場所,並在此定 期舉辦生命講堂 。
The fire mourning field is parallel to the slightly adjusted steep slope, and at the same time follows the direction of the slope towards Xindian Creek. The entire cemetery area is presented in a minimal amount of artificial structures within the view frame of the landscape, creating a kind of tranquility that does not belong to the natural world in the original natural sequence. In addition to the cremation facilities, the service space on the west side serves as a public service space. The area gives people a place to wait for the cremation process, origami, prayer, worship, and even rest and dine. Life lectures are regularly held here.
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Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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火化完畢後。悲葬者將沿著山稜線行徑刻意被拉長的儀式動線到達靈骨紀念館與至親 做最後的告別,行徑兩米寬的狹長牆體之中,首先後方的天光會被曲面的混凝土版折 射在背上,推進著背喪者行進剩下的道路,接著在漸矮的牆板光線將會越來越強烈。
After cremation. The mourners will follow the deliberately elongated ritual movement along the mountain ridge to the Linggu Memorial Hall to say their last farewell to their loved ones. Walking through the two-meter-wide long and narrow wall, the sky light behind will be refracted by the curved concrete plate first. On the back, pushing the bereaved for the rest of the way, the light will grow stronger on the dwindling wall panels.
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Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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靈骨紀念區的入口處,從建物的屋頂通道通過一個開放的樓梯,引導遊客進入區內的 戶外平台,行車即可直接到達 ,從那裡可以俯瞰端景的中安大橋和新店溪畔 ,死亡和 離去也許不在同一個時刻發生,但此時你應該深刻的意識到,告別的時刻到了。
At the entrance of Linggu Pagoda, pass through the roof passage of the building, and guide visitors to the outdoor platform in the area, which can be directly reached by driving. From there, you can overlook the Zhongan Bridge in Duanjing and the bank of Xindian Creek. Death and departure may not be the same. A moment happens, but at this time you should be deeply aware that it is time to say goodbye.
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Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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安置骨灰的場域對於溫度及濕度的控制有極高的需求,而館內的交換氣系統即位於散 落在空間中,在充滿孔隙被精準控制的光柱結構體下方,每秒鐘的換氣量為 21 克, 縫隙流淌而出的光班和氣流,是跳躍時間與維度的痕跡。靈骨櫃則吊放於上方,仰望 的此刻,屋頂開口的天光將溢出樹葉的孔隙在一次散射在臉上,此刻,活著的人也將 徹底相信,那個再熟悉不過的生命體雖然已經離去,但僅僅是換了一種方式存在。
The site where the ashes are placed has extremely high requirements for temperature and humidity control, and the exchange air system in the pavilion is located under the light column structure filled with pores scattered in the space. The size of each pore is 3.628 cm. Under the condition that the environment is controlled, the ventilation rate per second is 21 grams, which happens to be the weight of the soul, and the light and airflow flowing out of the gap are the traces of jumping time and dimension. The spiritual bones are placed on the top. Looking up at the moment, the sky light from the roof opening will overflow the pores of the leaves and scatter on the face at once. At this moment, the living people will also completely believe that the familiar life body has already left. Go, but only exist in a different way.
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Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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「死亡僅僅是一次出發,一次朝向未知的出發、沒有歸來的出發,以及『沒有前進地 址』的出發」 — Gunnar Asplund
"Death is but a departure, a departure towards the unknown, a departure without a return, and a departure 'without an address'" — Gunnar Asplund
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Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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反轉作為城市積極地景的同時,我們與親人連結不再是被隔絕於鋼筋水泥的大樓裡, 最後斷裂於生活之中。
While reversing the positive landscape of the city, our connection with our loved ones is no longer isolated in reinforced concrete buildings, and finally broken in life.
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"Although I know you left, we may be able to say goodbye again."
Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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Good,Bye —Restatement of Contemporary Funeral Fields
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