Breathing Central

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Research based project | 2017

BREATHING CENTRAL TOPIC_ microclimate and air content in public space LOCATION_ Hong Kong Central SUPERVISOR_ prof. Valerie Portefaix COLLABORATION_ Hong Kong Clean Air Network ANIMATION_

What is the air? It is a combination of invisible gases that envelop the Earth attracted by the gravitational pull. These components (Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon dioxide) are imperceptible to human body unless their content within the atmosphere changes significantly. What we usually feel is temperature, air pressure and odours. Moreover, air contains solid micro-particles known as air pollution (smoke, dust, pollen, chemicals). With the unprecedented levels of pollution in cities like Beijing, Delhi, or Hong Kong we can feel and see the profound alteration that modern life has brought upon the air. Nowadays, in the Age of Anthropocene, air is clearly defined as a scientific object, studied in disciplines like climatology, atmospheric chemistry, physics or medicine. Yet, looking back into history, we can observe how attributes of air formed our culture and shaped our customs, behaviour as well as architecture. Atmospheric conditions diversified unique human cultures merging into one globalised culture. Since the dawn of civilisation it has been the dream of numerous generations to affect the weather and climate and this dream has become a reality. We live in the world of a globalised climate, artificially created by the machinery of air conditioning that serve us with the ideal climate: 22,5 Celsius Degree, 50% humidity and zero pollution.

Adam Hudec

CV Adam Hudec matriculation number: R1611975 email: date of birth: 19/04/1994 adress: Ľutov 63, 95704 Ľutov, SK Education 2017 2016 2014 - 2015 2012 - 2016 2004 - 2012 Professional 2018 2018 2018 2017 2017 2017 2017 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014

Department of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong (HK) Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna (AU) School of Architecture, Brighton University (UK) Faculty of Architecture, BUT, Brno (CZ) Gymnázium J. Jesenského, Bánovce (SK)

2014 2012

intern Tomás Saraceno, Berlin (DE) assistant HochForm architects, Vienna (AU) Air_Observatory, Prague Landscape Festival /competition (CZ) assistant MAPoffice, Hong Kong (HK) intern AboveTheSecond Gallery, Hong Kong (HK) Orava Dam Memorial/ competition/ 1st. place (SK) Winterstation / competition / Vancouver (CA) Jewish Gully / competition/ 2nd. place (CZ) architect assistant at Zechner&Zechner, Vienna (AU) The New Centre for Dablice/competition (CZ) intern at Thomas Pucher architects, Graz (AU) New Cementery in Podluzany/ competition/ place (SK) - project under construction Superstudio competition (CZ) workshop - buidling a straw house, Sihla (SK)

Exhibitions 2018 2018 2017 2017 2017 2017 2016 2016 2015 2015 2015

Air Observatory - Landscape Festival, Prague (CZ) Breathing Central - Academy of Fina Arts, Vienna (AU) Breathing Central / desing intervention/ - Hong Kong (HK) Tread Softly: The City, Migration, Memory, Box Freiraum, Berlin (DE) Tread Softly - Academy of Fina Arts, Vienna (AU) The Impossible Order - Berlin Wall Memorial, Berlin (DE) Critical Environment - Surface Coal mine Bílina, Vienna (AU) Altwasser_Sudetenland Gallery of Architecture, Brno (CZ) Ambiguity of Peanut, Gallery Mini, Brno (CZ) The Cloth, Contemporary Art Platform, Brno (CZ) 79 104 stesps, The Art Palace, Prague (CZ)

Software skills Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Premier,Aftereffects), Autodesk (Autocad, Maya, 3Ds Max, Flow Design, Recap), Rhino+Grasshopper, Bentley (pointool), Unreal Engine (Virtual reality) Microsoft Suite (word, excel, powerpoint), Rapid prototyping, Arduino scripting Languages Slovak - native | Czech - fluent | English - fluent, (C1) certf. | German - intermediate (B2) Contact persons: prof. Valerie Portefaix: +852 6015 0453 prof. Michelle Howard: +49 171 4508186

Short Bio Adam Hudec is a researcher/artist/architect, focusing his multidisciplinary research on physical territory, often deconstructed by set of data to reveal the unexpected and hidden anomalies. He uses variety of expressions to represent the research outcomes including drawing, photography, animation, installation and performance. Adam was educated in art and architecture at The University of Brighton University, Brno University of Technology, Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and at The University of Hong Kong where he conducted his latest research about low-oxygen areas in the city of Hong Kong and impact of low-oxygen air on marine ecosystem with collaboration with Hong Kong Hoi Ha Marine Life Centre and NGO Hong Kong Clean Air Network. The research resulted in public intervention in Hong Kong Central. Moreover, Adam participated on several exhibition projects together with MAPoffice including Thailand Biennale, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Soul, Setouchi Biennale and Guangdong Museum of Art. Adam’s mission is to articulate questions related to environmental, social, political and ethical issues, while shifting the role and the boundaries of the discipline. His projects investigates anthropocentric processes of globalised environment with focus on atmospheric properties revealing invisible phenomena of the territory that becomes subject/object of his observations.

Research based project | 2017


TOPIC_ microclimate and air content in public space LOCATION_ Hong Kong Central SUPERVISOR_ prof. Valerie Portefaix COLLABORATION_ Hong Kong Clean Air Network ANIMATION_

Looking back into history, air content, especially levels of oxygen determined LIFE on earth. Following Great Dying Period (about 252 million years ago) when oxygen levels dropped to below half what it is today, about 10% - majority of species living on Earth that time - died out. But does what it feel like to experience a lack of oxygen personally in certain areas of Hong Kong? Ventilation Buildings, as innocent structures, hidden in almost every street, releasing thousands of cubic meters of heavy, low oxygen air into the local climate, influencing our well-being more than we could ever imagine. Hypoxia, followed by dizziness, is the very impact of low oxygen air on our bodies. One can witness reactions of this air on the environment we live in, nature has several back-ups to cope with the lack of oxygen - forests and ocean play the main role with photosynthesis. Marine Ecosystems can suffer from low oxygen air by creating algae helping to cope with low level of oxygen in atmospher. Data collection as a main mapping method transform invisibility of gases and feelings into numbers, diagrams and drawings. Present attributes of air reflects human processes shaping the atmosphere.

Distribution of oxygen in human body.

So what would our future (anthropocene) air look/smell like? Within my built structure in 1:1 scale, my aim was to bring air in the foreground of our perception, create an aisthesis of air and render its invisible sensory qualities. I offered the passersby a personal experience of low oxygen air impact on their bodies, the structure was a speculative space what future/anthropocene air could feel and smell like. Algal Bloom, Hong Kong, 2015

Mapping the number of ventilation building hidden in most prominent public space in Hong Kong Central as a benches


Hong Kong Island | Air conditioned city | high amount of ventilation outlets influence local microclimate

Hong Kong Central Pier area | site is build on reclaimed land with high density infrastracture | high amount of ventilation outlets influence local microclimate

DATA COLLECTION Air components (Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon dioxide) are imperceptible to human body, unless their content within the atmosphere changes significantly. What we usually feel is temperature, air pressure and odours. Moreover air contains solid micro-particles known as air pollution (smoke, dust, pollen, chemicals). Therefore we need to deconstruct our world into numbers to verify our feelings and turn them into factual reality. Arduino based device translated air composition and attributes into data, later proccesed by computer and projected on site in order to render the invisible aspect of space - air. With my device I was able to transform my experiences with low oxygen air (dizziness, headache...) into data.

These components (Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon dioxide) are imperceptible to human body, unless their content within the atmosphere changes significantly. What we usually feel is temperature, air pressure and odours. Moreover air contains solid micro-particles known as air pollution

Self constructed device for measuring climate properties based on Arduino

Process of collecting and visualising data about air quality released by ventilation outlet

Drawing (1.1m x 2.2m) shows the invisible architecture and my own constructed ecologies on site. Mapping the site from three different, though interconnected perspective Air, Water and Ground, helped me to understand the omnipresent processes in Hong Kong Central

device PLA-02

E X P E R I M E N TA L D E V I C E P L A - 0 2 Device for experiencing. Temperature inside: 29.7°C Oxygen level: 16% Humidity: 62% PM2.5: 28 μg/m3 Risk of Hypoxia: high Dimension: 2.5x3x5.5m Volume: 41.25m³ This device offered visitors to experience the exhaust air released by pumproom outlets. The device was inflated by this air and people could enter the structure and experience the difference between fresh outside air and heavy, used vent air. Device adressed problems about air quality and made people aware of this issue. Thermometer, humidity meter and PM2.5 particles meter was placed inside the structure to measure differences and potential pollution between inside air and fresh air on the street.

PLA - 02 experience - interior

PLA - 02 inflation on site - 10.11.2017 - Hong Kong Central Pier n.5 public intervention - device was plug on existing pumproom outlet and exhaust air was used as a structural element. Later on, public was invited to step into the device and experience the difference between air quality coming out of the outlet and fresh air outside.

all tool for construction has been given or borrowed to me - ecology is about sharing

BUILDING PROCESS Building process was part of the concept of the device. Biodegradable film as a main material determined the form and structural reinforcement of the device. Working with no-waste strategy influences final outcome - no neccesary cuts and design acts. Design is strictly following the behaviour of semi-transparent biodegradable plastic film. With a planned degradation period of 15 months, device is environmental friendly despite of the fact it can be used only once. Material: Biodegradable plastic PLA 489 Colour: light blue Transparency: 80% Thickness: 0.25mm Total lenght: 66m Total weight: 1.69kg Degradation time: 15 months

Process captured at The University of Hong Kong, Department of Architecture PLA plastic for construction

biodegradable plastic

axonometry - lifespan of the device

inflated device PLA-02 public intervention | Hong Kong Central Pier n.5 | 10.11.2017 | 7 - 9pm

people engaging with device PLA-02

click here for video

animation for the project Breathing Central

Within my built structure in 1:1 scale, my aim was to raise public awareness about this phenomenon and l offered passersby the personal experience of low oxygen air on their bodies. Due to climate change and the intensive urbanisation of Hong Kong, the structure is a speculative space for experiencing what future/anthropocene air could feel and smell like.

questionares filled by passerby

I invited people to step into the structure and advise them to stay there no more than 5 minutes due to pollution of the air. After they stepped out, they were asked to fill the questionaire about their feelings and common knowledge about ventilation buildings and the quality of air in Hong Kong. Almost everyone experienced consequences of low oxygen air personally such as dizziness or breathing difficulty... Just to describe how it felt - the air was warmer, it smelt a bit like oil and it was difficult to breathe normally. Together with Hong Kong CAN we developed a strategy to organise public events about impacts of ventilation buildings on humans, planned in each district of Hong Kong with local comunity.

research in Hoi Ha Marine Life Centre about low oxygen air

conference about the impact of ventilation building on microclimate in Hong Kong

informal discussion event with local community about the impact of low oxygen air on human body

the drawing of intervention structure in Hong Kong Central

Research based project | 2017


TOPIC_ impact of low oxygen air on coastal and marine ecosystem LOCATION_ Pearl River Delta, Hong Kong area GRANT_ The University of Hong Kong SUPERVISOR_ prof. Valerie Portefaix COLLABORATION_ Hong Kong Hoi Ha Marine Life Centre|GMO

Project was based on research about mapping the coastal areas of Pear River Delta region. Main focus of explorations was on marine ecosystem, impacts of low oxygen air on marine life and ecosystem, coastal areas and pollution levels across natural reservoir. Expeditions took place during August and October 2017 and was guided by Hong Kong Hoi Ha Marine Life Centre. One of the major discovery was the finding of relation between low levels of oxygen in atmosphere and the growth of algae around Pearl River Delta what caused significant devastation of marine life over past decades. Several algal bloom in Pear River Delta region recorded over last decade was nothing else just “activated back up” system of nature how to deal with low levels of oxygen in air. Growing algae started to release oxygen with photosynthesis in order to bring ecosystem back to the equilibrium. Destroyed marine life was just a side effect of that process, however, long term overfishing signigicatly weaken the self-recovery processes Discoveries and explorations made during this research led to project “Breathing Central” where I have tried to investigate the influence of low oxygen air on human body and public space.

After strong typhoon, beach is a deposit of trash from the sea Lantau island

Hong Kong archipelago | sites of the research

exploring the destruction of marine life through glass bottom of the expedition boat | impact of low oxygen air | Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park

Research based project | 2016


TOPIC_ anthropocene processes and microclimate LOCATION_ Open pit mine Bilina | Czech Republic UNIVERSITY_ The Academy of Fine Arts | Vienna SUPERVISOR_ prof. Hannes Stiefel | prof. Kathrin Asthe COLLABORATION_ The Czech Hydrometeorological Institute | GMO

open-pit mine BĂ­lina

Czech Republic

Shapes and forms making up the landscape of surface mines are nothing but the reflection of invisible energy structure spread throughout all levels of territory. Changing landscape creates new topographic qualities of these places. Dehydrated areas, exposed surfaces, windless sites, increased temperature of the local environment. Landscape is in transformation process. (Landscape transformation can make invisible elements appear and reveal describing features) In surface coal mine Bilina (CZ) the human activity continues to develop the landscape. Considering that any territory and land-use system can evolve in many ways, tracking potential becomes a way intended to prevent social and ecological decay as well as energy deficiency of the landscape. Above the visible physical landscape lies the invisible architecture of our atmosphere. What we can not see, we can feel. The process of shaping surface has tremendous infuence on its surroundings. Changing atmosperic properties are captured through weather data over last few decades, but how we can reconstruct them and how do we show this sensational aspect of space?...

coal processes on site

multiple 3D scans of surface from drona footage

Drawing (1.1 x 2.0m) showing the weather data from local meteo station projected on site, reflecting changing microclimate over past decades of mining processes


氀椀搀  猀琀愀氀椀  甀  攀洀椀猀  搀椀琀攀氀渀漀猀琀  漀戀甀樀攀Ⰰ  縁攀   樀攀 稀挀攀氀愀  甀挀栀  樀攀渀  瘀  渀椀 愀渀攀戀漀  漀琀ᬁ ഁ椀 瘀氀栀ⴀ 稀愀瀀漀洀攀ⴀ 攀甀猀琀氀攀  瘀

洀  琀‫ﴀ‬欀愀ⴀ 漀挀 瘀椀稀甀氀ⴀ 栀 稀洀ᬁ渀 瘀  渀昀漀爀洀甀樀攀  甀愁攀渀漀猀琀椀⸀  琀漀 椀最渀漀爀ⴀ ఁ攀猀欀  刀 攀ഁ椀愁琀ᬁ渀洀  瀀夁攀欀爀愀ഁ甀ⴀ 琀椀挀Ⰰ  欀琀攀爀  瘀 搀漀洀挀ⴀ 琀  瘀攀夁攀樀渀  漀琀稀欀挀栀  攀渀  琀ᬁ縁戀礀  漁 瘀攀 洀ᬁ猀ⴀ

欀  瘀礀瀀愀搀  甀愁Ⰰ 欀琀攀爀  瀀爀愀挀栀漀瘀  瀀夁攀瘀礀愁甀樀  洀ᬁ猀琀漀  猀攀

Research based project , Intervention | 2018

AIR_OBSERVATORY Nowadays, in the age of Anthropocene, it is clear we became a geo-physical force - driven by massive emissions from burning fossil fuels. Invisibility of those gases and micro-particles in the air tend us not to think about air that much. We notice it only when there is a kind of sensory intrusion in it (smell/smoke) or we are confronted with air in numbers (temperature/humidity) - without numbers it is easy to forget about air in our day to day life even though the air has a constant relationship with our body.

The Air Observatory enables its visitors to visually expe瘀‫ﴀ‬栀氀攀搀 稀攀 瘀稀搀甀挀栀漀栀氀攀搀渀礀 渀愀 ᰠ昀椀欀琀椀瘀渀ᴠ 稀渀攀ഁ椀猀琀攀渀 rience the Prague panorama during the periods of high air pollution which usually happens during winter months. Atmospheric particulate matter or the concentration of NO2 伀爀愀渀縁漀瘀  瀀漀猀挀栀漀搀  瀀夁椀戀氀椀縁甀樀攀   欀琀椀瘀渀  猀椀琀甀愀挀椀  in the air highly exceed渀愀漀瀀愀欀  permitted levels of pollution, the vis攀砀琀爀洀渀栀漀 稀渀攀ഁ椀愁琀ᬁ渀 瘀稀搀甀挀栀甀Ⰰ 琀夁攀戀愀 瘀 瀀夁瀀愀搀ᬁ 瘀‫ﴀ‬戀甀ⴀ ibility is significantly lower and the whole city is trapped in 挀栀甀 猀漀瀀欀礀 愀渀攀戀漀 樀椀渀栀漀 搀爀甀栀甀 琀漀砀椀挀欀栀漀 稀渀攀ഁ椀愁琀ᬁ渀⸀ 嘀  dense grey fog. This scenario is represented at the first floor 琀愀欀漀瘀洀 瀀夁瀀愀搀ᬁ 戀礀 猀攀 瘀 愀琀洀漀猀昀夁攀 渀愀挀栀稀攀氀愀 瘀礀猀漀欀  of the Air Observatory. The second - orange - floor presents 欀漀渀挀攀渀琀爀愀挀攀  漀砀椀搀甀 of an 猀椀夁椀ഁ椀琀栀漀  欀琀攀爀‫ ﴀ‬caused 漀搀爀縁  a fictitious scenario extreme⠀匀伀㈀⤀Ⰰ  air pollution by 猀氀甀渀攀ഁ渀  愀  瘀礀琀瘀夁  猀瘀ᬁ琀攀氀渀‫ ﴀ‬ 攀昀攀欀琀Ⰰ  a volcano 瀀愀瀀爀猀欀礀  eruption or another 漀爀愀渀縁漀瘀‫ ﴀ‬ kind of toxic contamination of air. In this 渀愀瀀夁欀氀愀搀  scenario, the瘀 atmosphere high levels of 稀愀挀栀礀挀攀渀‫ ﴀ‬ 欀爀攀猀戀挀栀  absorbs 圀椀氀氀椀愀洀愀  䄀猀挀爀漀昀琀愀  which reflects sun rays and creates瘀 an orange light effect 琀SO2 ᬁ猀渀ᬁ  瀀漀  瘀‫ﴀ‬戀甀挀栀甀  猀漀瀀欀礀  䬀爀愀欀愀琀漀愀  爀漀挀攀  ㄀㠀㠀㌀⸀  倀漀瀀攀氀  as painted by William Ascroft after the eruption Krakatoa 琀琀漀  猀漀瀀欀礀  猀  瘀礀猀漀欀漀甀  欀漀渀挀攀渀琀爀愀挀  匀伀㈀  of戀礀氀  搀欀礀  in 1883. The ash with high concentration of SO2, product 瘀稀搀甀愁渀‫ﴀ‬洀 瀀爀漀甀搀漁洀 爀漀稀瀀琀‫ﴀ‬氀攀渀 瀀漀 瘀愁攀挀栀 欀漀渀琀椀渀攀渀琀攀挀栀  of 稀瀀漁猀漀戀椀氀  this eruption, made the climate significantly with 愀  漀挀栀氀愀稀攀渀  愀琀洀漀猀昀爀礀Ⰰ  稀渀洀  樀愀欀漀 colder 刀漀欀  戀攀稀  effects similar to those in the “Year Without a Summer”. 氀琀愀⸀

圀椀氀氀椀愀洀 䄀猀挀爀漀昀琀Ⰰ 䬀爀愀欀愀琀漀愀Ⰰ ㄀㠀㠀㌀ 嘀稀搀甀挀栀漀栀氀攀搀渀愀  戀甀搀攀 Landscape 甀洀猀琀ᬁ渀愀 Festival, 渀愀  稀攀氀攀渀洀  稀愀  Project is part of Praha where欀氀渀甀  the orga搀椀瘀愀搀氀攀洀 倀漀渀攀挀 愀 戀甀搀攀 瘀礀甀縁瘀愀琀 欀瘀愀氀椀琀礀 洀猀琀愀 ⴀ 瀀愀渀漀爀愀ⴀ nisers had given sites to artists and architects to adress envi洀愀  倀爀愀栀礀  issues 愀  戀氀稀欀漀猀琀  縁攀氀攀稀渀椀ഁ渀栀漀  欀漀爀椀搀漀爀甀  ronmental of Czech Republic capital city.瘀攀搀漀甀挀栀漀  渀愀  渀搀爀愀縁⸀  䌀攀猀琀甀樀挀  欀愀縁搀栀漀  瘀氀愀欀甀  瀀夁椀樀縁搀ᬁⴀ The 䠀氀愀瘀渀  intervetion should last 3 months. 樀挀栀漀  搀漀  倀爀愀栀礀  戀甀搀漀甀  洀漀挀椀  瘀椀搀ᬁ琀  嘀稀搀甀挀栀漀栀氀攀搀渀甀Ⰰ  欀琀攀爀 猀攀 瘀 渀漀挀椀 洀漁縁攀 瀀夁攀洀ᬁ渀椀琀 渀愀 瀀爀漀樀攀欀ഁ渀 瀀氀漀挀栀甀 愀欀ⴀ 琀甀氀渀  欀瘀愀氀椀琀礀  瘀稀搀甀挀栀甀Ⰰ  挀漀縁  樀攀愁琀ᬁ  瘀挀攀  稀瘀椀搀椀琀攀氀渀  倀爀愀栀愀  䰀愀渀搀猀挀愀瀀攀  䘀攀猀琀椀瘀愀氀⸀  䬀爀漀洀ᬁ  琀漀栀漀  猀琀爀甀欀琀甀爀愀  嘀稀搀甀挀栀漀栀氀攀搀渀礀 愀欀琀椀瘀椀稀甀樀攀 搀愀渀漀甀 氀漀欀愀氀椀琀甀Ⰰ 瀀漀甀欀縁攀 渀愀  樀攀樀  欀瘀愀氀椀琀礀  愀  瀀夁椀琀漀洀  漀搀栀愀氀  渀攀瘀椀搀椀琀攀氀渀  瘀氀愀猀琀渀漀猀琀椀  漀瘀稀搀甀愁 愀 愀搀爀攀猀甀樀攀 ഁ愀猀琀漀 瀀夁攀栀氀縁攀渀‫ ﴀ‬瀀爀漀戀氀洀 稀渀攀ഁ椀愁琀ᬁ渀  漀瘀稀搀甀愁⸀

TOPIC_ anthropocene processes and pollution LOCATION_ Prague | Czech Republic COLLABORATION_ Duha Samir


view from first scenario floor - factual pollution 瘀‫ﴀ‬栀氀攀搀 稀攀 瘀稀搀甀挀栀漀栀氀攀搀渀礀 渀愀 ᰠ昀愀欀琀椀挀欀ᴠ 稀渀攀ഁ椀猀琀攀渀

䐀渀攀猀Ⰰ  瘀  夁攀  䄀渀琀爀漀瀀漀挀渀甀Ⰰ  樀攀  稀夁攀樀洀Ⰰ  縁攀  猀攀  氀椀搀  猀琀愀氀椀  最攀漀ⴀ昀礀稀椀欀氀渀  猀椀氀漀甀  搀欀礀  洀愀猀椀瘀渀洀甀  渀爀漁猀琀甀  攀洀椀猀  瘀稀渀椀欀氀‫ﴀ‬挀栀  瀀夁椀  猀瀀愀氀漀瘀渀  昀漀猀椀氀渀挀栀  瀀愀氀椀瘀⸀  一攀瘀椀搀椀琀攀氀渀漀猀琀  琀ᬁ挀栀琀漀  瀀氀礀渀漁  愀  渀愀渀漀ഁ猀琀椀挀  瘀  愀琀洀漀猀昀夁攀  稀瀀漁猀漀戀甀樀攀Ⰰ  縁攀  ഁ愀猀琀漀 稀愀瀀漀洀渀洀攀 渀愀 瀀夁琀漀洀渀漀猀琀 瘀稀搀甀挀栀甀Ⰰ 欀琀攀爀 樀攀 稀挀攀氀愀  猀愀洀漀稀夁攀樀洀⸀  一愀愁椀  瀀漀稀漀爀渀漀猀琀  甀瀀爀洀攀  渀愀  瘀稀搀甀挀栀  樀攀渀  瘀  琀漀洀 瀀夁瀀愀搀ᬁⰀ 欀搀礀縁 瘀 渀ᬁ洀 瘀椀搀洀攀 搀‫ﴀ‬洀Ⰰ 挀琀洀攀 瘀漁渀椀 愀渀攀戀漀  樀猀洀攀 猀 渀洀 欀漀渀昀爀漀渀琀漀瘀渀椀 瘀 瀀漀搀漀戀ᬁ 搀愀琀 漀 琀攀瀀氀漀琀ᬁ ഁ椀 瘀氀栀ⴀ 樀猀洀攀 欀漀猀琀椀  瘀稀搀甀挀栀甀㬀  戀攀稀  琀琀漀  欀瘀愀渀琀椀 欀愀挀攀  樀攀  氀攀栀欀  稀愀瀀漀洀攀ⴀ 渀漀甀琀  渀愀  樀攀栀漀  瀀夁琀漀洀渀漀猀琀Ⰰ  愀ഁ欀漀氀椀  樀攀  瘀稀搀甀挀栀  渀攀甀猀琀氀攀  瘀

view from second scenario floor - fictional pollution 瘀‫ﴀ‬栀氀攀搀 稀攀 瘀稀搀甀挀栀漀栀氀攀搀渀礀 渀愀 ᰠ昀椀欀琀椀瘀渀ᴠ 稀渀攀ഁ椀猀琀攀渀

伀爀愀渀縁漀瘀  瀀漀猀挀栀漀搀  渀愀漀瀀愀欀  瀀夁椀戀氀椀縁甀樀攀   欀琀椀瘀渀  猀椀琀甀愀挀椀  攀砀琀爀洀渀栀漀 稀渀攀ഁ椀愁琀ᬁ渀 瘀稀搀甀挀栀甀Ⰰ 琀夁攀戀愀 瘀 瀀夁瀀愀搀ᬁ 瘀‫ﴀ‬戀甀ⴀ 挀栀甀 猀漀瀀欀礀 愀渀攀戀漀 樀椀渀栀漀 搀爀甀栀甀 琀漀砀椀挀欀栀漀 稀渀攀ഁ椀愁琀ᬁ渀⸀ 嘀  琀愀欀漀瘀洀 瀀夁瀀愀搀ᬁ 戀礀 猀攀 瘀 愀琀洀漀猀昀夁攀 渀愀挀栀稀攀氀愀 瘀礀猀漀欀  欀漀渀挀攀渀琀爀愀挀攀  漀砀椀搀甀  猀椀夁椀ഁ椀琀栀漀  ⠀匀伀㈀⤀Ⰰ  欀琀攀爀‫  ﴀ‬漀搀爀縁  猀氀甀渀攀ഁ渀  瀀愀瀀爀猀欀礀  愀  瘀礀琀瘀夁  漀爀愀渀縁漀瘀‫  ﴀ‬猀瘀ᬁ琀攀氀渀‫  ﴀ‬攀昀攀欀琀Ⰰ  稀愀挀栀礀挀攀渀‫  ﴀ‬渀愀瀀夁欀氀愀搀  瘀  欀爀攀猀戀挀栀  圀椀氀氀椀愀洀愀  䄀猀挀爀漀昀琀愀  琀ᬁ猀渀ᬁ  瀀漀  瘀‫ﴀ‬戀甀挀栀甀  猀漀瀀欀礀  䬀爀愀欀愀琀漀愀  瘀  爀漀挀攀  ㄀㠀㠀㌀⸀  倀漀瀀攀氀  琀琀漀  猀漀瀀欀礀  猀  瘀礀猀漀欀漀甀  欀漀渀挀攀渀琀爀愀挀  匀伀㈀  戀礀氀  搀欀礀  瘀稀搀甀愁渀‫ﴀ‬洀 瀀爀漀甀搀漁洀 爀漀稀瀀琀‫ﴀ‬氀攀渀 瀀漀 瘀愁攀挀栀 欀漀渀琀椀渀攀渀琀攀挀栀

Exhibtion | 2016


Exhibition attempts to tread softly by exploring new approaches to migration history, memory and experience in Germany. It does so in a post-migrant educational context where the students’ migrant background is the norm rather than the exception. The concept employed means and materials which have been either loaned, given or recycled, itself proposing an important alternative to consumerist methodology. The interior of The Berlin Wall Memorial had been transformed into archipelago of cardboard structures working as an self-standing elements. Each of them embeded works of Bard college students in different media and scale.

LOCATION_ The Berlin Wall Memorial SUPERVISOR_ prof. Michelle Howard COLLABORATION_ Clarissa Lim, Clara Fung, Aya Kurz, Duha Telme, Bard College Students

Exhibition | 2015

79 104 STEPS

LOCATION_ Palace for artist Pokoje | Prague COLLABORATION_ Lenka Levickova, Maria muskova, Marek Svoboda, Martin Valicek, Petra Sebova, Jan Mlecka

25 000 german inhabitants were moved out from Brno in the evening the 30th of May 1945. During the March of Death towards Vienna, 1690 humans died due to exhaustion and inhumane treatment, the majority of them in a detention camp in Pohorelice. Authentic soil has been brought from the Memorial in Pohorelice and refers to humanity. Just keep silence and follow them. Overcoming of Physical boundaries and the Boundaries of the the mind. Space, the smell of soil, silence, step, step, step, step.....

2 9 t h o f S e p te mb e r 2 0 1 5 5 p m

G a l e r i e M I N I FA VU T BR N O

Exhibition + performance | 2015


LOCATION_ Gallery Mini | Brno | CZ COLLABORATION_ Marek Svoboda, Maria Muskova, Petra Sebova

The title of the exhibition reflects the ambiguity, sometimes even oddity of everyday moments in UK. The conflict between expectations (the subconsciously created image british culture, lifestyle, standards, icons...) and the reality, daily life stereotype. Involving all senses we represent life experience (9 months erasmus exchange in Brighton) Exhibited objects, activities, sounds (authentic) became the synonym of UK and replaced our idea of what is typical and traditional.

of Peanut

We were focused to fulfill visitors all senses and bring taste, sound and flavors of our casual life in UK directly to the gallery.

The Ambiguity

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