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2022 Regular Session, A New Chapter Begins BY CHARLICE BYRD

At the end of November, the Georgia General Assembly convened for the final day of the 2021 special legislative session. The adjournment of the last day of a legislative session is commonly referred to as sine die, a Latin term that means without assigning a day for further meeting. On this session’s final day, the Georgia House of Representatives voted on Senate Bill 2EX. The House Legislative and Congressional Reapportionment Committee held a public hearing and approved Senate Bill 2EX, which updated the map of Georgia’s 14 congressional districts. After being scheduled for a vote on the House floor, the bill, which was the last piece of legislation that the General Assembly needed to pass to complete this special session, was passed. The House adjourned shortly after the bill’s passage. All legislation related to the redistricting process that passed in the House and Senate was sent to the governor for his signature. If the bills for the legislative and congressional maps are signed into law, they will be implemented by election officials for the next election cycle in November 2022. The redistricting process saw some big changes for Cherokee County’s legislative representation. You can view the new legislative and congressional district maps on the nonpartisan Legislative and Congressional Reapportionment Office’s website (legis.ga.gov/ joint-office/reapportionment), under the Proposed Plans section.

Our focus turns to the 2022 regular legislative session, beginning Jan. 10. There still is unfinished business from the last session, such as House Bill 228, the election integrity bill I introduced last year. Additionally, I will push to pass House Bill 290, the Patient and Resident Representation and Visitation Act, which seeks to restore and protect visitation rights for patients in hospitals and long-term care facilities. During the past year, these facilities implemented policies that keep Georgia families apart, and it was proved through the pandemic that we need each other more than ever. The legislation passed the House overwhelmingly, and currently sits in the Senate for final passage. I will meet with constituents throughout our district during the holiday season, and spend time with family ahead of the 2022 regular session. I encourage you to email me at charlice@ charlicebyrd.com regarding legislative issues important to you and our community. As always, thank you for allowing me to serve as your representative in Cherokee County.

Rep. Charlice Byrd represents District 20 in the Georgia House of Representatives.charlice.byrd@house.ga.gov



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