Home Sales in November List Price Address
Beds Baths Year Built Close Price Total Days on Market
Inwood 4 3 2021 599,405 568,760 108 Meadow Mill Road 504 Newstead Way Subdivision/Complex Glenhaven At Ridgewalk Beds Baths 2 Year2 Built Close 2021 Price 477,791 Address Total Days on Market 477,791 List Price 117 Haleys 43 2 2021 2009599,405 405,000 108 Meadow Mill Circle Road InwoodHaleys Mill 4 24 380,000 568,760 159 Stone Manor CourtGlenhaven Cornerstone Manor 32 2 2021 2015477,791 410,400 504 Newstead Way At Ridgewalk 2 10 393,000 477,791 545 Coolsprings Walk HaleysSpringfield Place 42 2 2009 1993405,000 355,000 117 Haleys Circle Mill 4 4 360,000 380,000 714 Manor Billings Court Farm Lane Cornerstone Acreage 72 5 2015 2002410,400 1,500,000 159 Stone Manor 3 3 1,567,000 393,000 1416 Chatley Wellington 32 2 1993 1990355,000 276,500 545 Coolsprings WalkWay Springfield Place Manor 4 22 264,500 360,000 2042 Farm Woodside Bradshaw Farm 55 3 2002 1998 475,000 714 Billings LanePark Drive Acreage 7 1,500,000 139 500,000 1,567,000 504 River Place RiverManor Oaks 32 2 1990 1985276,500 325,000 1416 Chatley Way Wellington 3 6 340,000 264,500 306 Ashgrove Woodstock 53 3 1998 2011475,000 540,000 2042 Woodside ParkCourt Drive Bradshaw Farm Knoll 5 42 515,000 500,000 201Place Chatooga Drive River Oaks Little River Crossing 32 3 1985 1980325,000 340,100 504 River 3 7 367,900 340,000 3106 Waterford River Knoll Oaks 33 2 2011 1990540,000 314,000 306 Ashgrove Court Court Woodstock 5 7 294,900 515,000 525 Acuba Court Cottages of Woodstock 23 2 1980 2013340,100 390,000 201 Chatooga Drive Little River Crossing 3 104 389,900 367,900 507 HeleneCourt Court The Woodlands 42 4 1990 2004314,000 468,100 3106 Waterford River Oaks 3 6 490,000 294,900 151 FARMINGTON Drive Farmington Subdivison 42 2 2013 1980390,000 338,000 525 Acuba Court Cottages of Woodstock 2 13 365,000 389,900 101 Abbey Cottages of Woodstock 24 2 2004 2004468,100 365,000 507 Helene CourtCircle The Woodlands 4 14 365,000 490,000 534 Arden Close Montclair At Ridgewalk 22 2 1980 2005338,000 355,000 151 FARMINGTON Drive Farmington Subdivison 4 25 330,000 365,000 107 Bristol Farmington 32 2 2004 1981365,000 365,000 101 Abbey Circle Square Cottages of Woodstock 2 17 325,000 365,000 2305Close River Station Terrace RiverAtOaks 32 2 2005 1988355,000 326,000 534 Arden Montclair Ridgewalk 2 4 305,000 330,000 433 Citronelle Kingsgate 32 2 1981 2000365,000 367,000 107 Bristol Square Drive Farmington 3 2 372,000 325,000 306 Pioneer Pioneer Crossing 32 2 1988 1979326,000 330,000 2305 River Station Circle Terrace River Oaks 3 4 300,000 305,000 319 Dexter Drive Woodlands 22 2 2000 2004367,000 340,000 433 Citronelle Drive Kingsgate 3 13 325,000 372,000 303 Annazanes Place Pioneer Woodlands 42 2 1979 2005330,000 400,000 306 Pioneer Circle Crossing 3 5 453,900 300,000 118 Sunnybrook Lane Woodlands Sunnybrook 32 2 2004 1980340,000 265,000 319 Dexter Drive 2 2 250,000 325,000 151 Newcastle Newcastle Farm 52 3 2005 2006400,000 535,500 303 Annazanes Place Walk Woodlands 4 81 525,000 453,900 225 Johnston Farm Lane Woodstock Knoll 62 5 1980 2016265,000 855,000 118 Sunnybrook Lane Sunnybrook 3 4 865,000 250,000 133 Highlands ArborFarm View 43 2 2006 1999535,500 465,000 151 Newcastle Walk Drive Newcastle 5 4 4,390,000 525,000 1311 Kensington Farmington 35 2 2016 1982855,000 290,000 225 Johnston Farm LaneLane Woodstock Knoll Unit III 6 2 399,999 865,000 122 DialsDrive Drive Misty Mountain 32 2 1999 1979465,000 320,000 133 Highlands Arbor View 4 2 299,900 4,390,000 1000 Springharbor Springfield Place 52 3 1982 1994290,000 414,000 1311 Kensington Lane Walk Farmington Unit III 3 95 399,000 399,999 5041 River Rock Way Misty Mountain River Oaks 32 2 1979 1993320,000 288,000 122 Dials Drive 3 3 265,000 299,900 432 Parkstone Drive Springfield Cornerstone 33 2 1994 2013414,000 405,000 1000 Springharbor Walk Place Park 5 4 375,000 399,000 533 Coolsprings Springfield Place 42 3 1993 1992288,000 430,000 5041 River Rock Way Walk River Oaks 3 4 475,000 265,000 344 LittleDrive Pine Lane Cornerstone Longleaf Woodstock 42 3 2013 2019405,000 630,000 432 Parkstone Park 3 5 625,000 375,000 205 Mountain Walnut Creek 53 3 1992 2001430,000 465,000 533 Coolsprings WalkView Drive Springfield Place 4 83 449,900 475,000 1810 River Rock Trail Longleaf River Oaks 33 2 2019 1985630,000 305,000 344 Little Pine Lane Woodstock 4 2 285,000 625,000 216 Walnut 53 4 2001 2017465,000 476,200 205 Mountain ViewRidge DriveRoadWalnutOakhaven Creek 5 4 476,200 449,900 4810Rock Augustus Southlands 32 2 1985 1991305,000 369,500 1810 River Trail Court River Oaks 3 3 335,000 285,000 318 Dexter Woodlands 24 2 2017 2003476,200 360,000 216 Walnut Ridge Drive Road Oakhaven 5 25 379,900 476,200 4012 Hickory Bradshaw Farm 52 4 1991 2001369,500 800,000 4810 Augustus CourtFairway Drive Southlands 3 4 819,000 335,000 439 Timberleaf Road Woodlands Oakhaven 42 3 2003 2019360,000 480,000 318 Dexter Drive 2 7 530,000 379,900 405 Bramble Court Bramble 54 3 2001 1981800,000 428,000 4012 Hickory Fairway Drive Bradshaw FarmOaks 5 4 435,900 819,000 515 ForestRoad Lane Hickory Bluffs 23 2 2019 2021480,000 406,350 439 Timberleaf Oakhaven 4 39 401,350 530,000 105 Clifford MillOaks Creek Overlook 53 2 1981 2002428,000 430,000 405 Bramble CourtCourt Bramble 5 8 399,900 435,900 403 Doris 32 2 2021 1978406,350 275,000 515 Forest Lane Drive HickoryDriftwood Bluffs Forest 2 57 250,000 401,350 110 Brentwood Lane Mill Creek Brentwood 42 2 2002 1994430,000 378,000 105 Clifford Court Overlook 5 3 388,300 399,900 302Drive Highland Court Driftwood Westbridge 32 2 1978 1996275,000 394,000 403 Doris Forest 3 5 375,000 250,000 121 Weatherstone Drive Weatherstone 42 2 1994 1997378,000 370,000 110 Brentwood Lane Brentwood 4 19 373,900 388,300 201 Paddington Waverly Hills 42 3 1996 1992394,000 410,000 302 Highland Court Place Westbridge 3 4 385,000 375,000 179 RiversideDrive Lane Woodview Court 32 3 1997 2015370,000 450,000 121 Weatherstone Weatherstone 4 15 450,000 373,900 115 ToweyPlace Trail Woodland 43 2 1992 2003410,000 415,000 201 Paddington Waverly Hills 4 3 425,000 385,000 514 Finch Court Cardinal Woods 33 2 2015 1974450,000 315,000 179 Riverside Lane Woodview Court 3 5 337,000 450,000 309 Winthrope Drive Woodland Montclair/Ridgewalk 22 2 2003 2005415,000 372,000 115 Towey Trail 4 67 386,000 425,000 337Court Weatherstone Place Weatherstone 32 2 1974 1997315,000 370,000 514 Finch Cardinal Woods 3 59 357,000 337,000 893 Columbia Springs 32 2 2005 1992372,000 312,500 309 Winthrope DriveCourt Montclair/Ridgewalk 2 37 330,000 386,000 411 River Point Drive Weatherstone Riverchase 32 2 1997 1984370,000 335,500 337 Weatherstone Place 3 12 319,900 357,000 Springs 3 2 1992 312,500 34 330,000 893 Columbia Court Riverchase 3 2 1984 335,500 7 319,900 411 River Point Drive
24 10 4 3 22 139 6 42 7 7 104 6 13 14 25 17 4 2 4 13 5 2 81 4 4 2 2 95 3 4 4 5 83 2 4 3 25 4 7 4 39 8 57 3 5 19 4 15 3 5 67 59 37 12 34 7