10-21 Around Canton webfinal.pdf

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Around & About OCTOBER

at Tavern at Towne Lake, will support the fight against breast cancer, 6-8 p.m. https://bit.ly/3nbW7u9.


Fire and Rescue Open 16 Woodstock House

8 Sunset Symphony

benefiting breast cancer and the American Cancer Society, will have a 7:30 a.m. check-in, and a 9 a.m. start, at the Towne Lake Hills Golf Course. Sign up in the Pro Shop or call 770-592-9969, Ext. 1. www.facebook.com/gatheringoffriendsga.


Cornhole in the Community, a tournament hosted

The Etowah Film Festival is coming to Canton Theatre, with four days of film screenings. Visit www.etowahfilmfestival.com/about to purchase tickets. A negative COVID-19 test result within 72 hours of attending the festival, or proof of full COVID-19 vaccination, will be required to attend. will be at Northside HospitalCherokee Amphitheater in downtown Woodstock at 7 p.m. Enjoy a free night of swing music with the Cobb New Horizons Symphonic Band. Visit the special events tab at https://woodstock.recdesk.com for details.

Think Pink Cherokee County Breast Cancer Awareness Walk registration is at 9 a.m. in

Cannon Park in downtown Canton. The walk begins at 10 a.m. To register, visit cantonga.gov/thinkpink. The inaugural Reinhardt University Athletics Golf Ball Drop, benefiting

will feature demos, station tours and lunch, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Bring the family to Station 14, 225 Arnold Mill Road; free parking will be available at Allen Temple AME Church.

Gathering of Friends Charity Golf Tournament,

by the 13U Georgia Academy Baseball Braves, will help raise money for the team at Donovan’s Irish Cobbler, 1025 Rose Creek Drive, in Woodstock. Registration is at 11 a.m., and the tournament begins at noon. Spots are limited. https://bit.ly/3hHhP5y.

23 to End Alzheimer’s

student athletes and the athletic program, will be held at the BridgeMill Athletic Club. The nine balls closest to the target, after 2,000 balls are dropped from a helicopter, will win cash prizes. Scan the QR code to purchase a golf ball and admission to the reception. www.reinhardteagles.com.

Plans are moving forward for the 2021 Walk at 8 a.m. in Etowah River Park in Canton. You also can participate online, and walk in your neighborhood. To register and receive the latest updates, visit https://bit.ly/3zYoJdJ. Contact Dan Phillips at dphillips@alz.org for more information.

The inaugural Rock the Stock Concert, featuring Rodney Atkins, Pryor & Lee and Eric Dodd, will benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Cherokee County. The gates open at 6 p.m., and the show starts at 7 p.m., at the Northside Hospital-Cherokee Amphitheater in downtown Woodstock. For tickets, visit www.bgcma.org/rockthestock.

is meeting at the Upper Etowah River Alliance office, 180 McClure St., in Canton at 9 a.m. Breakfast, snacks, gloves, bags and lunch are provide


Collins Dixon Bend Your 15 Knees Golf Tournament The 10th annual

will be held at Fairways of Canton to raise awareness for pediatric brain cancer. The shotgun start will begin at 9 a.m. https:// bendyourknees.org/golf-tournament.

History Alive! is an opportunity for children of all

ages to interact with blacksmiths, pioneers, Native Americans and key historical figures in the Funk Heritage Center’s Appalachian Settlement, at Reinhardt University in Waleska. Also Nov. 12. Call 770-720-5970 to reserve a spot. Cost is $12 per person.


15 Gathering of Friends Silent Auction,

AROUND CANTON | October 2021

24 Rivers Alive Clean Up

Red, White and 29-30 Blue BBQ Competition The inaugural

for veterans charities is coming to the American Legion Post 45 grounds in Canton. There will be a special cook-off on Friday, and $5 tickets will be available Saturday. Enjoy live music, a classic car show, barbecue tasting and more. To join the competition, or for more information, contact Jim Lindenmayer at jlindenmayer80@gmail.com.

30 Born to Run 5K

, supporting the Cherokee Scholars scholarship program at Reinhardt University, begins with registration at 7 a.m. Participants are encouraged to wear costumes. https://bit.ly/3l5xTis.

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