10-21 AroundKennesaw webfinal.pdf

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Around Kennesaw Letter From the Editor

As I sit down to write this letter and reflect on all the features, articles and event listings in this issue, the famous quote from “Anne of Green Gables” keeps coming to mind. “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” – L.M. Montgomery, “Anne of Green Gables” October has always been one of my favorite months. The weather begins to cool off, if only for a day or two, which marks the best time of year for fashion, as far as I’m concerned. I love sweaters, hats, scarves and all things cozy. Yes, that’s right, legging and hoodie season is here! Some of us haven’t gotten out of our leggings since the pandemic began in March 2020, but that’s neither here nor there. It is possible to plan a Halloween costume around a pair of leggings, in case anyone is wondering; thank you, Pinterest! I know some of you have a hard time focusing on pumpkins when you still have sweat dripping down your back every time you step outside, but at least the mornings are starting to feel cool and crisp, right? Another perk of the month is my birthday and my husband’s. Although, the older I get the less exciting my birthday becomes. If you’re still not convinced how wonderful October is, flip to Page 18 to see all the fun and fall activities this glorious month has to offer. Speaking of fall, our Growing Gardeners column has good news for those of you already dreading leaf cleanup this year (Page 22). October also is national fire prevention month, so we’ve prepared a list of ways to keep your home safe from fire, found on Page 24. This month marks our third issue of Around Kennesaw, and we’re happy to report the Aroundabout Local Media team is settling into the community quite nicely. We’ve been actively involved in the Kennesaw Business Association, and thoroughly enjoyed the Super Women in Business Conference last month, as you can see Aroundabout Local Media team at the KBA from our team photo at Super Women in Business Conference. the women’s conference. Flip to Page 14 to read more about the conference. If you’ve been thinking about going into business for yourself, and are not sure where to start, check out The EDGE. Susan Schulz shares, on Page 20, how the Kennesaw-based nonprofit is helping entrepreneurs.

Katie Beall Katie Beall is managing editor of Aroundabout Local Media. Send your comments or questions to Katie@AroundaboutMagazines.com.


AROUND KENNESAW | October 2021

What’s Happening

The Cobb County Domestic Violence Task Force, in partnership with the Kennesaw Public Safety Foundation and the Kennesaw Police Department, will host the inaugural Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event Oct. 9 at Swift-Cantrell Park. Men are asked to literally walk 1 mile in women’s high-heeled shoes. Check in begins at 7 a.m. and the march starts at 9 a.m. For more information, visit www.kennesaw-ga. gov/walk-a-mile-in-her-shoes.


Judge Manning with Chief Westenberger.

Kennesaw Police Chief William Westenberger was named the Public Safety Officer

of the Year by the Cobb County Bar Association. Judge Jane P. Manning nominated him for his dedication to the community and the Kennesaw Police Department (KPD). Westenberger created a community advisory board with diverse representation from the community, while establishing community initiatives for KPD officers, such as volunteering, teaching safety courses and partnering with community leaders to hold the city’s first Juneteenth celebration. He has mandated that all Kennesaw police officers have six months of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training, to increase officer confidence in their ability to deescalate situations.

Janine Eveler, Cobb County director of Elections and Registration won the 2021 Ann Hicks Award during this year’s Georgia Association of Voter Registration and Elections Officials Conference. This award is presented to an election official to recognize their excellence in elections administration in the year Janine Eveler prior to the conference. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger presented the award.

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