10-21 AroundWoodstock webfinal.pdf

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“Cancer changes your life, often for the better. You learn what’s important, you learn to prioritize, and you learn not to waste your time. You tell people you love them.” - Joel Siegel In the span of five days, the Gray family went from being a normal, happy family of five to a family of a child with osteosarcoma. In April, Chloe Gray, a seventh-grade student at Freedom Middle School, began experiencing pain in her knee. “Chloe plays softball year-round as well as basketball. We assumed it was an injury or typical growing pains. When the pain continued, we decided to visit a pediatric orthopedic doctor for an X-ray, just to be sure,” said Jenn, Chloe’s mom. “The X-ray was concerning enough for the doctor to schedule an immediate MRI, with a follow-up appointment the very next day to discuss the results. That follow-up appointment never happened. The next morning, April 21, I received a phone call from the orthopedic doctor who told me that Chloe’s MRI revealed a solid tumor on her right tibia, just below the knee. That moment, that call, changed everything for our family. You don’t realize how little you know about the subject until you are thrust into that world. Everything was happening so fast.” Chloe was immediately referred to an oncologist. “We were on a Zoom call that afternoon with an orthopedic oncologist, who wasted no time in scheduling a biopsy. During the biopsy procedure, the sample confirmed what they suspected osteosarcoma - so they inserted a chemo port during this procedure to prepare for treatment,” Jenn said. “I felt as though we went from 0 to 60 in a blink of an eye. There was so much information to absorb, risks to be weighed, and quick decisions to make, but we knew God had this, and that he was in control of our journey.” Osteosarcoma is very rare, but it is the most common bone cancer in children and teens. It is a type of cancer that begins in the bone and can spread to other areas of the body. Thankfully, Chloe’s cancer was localized to her tibia and had not spread to other areas. Since her diagnosis, Chloe has endured six rounds of chemotherapy in 10 weeks. She handled the chemo side effects 40


Chloe had successful surgery to remove the cancerous tumor.

like a champ. Her tumor responded positively to treatment, making surgery a bit easier. On July 20, surgeons removed the cancerous tumor. Chloe will have 12 additional rounds of chemo over 19 weeks to ensure no active cancer cells were left behind. She must also undergo intense, year-long rehabilitation. This has been, and remains, a long journey for Chloe, her parents and her two older brothers. “We have been busy trying to keep everything as normal as possible as we juggle the activities of three children. Throughout this journey, we have been forced to remain fluid and adjust best that we can to whatever is thrown our way. Everything that used to matter has taken on a new meaning for all of us,” Jenn said. “We are grateful for this community and all who have walked alongside us – praying for our girl and helping our family throughout our journey. Our sweet daughter has inspired, impressed and

encouraged us this whole time. She is a tough, stubborn, beast of a little girl who plans to be back on the softball field, not missing a beat, as soon as she is cleared.” Chloe’s parents, Jenn and Jeff, continue to work as they tag team taking Chloe to appointments. Chloe is taking eighthgrade classes through the hospital homebound program and meeting with her teachers through Zoom. Everyday Angels would like to rally the community to provide financial relief as the family’s medical bills accumulate. It is their prayer that once this difficult season is behind them, they can return to normal. However, life will never be the same. A cancer diagnosis has a way of jolting life into perspective; it changes you, and the way you view things going forward. May we all live with purpose, peace, faith, compassion and service. May Chloe and her family be a source of inspiration and hope as we continue to pray for them through this season.

Everyday Angels is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit serving Cherokee County since 2000. To make a tax deductible donation, visit www.everydayangels.info to donate via Paypal or send your donations to: Everyday Angels, PMB 380, 1025 Rose Creek Drive, Suite 620, Woodstock GA, 30189. One hundred percent of your funds will go to the family you specify. If you know of a special need in your community, email aaeverydayangels@gmail.com.

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