Around Towne Letter From the Editor
I’m thankful to have a job that allows me to work remotely. With cooler weather approaching, you’ll find me working from our backyard patio. It’s easier to manage the puppies outside, except when they keep trying to eat acorns and pine cones. No matter how many bones or toys we give them, nothing beats the nutty taste of potentially toxic treasures that have fallen in the backyard. GEEZ! And don’t get me started on eating the bark off the pine trees. You’d think we never feed them. That’s right, Glenn and I are the proud parents of Bertie Ruth and Ellie Mae, seven-month-old, Australian shepherd/blue heeler mix pups. We figured, as long as we live in Woodstock, we should have dogs. Is there a city ordinance about that? Must be. It’s almost impossible to find someone NOT walking a dog downtown. The cooler weather makes it easier to enjoy the outdoors with our girls. I’m also thankful for this year’s full schedule of fall festivals and outdoor events, but we may have to leave the pups at home. Bertie tends to lose her lunch if we drive more than two miles. Hoping she outgrows that! Be sure to hop in your car, with or without your puppies, and explore the local activities celebrating this beautiful time of year. See Pages 18-19 for a listing of events. It wouldn’t be October if we didn’t bring awareness to the valiant warriors fighting breast cancer. One local mom encourages all women to stay diligent in keeping up with their regular examinations – she reminds us that cancer doesn’t stop for a pandemic. See Tami’s story on Page 20. Local Jeepers didn’t wait until cooler weather to gather for an outdoor festival. Who can beat a weekend of trails, mud, food and raising money for area nonprofits? Words and pictures on Pages 16-17. October also is national fire prevention month, so we’ve prepared a list (on Page 24) of ways to keep your home safe from fire. We’re thankful for our first responders, but we’d rather not have them make a house call. Unless it’s my 31-year-old firefighter son coming home for a visit, not driving a ladder truck. That’s acceptable!
Kindness Challenge of the Month
What’s New
By the end of this month, the recycling center at Hobgood Park will accept glass. At a recent county commission meeting, approval was given to purchase a glass pulverizer to take care of glass recyclables. At press time, the Stars and Strikes entertainment center, at 10010 Highway 92 in Woodstock, had planned to open Lumberjack Alley, a new axe-throwing attraction that features six targets where guests can hurl axes. Visit to confirm.
What’s Coming
At press time, HEW Fitness had planned to open near Sprouts on Towne Lake Parkway, offering a combination of HIIT, weight lifting and cardio. For more information, call 678-402-5173 or visit
SchmoozaPalooza is planned for 4-7 p.m. Oct. 12 at Woodstock City Church. The networking event, sponsored by the Cherokee Chamber of Commerce, features exhibitors with tabletop displays that promote their businesses and help make new contacts. Attendees can register for door prizes, food and fun while previewing the latest products and services in Cherokee County.
Jim Lindenmayer, director of the Cherokee
County Homeless Veterans Program, is one of 45 appointed by Gov. Brian Kemp to the State Housing Trust Fund for the Homeless Commission. The fund supports organizations that provide housing and services for individuals and families looking for a solution to homelessness. Some groups supported include nonprofits, faith-based organizations, community homeless provider networks and public programs, by offering resources that promote self sufficiency.
Thank an Essential Worker. Show your appreciation for your mail carrier and/or garbage pick-up employees, and first responders, with a note and a treat.
Candi Hannigan is the executive editor of Aroundabout Local Media. She has lived in Cherokee County since 1987. Send your comments or questions to
Jim Lindenmayer with Gov. Kemp. 4
TOWNELAKER | October 2021