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Around Kennesaw
Letter From the Editor
Ah, we’ve entered my favorite season of the year — Labor Day through New Year’s Day. Technically, this span of time isn’t an official season since it includes a little bit of summer, all of autumn and a touch of winter, but I’ve made it my personal Season of Holidays. Seriously, we get through one holiday, and we’re already bumping into another one. I love it!
The cooler weather is a welcome relief for someone as hotnatured as I am. I never will understand how people can wear hoodies in August, but they do. I barely wear them in the winter. I love the brilliant fall colors and enjoy driving to the north Georgia mountains to see the majesty of God’s handiwork on full display. I don’t like pumpkin spice anything, but every year, I look forward to one of our Acworth advertisers, KAMS Auto Service Center, putting up my all-time favorite business sign: What time is it? Pumpkin spice oil change time.
This four-month span is a great time of year in my sports world. The past few years, the Braves have been in the playoffs, and there’s nothing more exciting for diehard fans. Last year’s World Series championship and the ensuing victory parade were almost more than this five-decade fan could take. So overwhelming. Hoping I get to experience it again in a few weeks. And it’s college football season. It’s not popular, but I unapologetically support the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets. Everything in life is cyclical, and we will have our day in the sun again. I also became an Ohio State fan when Harrison High alum Justin Fields was the quarterback. That kid is amazing. I love some of the bowl game names — Tony the Tiger Sun Bowl, Cheez-It Bowl, Famous Idaho Potato Bowl — but all my life, I’ve wanted to see the Toilet Bowl and the Tidy Bowl. Maybe someday.
For those who, like me, enjoy spending the day at a fall festival, turn to Pages 14-15 for a list of local events and some of the bigger celebrations in north Georgia. Stock up on apples, shop for Christmas or sample food from local restaurants. We also have a photo spread on Pages 16-17 of Kennesaw’s recent Pigs and Peaches and some recipes on Pages 22-23 to help you observe National Chili Month.
And we haven’t forgotten about October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Check out Nicole Smith’s feature on Page 34 about PCT Clean rounding up volunteers to clean cancer patients’ homes this month and Susan Schulz’s article on Pages 32-33 about Pink Pearl Hero, a nonprofit focused on increasing breast cancer awareness.
Happy reading!
Donna Harris
Donna Harris is the managing editor of Aroundabout Local Media. She’s a veteran journalist with newspaper and magazine experience and is excited to bring her expertise to ALM. Email her at donna@aroundaboutmagazines.com.
Best Bridal for
Do you want to take part in an online poll to find the best wedding service providers in northwest Georgia? Get ready to say, I do! Our poll is ready for you to vote through Nov. 15 at www.aroundaboutlocalmedia.com. Results will be posted Jan. 1 and will be included in the January issue of Around Kennesaw.
What’s Coming?
Moxie Burger, a locally owned burger restaurant with three locations in East Cobb and Roswell, is coming to Kennesaw. At press time, the new location, at 1600 Kennesaw Due West Road, Suite 104, near the intersection of Stilesboro Road, had a projected opening of late September.
Rome-based Big Dan’s Car Wash is planning to open two locations in Cobb County in the first quarter of 2023: at 3150 Blue Springs Road at the intersection of Cobb Parkway in Kennesaw and at 6148 Highway 92 at the intersection of Wade Green Road in Acworth.
Ribbon Cutting

Rich’s Car Wash
1720 Old 41 Highway, Kennesaw 678-384-2930; https://bit.ly/3dICmb8
Upcoming Ribbon Cutting
Dynamic Urgent Care PC — Nov. 16 1600 Kennesaw Due West Road, Suite 205, Kennesaw
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Publisher Aroundabout Local Media, Inc. www.aroundaboutlocalmedia.com
President Kim Dahnke 770-778-5314 kim@aroundaboutmagazines.com Vice President Jennifer Coleman 678-279-5502 jen@aroundaboutmagazines.com Executive Editor Candi Hannigan 770-615-3309 candi@aroundaboutmagazines.com Managing Editor Donna Harris 770-852-8481 donna@aroundaboutmagazines.com Content Editor Jessica Forrester 770-615-3318 jessica@aroundaboutmagazines.com Production Manager Michelle McCulloch 770-615-3307 michelle@aroundaboutmagazines.com Page Designer Laura Latchford laura@aroundaboutmagazines.com Graphic Designer Savannah Winn savannah@aroundaboutmagazines.com Controller Denise Griffin 770-615-3315 denise@aroundaboutmagazines.com Social Media Manager Kathryn Holt kat@aroundaboutmagazines.com Market & Advertising Specialist Michelle Smith michelle.smith@aroundaboutmagazines.com Copy Editors Bill King, Eliza Somers
Around Kennesaw, a publication of Aroundabout Local Media, Inc., is a community magazine with 17,000 free copies distributed monthly. Approximately 16,600 are direct mailed to homes and businesses and an additional 400 are placed in racks in the community.
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