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Community Calendar
Around & About
08 The Taste of Acworth will take place 11 a.m.-6 p.m. on Main Street downtown. This event benefits numerous schools and charities in the community. There will be more than 150 booths from local restaurants and businesses, plus two live entertainment stages and a kids’ zone. Admission is free. Restaurants will be offering food samples, ranging from $1-$5. 770-423-1330; www.acworthbusiness.org.
The Kennesaw Grand Prix Series Races are held monthly on the second Saturday through November in front of Kennesaw First Baptist Church at 2958 N. Main St. The October race will benefit Smith-Gilbert Gardens in Kennesaw. The last race will be Nov. 12 and will benefit wounded veterans. Visit https://kennesawgrandprix.com/faq.
14-16 The Fall 2022 Cobb Library Book Sale will take place 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 1-5 p.m. Sunday at the Cobb Civic Center, 548 S. Marietta Parkway, Marietta. cobbcat.org/booksale
15 Taste and Brews Fall Festival, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. at Etowah River Park, 600 Brown Industrial Parkway, Canton, will celebrate the best of Southern music, food and beverages. Guests will be able to sample all the flavors of the South while enjoying live music from regional acts, a kids’ zone, arts and crafts and a farmers market. Benefits the Atlanta Fundraising Foundation. Free admission. https://tasteandbrews.com 19-21 Allatoona High School will present “Wiley and the Hairy Man” as a one-act play at 7 p.m. each night in the school theater, 3300 Dallas Acworth Highway, Acworth. Tickets are $10 and are available at www.AllatoonaDrama.org. 22 The Acworth Cultural Arts Center will host a book festival, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., at Roberts School Community and Education Center, 4681 School St., Acworth. Buy books from local authors and listen to speakers and storytellers. Free admission. www.acworthculturalarts.org The University of Georgia Extension Service Cobb County is offering a Fall is for Planning and Planting seminar, 11 a.m.-noon, at the North Cobb Regional Library, 3535 Old 41 Highway, Kennesaw. The seminar includes an introduction to lawn care maintenance, ornamental selection and proper planting procedure. 770-528-4070; uge1067@uga.edu 24 Cobb Schools Foundation is sponsoring its annual Charity Golf Classic 2022, 9:30 a.m. shotgun start, at the Pinetree Country Club, 3400 McCollum Parkway, Kennesaw. Proceeds will support family stabilization, learning interventions and scholarships. To register, visit https://bit.ly/3chBolF. For information, call Felicia Waganer at 770-426-3390. The 10th annual Allatoona Buccaneer Dugout Club golf tournament fundraiser, 11 a.m. shotgun start, will take place at Brookstone Country Club, 5705 Brookstone Drive, Acworth. All proceeds benefit the Allatoona High School baseball team. To register, visit https://bit.ly/3RHmHb3. 25 The Kids in the Kitchen virtual cooking club, 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Zoom, will teach kids of all ages how to make two recipes a month. Registration for the free club, hosted by the University of Georgia Extension Office, is required at https://bit.ly/cookingclubfall2022.
Through Oct. 28 The Acworth Farmers Market is open 8 a.m.-noon Fridays, rain or shine, at the main entrance of Logan Farm Park. Applications for vendors for the 2022 season are being accepted and reviewed on an ongoing basis. For more information or an application, visit https://bit.ly/3O7Nydq. 29 The city of Acworth, the downtown merchants and the Lake City Cruisers will hold the Fall Downtown Classic Car Cruise, 4-9 p.m., at Logan Farm Park. The event is free to the public. A $5 entry fee is requested for all vehicles in the cruise. All proceeds go to Horizon Field, an all-inclusive special-needs sports facility in Acworth. For information, contact Jeff Chase at jchase@ acworth.org or 770-917-1234.
& About
05 The inaugural Never Alone Lantern Festival 4 p.m., will be held at Etowah River Park in , Canton. There will be a petting zoo, bounce houses, face painting, spin art and more, culminating with an organized lantern parade at dusk. https://bit.ly/3B5jRFJ
Acworth Cultural Arts and Brookwood Christian School are sponsoring the Acworth Charm Home Tour, noon5 p.m., in downtown Acworth. Visit recently renovated historic homes. www.acworthcharm.com
Through Oct. 29

Nov. 5-Dec. 23
“Small Works & Gifts” exhibit will be accepting submissions through Oct. 15. acworthartsalliance.org/ guidelines
Nov. 12
The annual Member Artist Holiday Gift Shop will take place 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Acworth Community Center in the Tanyard Creek Overlook space. There is no fee to attend.
Register for fall classes and workshops offered by the Acworth Arts Alliance. Classes and workshops for kids and adults take place at the Art House in downtown Acworth. acworthartsalliance.org/classes 4361 Cherokee St., Acworth // 770-917-1234 acworthparksandrecreation.org.
Oct. 15
The Acworth Parks, Recreation and Community Resource Department will present Acworth Adult Recess: Oktoberfest, noon-4 p.m., at Logan Farm Park. Teams of four will compete in a variety of Oktoberfest-themed throwback challenges and games, such as relay races, obstacle courses, stein hold races and team flip cup. The Top 3 teams will win great prizes. Register at www.acworthparksandrec.org.
Community Classes Tuesdays
Line dancing. Learn to line dance with knowledge, technique and style while staying fit. Intermediate classes, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., beginner classes, 1-2:30 p.m., and evening classes, 6:30-8 p.m., meet in monthly sessions. Wednesdays
Bend & Breathe Meditation Yin Yoga. This yoga class targets the deep connective tissues, such as fascia, ligaments, joints and bones. It’s slower and more meditative. 8:15-9 a.m. Monthly and drop-in rates are available.
BSD Taekwondo. This is a traditional taekwondo class for adults, 8:45-9:45 a.m., at the Acworth Community Center. Students will learn balance, focus, self-control and how to grow their confidence. Traditional skills are designed to promote health, lower stress levels and develop the whole body, without the use of weapons.
Youth Programs
Acworth Youth Basketball League. Registration is open for participants ages 5-18. Assessments will take place Oct. 22-23, practices will begin the week of Nov. 7, and games will begin Dec. 3. For information and to register, visit www.acworthparksandrecreation.org. Tuesdays and Thursdays
BSD Taekwondo. This class is designed to teach ages 6 and older balance, hand-eye coordination and self-control using traditional taekwondo exercises, 3-4 p.m., at the Acworth Community Center. Monthly sessions are available. Saturdays
Special Warriors Taekwondo. In this class, young community members with special needs will learn focus, balance, hand-eye coordination and effective self-defense. Classes meet monthly, 10-10:30 a.m., at the Acworth Community Center.