1 minute read
Charlice Byrd
On Aug. 20, Spencer Teller, Craig Cantrell, Helen Mitchell, Jordan Ridley and I met at Hobgood Park at 9 a.m. to help clean up Bells Ferry Road, from Towne Lake Parkway to Victoria Road, as part of Keep Cherokee Beautiful’s Adopt-a-Mile program.
Keep Cherokee Beautiful (KCB) is a citizen-led, countysupported effort to keep roadsides, streams, lakes and more of our beautiful resources clean, green and beautiful. They always are looking for community partners to grow the organization, as well as volunteers who are invested in the community. Learn more at www.keepcherokeebeautiful.org or email cleancherokee@gmail.com.
KCB’s Adopt-a-Mile program gives residents and business owners a way to get involved in keeping their neighborhoods free of trash and debris. With the support of KCB, volunteers have the supplies they need, such as trash bags and other materials, to keep their adopted mile free of litter. KCB and Cherokee County provide safety vests and grabbers, and the Cherokee Recycling Center will arrange for pickup of all trash bags. All you need to do is identify a section of county road you want to adopt, agree to maintain the area for at least a year, and hold four roadside cleanups each year.
Cleanup time depends on the number of volunteers. Our group of five cleaned one mile in approximately 2½ hours. A
The cleanup crew, from left: Craig Cantrell, Helen Mitchel, Charlice Byrd, Jordan Ridley and Spencer Teller.
great big shoutout to Spencer and Craig, from Kiwanis of Greater Cherokee, for their willingness to always serve in the community, and Helen Mitchell, a friend always willing to answer the call. Jordan and I are forever grateful to each of you for stepping up to Keep Cherokee Beautiful!
Rep. Charlice Byrd represents Georgia House District 20. If you have any feedback, call 404-557-2218, email charlice.byrd@house.ga.gov or engage on Facebook.