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Abundant Living Foundation, Inc
Around Canton
Letter From the Editor
I’m thankful for so many things, among them the inspiring resiliency of Cherokee County residents during a difficult year. After the initial period of shutdowns, slowly but surely, we’ve come alive again, venturing out to test the waters. Our neighbors are pivoting to come up with new ways of carrying on life as usual. We have a few examples in this month’s issue. Beth Houchens created a diabetic support group through Facebook (page 34). When the Susan G. Komen 3-Day was canceled, Gloria Avillar and her daughter mapped out their own 60-mile trek for women who wanted to continue to promote breast cancer awareness (page 24). In our calendar on pages 50 and 52, you’ll see many in-person events have gone to a virtual format, including the huge MUST fundraiser, Gobble Jog.
While initially, pivoting took the place of panicking, I believe now it’s the norm. We’re accustomed to looking for newer and safer ways to live our lives, which really isn’t a bad idea anyway!
As a pastor’s wife, I’ve seen quite another side of serving others: making sure we conduct our meetings and services in such a way that we aren’t compromising the health of any of our members.
I’ve lived in this county since 1987, and am still amazed when I learn things I didn’t know before. I had no idea Cherokee had a sports hall of fame … did you? Well, now you do. Turn to page 18 and read about it. And if you know Cecil Pruett, send him a thank you note for bringing the idea to us!
It’s sort of like being married for 33 years (I say that as Glenn and I just celebrated our anniversary on Oct. 18) and discovering new things about your spouse. Glenn’s my rock, my hero, my biggest blessing in life! Over the years, we’ve grown together in our faith, brought some amazing children into this world, and I look forward to our next 33-plus years together.
I am thankful that he has more energy than I do, and ALWAYS is encouraging me to take a walk with him. So, thanks to Glenn, I look forward to seeing more of you around town!
While I appreciate our entire ALM team, I’m especially thankful for my fellow editors - Jackie Loudin and Katie Beall - for their hard work each month to fill the space between ads with delightful and informative content!
1. Abundant Living
Foundation, Inc.
1558 Marietta
Highway, Suite 200 404-973-9010
On Facebook
2. The ROCC
1558 Marietta
Highway, Suite 220 770-224-6825 https://betherocc.org

3. Thrive Coworking 225 Reformation
Parkway, Suite 200 www.workatthrive.com

What’s Open
Fury Volleyball has opened at 60 Waleska St. in Canton. The facility hosts a youth beginner-through-advanced skills development program, competitive travel club volleyball, adult leagues, private lessons, and skills clinics and camps. 404-909-6774. https://FuryVolleyball.Club.
Branchwater is open at 190 East Main St., offering certified angus beef and fresh seafood among other menu items. Specials include half-off wine nights, $5 martini nights and daily features. www.bwsteakandseafood.com. What’s New
Dr. Daniel McMahon has joined Towne Lake Primary Care, a Northside network provider. Dr. McMahon will see patients at the new Holly Springs location. 678-445-0819. townelakepc.com.
Noninvasive cardiologist Dr. Eric Nelson has joined Northside Heart's offices in Canton and Blue Ridge. Dr. Nelson is board-certified in cardiovascular disease, adult comprehensive echocardiography and nuclear cardiology. northsideheart.com.
Northside Hospital Cardiovascular Institute has added Dr. Akshar Y. Patel and Dr. Shengchuan “Rick” Dai to its teams at Northside Hospital Cardiovascular Institute's offices in Canton (145 Riverstone Terrace, Suite 101) and Holly Springs (684 Sixes Road, Suite 230). northsidecvi.com.