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Community Calendar
Around & About
6Cobb and Douglas Public Health is offering a free
COVID-19 vaccine clinic
in honor of women veterans 1-3 p.m. at Jim Miller Park in Marietta. Scan the QR code to make an appointment. www.cobbanddouglaspublichealth.com.
7The Ron Asby North Cobb American Legion Post 304’s Auxiliary Craft Fair will be 11 a.m.-4 p.m. at 4220 S. Main St. in Acworth. Kennesaw State University’s Delta Tau Delta fraternity will host a cookout; veterans and American Legion members eat free. https://bit.ly/3njJwU0.
13 Truck-a-Palooza, benefiting the Cobb County Safety Village, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. in the back parking lot (behind the food court) at Town Center Mall. Kids of all ages can learn about and explore police cars, fire trucks, dump trucks, military vehicles, a police helicopter and more. Cost is $5 per person. https://bit.ly/3DZWbSX. Keep Cobb Beautiful is having a recycling event 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at Jim Miller Park in Marietta. On-site paper shredding will be available, as well as collection of electronics, metals, textile and household goods. Hefty EnergyBags will also be accepted. https://bit.ly/3aYMpUv.
The Marietta Daily Journal Gobble Jog, benefiting MUST Ministries, returns this year. 13 Tickets are on sale for the Acworth Craft Beer and Wine Fest in Logan Farm Park, 1-5 p.m. The event will feature more than 100 beers, 25 wines, live music, great food and college football. Tickets are available at https://bit.ly/3CBXoiH for ages 21 and older. No kids or pets allowed. Designated driver tickets will be available at the door for $15. Email kari@atlantabeerfestivals.com with questions.
20 Join Kennesaw Parks & Recreation for a Wreath Making Workshop, for ages 21 and older, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Ben Robertson Community Center. Cost is $30 per person, and registration ends Nov. 12. Materials will be provided. https://bit.ly/3Ga02Pa.
Acworth Parks, Recreation and Community Resource Department presents the 13th annual Acworth Turkey Chase 5K Fun Run & 2K Walk, benefiting the Tackle Hunger Program, 9-10 a.m. Enjoy an exhilarating 5K, jog or walk through historic downtown Acworth and along the shores of Lake Acworth. All participants must bring a non-perishable food item the day of the race to receive a race number and T-shirt. www.acworthturkeychase.com.
The Department of Emergency Communications is hosting its first E911 Recruitment Open House 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at 1220 Al Bishop Drive, Marietta. Candidates are encouraged to come meet the recruiting team, and applications will be accepted on-site. For more information, email melissa. alterio@cobbcounty.org.
25 The Marietta Daily Journal Gobble Jog, the annual fundraiser for MUST Ministries, returns 7:30 a.m. at Marietta Square. Runners and walkers can choose between a 10K, 5K, 1K and Tot Trot (50 yards). For more information and registration, visit https://must.enmotive.com.
30 Kennesaw Parks & Recreation Department will hold its Winter Kick Off 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Ben Robertson Community Center. This open-house party will give the community an opportunity to meet instructors and learn about programs in the upcoming season. https://bit.ly/3ktBdF0.

A Day with Santa festivities return to downtown Kennesaw. Photo courtesy of Kennesaw Parks & Recreation.
1Join the 10th annual Menorah Lighting Ceremony, on the fourth night of Hanukkah, at 6 p.m. at Logan Farm Park. Rabbi Zalman Charytan from the Chabad Jewish Center will officiate the lighting with Mayor Tommy Allegood.
3-27 Holiday art, decorated and designed by participants of the Kennesaw Parks & Recreation Holiday Art Contest, will be displayed at the Depot Park Tunnel. The entry deadline for the contest is Nov. 12. Visit https://bit.ly/3C66hRJ to register and reserve a wooden cutout of a mug to decorate. Parks & Recreation staff will select winners in three categories: most creative, best overall and Parks & Rec director’s choice. 4 Welcome the holiday season during A Day with Santa 2-7 p.m. in Kennesaw. The fun begins with a parade; then, families can enjoy pictures with Santa, stage performances, a vendor market, snow slide and more. www.kennesaw-ga.gov/adaywithsanta.
The Kennesaw Holiday Market, presented by the Kennesaw Downtown Development Authority and the City of Kennesaw Art and Culture Commission, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. at Depot Park. Merchandise will be handmade/crafted, locally produced holiday gifts. www.kennesaw-ga.gov/event/kennesaw-holiday-market.
11 The Southern Museum hosts All Aboard for Holiday Fun, a full day of holiday activities. “The Polar Express” movie will be shown at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. The book will be read at 1 p.m. followed by the dramatic entrance of Santa and Mrs. Claus who will be on site from 1-5 p.m. Craft and educational tables will be set up throughout the day. https://southernmuseum.org.

Fun on the Lake!
Photos by Brooke Martin Photography
The third annual Special Needs Kids Day at the Lake was a success, evident in these smiling faces. This grassroots community event at Lake Allatoona included a boat parade, followed by food, face painting and games for children with special needs and their families. For information on helping with next year’s event, email Randy West at popeyecan@gmail.com.