7 minute read
Cobb Schools
Being named Georgia’s Physical Education Teacher of the Year is a career milestone, an accomplishment few achieve. But for Palmer Middle School’s Kristen Cross, it’s an honor she has received not once, not twice, but three times during her more than two decades of teaching.
In September, the Georgia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (GAHPERD) named Cross the 2022 Middle School Physical Education Teacher of the Year, and she will be honored at an association awards ceremony in Athens in November.
“I am really humbled that my colleagues throughout the county have nominated me for this honor,” she said. “I am proud to have been chosen to represent my school and county as GAHPERD Teacher of the Year for the third time. The support and guidance of my administration, county supervisor and colleagues has shaped me into the educator I am today.”
According to GAHPERD, Cross’ performance as an educator, role model and community leader is evident, as is her dedication to her students, peers and professional association.
“Kristen Cross is so deserving of this award,” Palmer Principal Shannon Kiger said. “She is being honored for being an exceptional educator, role model and community leader. Mrs. Cross is a leader in her field because of her passion for physical education, her ability to build positive relationships and her dedication to students, peers and her profession.”
The awardwinning PE teacher, who has called Palmer home for the past six years, first was honored as GAHPERD Secondary Physical Education Teacher of the Year in 2008 then earned the title of K-12 Health Education Teacher of the Year in 2016.
Cross has been teaching for 23 years, 16 of which have been in the Cobb County School District.
“I really enjoy interacting with and teaching my students about health and physical education and how it impacts their future physically, mentally and socially,” she said.
The Acworth resident, who is married and has two sons, 18 and 13, earned a Bachelor of Science in health and physical education (dual degree: teacher education and athletic training) from Salisbury University and a Master of Science in curriculum, instruction and assessment from Walden University.
Kristen Cross watches over her students during a physical education class.
Around & About
Sample food from more than 20 local restaurants at Taste of Kennesaw.

05 The Superior Plumbing Taste of Kennesaw will take place 11 a.m.-6 p.m. on Main Street downtown. The event, which benefits five local charities, will feature samples from more than 20 Kennesaw and Cobb County restaurants, the Trackside Grill Beer Garden, music, local entertainment and children’s activities, including a rock wall, inflatable slides and bounces. Admission is free, and food samples will range from $1 to $5. 770-423-1330, Laura@jrmmanagement.com, www. kennesawbusiness.org.
Acworth Cultural Arts and Brookwood Christian School are sponsoring the Acworth Charm Home Tour, noon-5 p.m., in downtown Acworth. Visit recently renovated historic homes. www.acworthcharm.com.
The inaugural Never Alone Lantern Festival, 4 p.m., will be held at Etowah River Park in Canton. There will be a petting zoo, bounce houses, face painting, spin art and more, culminating with an organized lantern parade at dusk. https://bit.ly/3B5jRFJ. 06 Acworth will hold the Cornhole ATL Fall State Cornament at Logan Farm Park, 4405 Cherokee St. Stop by to check out leagues from across Georgia competing for the championship. Acworth's own Red Top Brewhouse will be there with food, drinks and its own league. www.cornholeatl.com/playoffs. 11 A Veterans Day Luncheon, presented by the Rotary Club of North Cobb, will be held at the Ben Robertson Community Center, 2753 Watts Drive in Kennesaw, noon-2 p.m., for all veterans and active-duty military. The program will include lunch from Copeland’s of Kennesaw, acknowledgments from Mayor Derek Easterling, a guest speaker, a presentation of colors by the North Cobb-Harrison Navy JROTC unit and the POW/MIA recognition ceremony by the North Cobb American Legion Post 304. Registration is not required. 770-422-9714, https://bit.ly/3fPlaRX.
Kennesaw State University's Bailey School of Music will present a Veterans Day Tribute concert, 8 p.m. Veterans are invited to attend the concert for free and should call 470-578-6650 with their dates of service and branch to receive a complimentary ticket. 11-Dec. 26 Town Center at Cobb will be home to the Festival of Trees, bringing the community together during the holiday season to raise awareness about local nonprofits. The public can view the trees during mall hours in the Belk wing. Opening night, Nov. 11, 5-9 p.m., will include a Spotlight on Nonprofits event and will coincide with Santa’s arrival at the mall.
Hosted by North Atlanta Events, the festival will feature beautifully decorated trees that represent local nonprofits, and community members can learn how they can support the participating nonprofits through volunteerism, monetary donations and donations of needed items.
For information about nonprofits decorating a tree for the event, as well as a description of and link to each participating organization, visit NorthAtlantaEvents.com. Marie Koch, 678-557-0072 or info@northatlantaevents.com.
12 The last Kennesaw Grand Prix Series Race will be in front of Kennesaw First Baptist Church at 2958 N. Main St. and will benefit wounded veterans. Visit https://kennesawgrandprix.com/faq.
19 The Cobb County Public Safety Foundation 5K will take place at 8:30 at the Battery Atlanta. Before and after the race, enjoy a display of emergency vehicles, a kids’ dash with Braves mascot Blooper and entertainment from the Braves Heavy Hitters. Register now at www.CCPSF.org to lock in your shirt and medal for participating in this Peachtree Road Race qualifier.
& About
19 The 14th annual Acworth Turkey Chase, a 5K fun run and 2K walk, is planned for downtown Acworth. Registration opens at 7:30 a.m., and the 5K begins at 9 a.m. To obtain more information, register or sponsor the event, visit www.acworthturkeychase.com.

The 14th annual Acworth Turkey Chase will race through downtown.
17 Join the Wreaths Across America Ceremony and lay wreaths at the Georgia National Cemetery in Canton. Families with loved ones at GNC will place wreaths, 9-11 a.m. A public memorial ceremony will follow, and volunteers will place the remaining wreaths, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. ganationalcemetery.org.
www.artstationcobb.org. Nov. 7-13
“Veterans Day: A Gallery of or by Veterans” is a photography exhibit celebrating our military heroes, past and present. Photos in the gallery have been taken of veterans or by veterans. Nov. 30-Dec. 11
Holiday Market will take place 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Saturday and 1-5 p.m. Sunday and will feature handcrafted treasures made by local artisans. Ongoing Register for winter classes and workshops offered for kids, teens and adults.
The Battery Atlanta Mondays
Yoga by Kaiser Permanente, 6:30-7:30 p.m., is a free outdoor yoga class for all ages on the Plaza Green. Participants are required to bring a mat and encouraged to bring water. Register at batteryatlyoga2022.eventbrite.com. The Battery Atlanta Walking Trail
A brisk walk can curb cravings, reduce stress and offer a healthy way to catch up with friends and family. Get active on the 1.5-mile loop circling the campus.
Parks and Recreation
2529 J.O. Stephenson Ave. // 770-424-8274 www.kennesaw-ga.gov/parks-and-recreation Tuesdays
Awareness Through Movement, through Nov. 29, 10-11 a.m., Kennesaw Recreation Center, 2737 Watts Drive. Adults will learn how body awareness can help in correcting poor movement habits, reducing pain and developing new skills.
Junior Coding: Animal Planet, Nov. 16-Dec. 14, 5:45-6:45 p.m., Ben Robertson Community Center, 2753 Watts Drive. Kids 4-7 will learn coding by exploring the animal world.
Software Engineering: Coding Games, Nov. 16-Dec. 14, 7-8 p.m., Ben Robertson Community Center, 2753 Watts Drive. Kids ages 8-14 will learn how to create games.
Painting and Drawing With Jessica Geist, through Dec. 22, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Ben Robertson Community Center, 2753 Watts Drive. Intermediate and advanced oil painters ages 18 and older can expect to learn or improve on techniques for creating depth and realism, as well as color theory and color mixing. Karate for Adults: Practical and Applied, Dec. 1-Feb. 16, 7-8 p.m., Ben Robertson Community Center, 2753 Watts Drive. This class, for ages 20-70, balances traditional karate techniques with real-world self-defense applications.
Master Gardeners
cobbmastergardeners.com Nov. 11
Thyme to Read Book Club will be discussing "Yellow Bird: Oil, Murder and a Woman’s Search for Justice in Indian Country" by Sierra Crane Murdoch at 10 a.m. Nov. 15
Organic Gardening: Growing Your Own Food Without
Harsh Chemicals, 7 p.m., is a virtual class that will cover the principles of growing food organically.
Cobb Photographic Society

Mark Chandler - First Place (Atlanta Hyatt Atrium) Jeff Westland - Second Place (Willow)

Cobb Photographic Society
Congratulations to everyone who entered the Cobb Photographic Society competition. The topic for September was “Taken With a Smartphone.” The guest judge was photographer John Webb. The Cobb Photographic Society is a club open to photographers of all skill levels. It meets the first and third Monday of each month. For information, visit www.cobbphotosociety.com.

Ben Moravitz - First Place (Timberlake Farewell)