3 minute read
Joseph Cousin
Be Thankful, God’s Greatness Is in You
Throughout November, we are encouraged to think of all the ways we must be thankful to God, because he continues to be good to us all. And, as we thank God this season, let us not forget to thank him for the greatness he has placed in each of us. If you did not know it, you’ve got greatness in you!
In Philippians 1:6, we find Paul writing to the Philippians, giving certainty that God began and will complete the good work in each of them:
“And, I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue the work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”
I want to encourage everyone to be thankful for the greatness that God has placed in you.
God initiates greatness in each of us.
We must realize that God has begun a good work in each of us, thus initiating greatness in our lives. With this in mind, we must not only be thankful, but we also must live in a manner that is reflective of God’s greatness in us. And, each day, we must ask ourselves this question: What am I doing to reflect God’s greatness in my life, and how am I showing my gratitude for God initiating greatness in me?
God continues greatness in us.
God not only initiated greatness in us, but he continues the greatness in us, as well. Paul calls the continuation of this greatness good work, and God carries this on in our lives. Our greatness is exemplified by how we live our lives, and how we inspire and encourage others to tap into the greatness that God has placed in them.
God completes greatness in us.
The word “complete” has multiple definitions. One definition is “to be finished,” but another definition is “to be made whole.” And, I believe that, as God continues the greatness within us, he also completes our greatness by making us whole. How does God make us whole? We are whole through Christ Jesus! As we spread the joy of Jesus to the world, God completes and fulfills the great work within us all.
Never forget, God has instilled greatness in you. Don’t ever doubt it, disbelieve it or disregard it — we all have greatness in us, given by God — and we must forever be thankful for God’s greatness in us.
The Rev. Joseph N. Cousin Sr. is pastor of Allen Temple AME Church in Woodstock and the founding president of the Cherokee County NAACP. 2022-2023

*** Special Pricing *** *** Show Not Included In 2022-2023 Season Tickets *** CHECK OUR WEBSITE*** Show Not Included In 2022-23 Season Tickets *** Directed by Wally and Jeannie Hinds WWW.CHEROKEETHEATRE.ORG December 9, 10, 11 | 16, 17, 18 2022 Dec. 9, 10, 11 | 16, 17, 18FOR TICKETS & MORE INFO ON OUR 2022-2023 season!!
CHECK OUR WEBSITE FOR TICKETS & MORE INFO ON OUR WWW.CHEROKEETHEATRE.ORG ALL SHOWS Friday & Saturday, 8pm Saturday & Sunday, 2:30pm Matinee Friday & Saturday, 8 p.m. Saturday & Sunday, 2:30 p.m. Matinee 2022-2023 season!! Tickets $20
Tickets $20 ALL SHOWS FOLLOW US Because CTC is a 501(c)3 Friday & Saturday, 8pm Saturday & Sunday, 2:30pm Matinee Box Office 770-591-0282 | info@cherokeetheatre.org All performances will be held at the Downtown Canton Theatre 171 E. Main Street, Canton, GA 30114 CHECK OUR WEBSITE non-profit organizationBox Office 770-591-0282 | info@cherokeetheatre.org your donations are tax All performances will be held at the Downtown Canton Theatre deductible. 171 E. Main Street, Canton, GA 30114
CTC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, your donations are tax deductible.