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Dr. Jonathan Gilvarry

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Dr. Scott Merritt

Dr. Scott Merritt


Holiday traditions and gatherings with friends and family are special. However, the holidays also can be a dangerous time for our pets. We especially have to be careful this time of year, since there are many potential life-threatening hazards that exist during the holidays. 1. Tinsel and ornaments are very dangerous for cats and dogs. Pets are attracted to the shininess of tinsel, and often will try to eat it, which can lead to intestinal blockages that can be fatal. The same is true of gift wrap or ribbon. Cats especially love to chew and swallow ribbon. This is a serious situation that can lead to twisted intestines and, ultimately, death. Dispose of all ribbon, bows and gift wrap immediately, and keep them out of your pets’ reach. Dogs often mistake shiny ornaments for chew toys, which can damage their mouths or choke them when they try to chew them. 2. Holiday plants such as poinsettias, mistletoe, holly and pine needles can be toxic to pets. Poinsettias can cause nausea and burns to the mouth. Pine needles can cause vomiting, diarrhea and weakness. Holly also can cause vomiting, diarrhea and weakness. The most toxic is mistletoe, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea, but also can cause difficulty breathing, collapse and strange behavior. It also can be deadly. 3. Lighting is a serious situation during the holidays. Pets like to chew on the electrical wiring from lights, which can cause serious burns and lung abnormalities that can be fatal. Candles are also a potential hazard. Pets are curious and like to investigate. Dogs and cats often will knock over candles, which can lead to burns or house fires. 4. Human food can be extremely dangerous to our pets. Chocolate is toxic to dogs, and can lead to serious consequences. Also, many nuts, grapes and raisins found during the holiday season can be toxic. Table scraps and turkey skins can lead to a serious intestinal condition called pancreatitis. Sugar-free candies that contain xylitol can lead to low blood sugar and liver failure. 5. Water additives, potpourri and essential oils contain toxins that can harm your pet. Cats and dogs love to drink from the Christmas water reserve; aspirin and sugar that often are added can be toxic. Solid and liquid potpourri, and essential oils, can cause severe chemical burns and irritation.


Dr. Jonathan Gilvarry has been an associate veterinarian of the BridgeMill Animal Hospital team since 2015.

From left, Angelica and Andrew McDeermond, Dave Meadows, Jason and Jennifer Nails.

Local Ministry Supports Orphans

Dave Meadows, owner of Art Jewelers independent living. Currently, five boys in Woodstock, took his first mission trip live full-time in Casa Esperanza; their to Ecuador in the summer of 2011. That lives have changed dramatically through trip was very impactful for him and his the love and support they have received family. Since then, he and his wife and in this home and through this ministry. several of his children have traveled to Ecuador many times to serve. Through Orphan Care. Restore17 partners events they witnessed on these trips, with two government-run orphanages, they became aware of the acute orphan showing more than 50 children Christ’s crisis there and felt they needed to do love on a weekly basis. Ministry staff something more to take up the cause of members hold weekly Bible study, serve helping vulnerable children. As a result, as mentors, offer emotional support, Jason and Jennifer Nails (Dave’s mission provide for physical needs, and empower team members) founded Restore17, the kids through homework assistance and Dave became a board member and tutoring. Kids are able to go on and advocate for the fatherless and weekend vacations, summer camps, vulnerable. monthly birthday celebrations and other field trips and activities. The Mission Restore17’s mission is to provide Family Preservation. Restore17 Christ-centered, restorative care to at-risk currently has 15 reunited families in youth and families by meeting spiritual, the family preservation program. The physical, educational and emotional children were reunited with their families needs. Each child the ministry serves after living in a partnering orphanage. has a unique and difficult story. Some This program’s goal is to prevent further were abandoned or removed from their separation of parents and children and families due to abuse or neglect, while to provide resources and support to help others are victims of human trafficking. families thrive together. Restore17 comes alongside these children and their families to offer the support and services needed to help change their stories. A Bold Future Ministry officials are dreaming big, raising money to buy property for House of Hope and a community center to Three Areas of Ministry Restore17 has three main areas of better serve the youth and their families. This step would provide permanency ministry, which include a transition home, and a tangible place in the community orphan care and family preservation. for counseling services, a food pantry, parenting workshops, discipleship Transition Home. Casa Esperanza classes, a technology room, and tutoring. (House of Hope) equips children who The goal is to raise $410,000 by the end have aged out of institutionalized care for of 2020. Sponsored Content How Can You Help?

1Make a donation to the Restore17 Dream Big Building Fund for the property. A donation of any size makes a big difference. It’s easy math: a $25 donation x 25,000 (people who read this magazine) = $625,000. By making a donation of any amount, you’ve helped change the lives of kids and families in Ecuador! It’s that simple.

2Stop by Art Jewelers, make a minimum donation of $100, and get a signature Tree of Life necklace.

3Donors who sign up for a $25 monthly donation will get a free hoodie. Sign up for monthly giving at www.restore17.org/ give. The necklace and/ or hoodie would make great Christmas gifts for a family member or a friend this year!

For more information, visit Art Jewelers or www.restore17.org email: info@restore17.org

136 Woodstock Square Ave., Suite 400 Woodstock, GA, 30189 770-924-3133 www.artjewelers.com 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tuesdays-Saturdays

@art_jewelers @restore17ecuador artjewelersonline @restore17 artjewelers

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