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Elisabeth Stubbs

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Tips for Holiday Survival



December is a crazy, busy time of year. To help you stay calm and enjoy the holidays, here are some of my favorite ideas and tips. 1. Keep a few packages of frozen cookie dough on hand to pop in the oven when you have unexpected guests. 2. When most of us think of the holidays, we think of warm and delicious scents. Keep a simmer pot going with cloves, nutmeg and other spices to give your home a fragrant holiday smell. Yum! 3. Designate a place, like a folder on your desk, to collect receipts throughout the season for returning or exchanging items. Update your budget list as you make purchases so you do not overspend. 4. Once school is out, it is more than likely that kids will be bored. Prepare for this by creating an inexpensive family tradition (or a few). Purchase a ready-made wreath of greens, and recruit your kids to gather items to decorate it. Use pine cones, ribbons, crystals, feathers, beaded garland, homemade paper snowflakes or whatever you can find around the house. 5. Light lots of candles. Nothing makes a room feel warmer and more inviting than candlelight. Plus, if unexpected company arrives, it is not as easy to see dust in a dimly lit room! 6. Pets can become overwhelmed by all the excitement holidays bring. Give your pet his or her own quiet space to retreat to, complete with fresh water and a place to snuggle. Shy pups and cats may want to hide out under a piece of furniture, in their crates or in a separate room away from the hubbub. 7. If you’re stuffing a stocking for your pet, choose gifts that are safe. Dogs have been known to tear their toys apart and swallow the pieces. Stick with chew toys that are difficult to destroy, such as Kongs. These toys can be stuffed with healthy foods or chew treats that are safely digestible.

Long, stringy toys are a feline’s dream, but those toys also are the most risky for cats. Avoid toys with ribbon, yarn and loose little parts that can get stuck in intestines, often necessitating surgery. Surprise your cat or kitten with a new ball that’s too big to swallow, a catnip-stuffed toy or an interactive cat dancer. 8. ‘Tis the season for sentimentality. Feeling cozy is as mental as it is physical. Add a touch of nostalgia to your decor or food selection to create coziness. Put out some Santa pieces or other family heirlooms on a buffet. Keep treats, sweets and cookies out so the nibblers can enjoy themselves. Make a pot of hot cocoa to welcome your family into the kitchen.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday!

Elisabeth Stubbs is one of the owners of Enhance Floors and More, one of Atlanta’s top-rated flooring dealers, located in Marietta.

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BUT A SEE YOU around&


As Patty Ponder, Aroundabout Local Media’s president, is looking forward to retirement, staff members are getting a little wistful looking back over our 11-plus years with her. Here are a few snapshots that spark special memories of our fearless leader.

Patty always has inspired the team to be lifelong learners and reach our best potential, attending events like a Woodstock Business Club seminar, where Justin Kier was guest speaker.

— Michelle McCulloch

One thing is certain; even in the midst of the pandemic, the two of us worked very hard but kept a smile on our face and had so much fun at the same time!

— Jennifer Coleman

2010 2012 2016

Patty has successfully served our company, community and advertisers with respect, professionalism and grace. We wouldn’t be where we are today without her dedication and leadership. We are grateful for her service and her friendship. Enjoy your well deserved retirement!

— Jon and Karen Flaig

Patty’s vibrant personality can only be surpassed by her perfectly coordinated outfits. Shopping with her at local boutiques was such a fun adventure!

— Savannah Winn

What inspires me the most is how Patty can be personal and professional at the same time. I’ve always felt comfort in knowing I work for someone who not only encourages me to be my best, but also genuinely cares.

— Laura Latchford

As a leader in the business world, Patty is the quintessential boss: a purposeful and powerful drive mixed with intentional kindness and respect.

— Michelle Smith

Patty always has been open to hearing input from the team, even differing opinions. She’s made a point to thank me for speaking up in meetings, and I really admire that about her.

— Katie Beall

Patty’s drive, passion for what she does and sense of humor are some of my favorite things about her. She adds something extra to conversations and interactions that just makes you want to be a part of them. She keeps things interesting, in the best way!

— Jessica Forrester

Patty made celebrating the 25th anniversary of our company so much fun!

— Kat Holt

Of course, Patty and I chose princess dolls to donate to the Cherokee Chamber of Commerce toy drive in 2014. She’s the only daughter, and I’m an only child, and she constantly reminded me how our yin-yang relationship was really the way sisters act. I’ll miss my sister!

— Candi Hannigan

As much as Patty expected excellence and wanted us to stretch and grow professionally, she was always up for a fun time and made team events a priority.

— Denise Griffin

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