2 minute read
Bryce Jones
Tips for Teens
4 Ways to Be an Everyday Leader
When you think of a leader, who comes to mind? A school principal, the president, Martin Luther King Jr. or, maybe, your team coach? It’s common to think that leaders have to do big things on a grand scale. However, this is not the case. Leaders motivate and influence those around them to work together toward a common goal, and there are small ways you can be a leader every day.
1. Serve others. Leaders are humble and unselfish. They put others first and seek small ways to help them achieve more. When those around them succeed, leaders are not envious; they celebrate with them. Ask yourself how you can help those around you today, even in a small way. Put aside the thought of, why not me? Instead, ask how you can make their lives a little better.
2. Have integrity. In order to lead others, you must have their trust. You have to do the right thing, even when no one is looking. Leaders have a set of values that they live by and never waver from. This shows everyone what they stand for. When things get tough, face the challenges with integrity, and prove to yourself and others that you are a leader worth following.
3. Be positive. Positivity is contagious. People don’t want to follow or be around someone who always is negative. Encourage others, and lead by example. Have a good attitude, and don’t complain. Sometimes, a simple act of saying hello to someone can make a big difference. A smile costs you nothing, yet it can change someone’s day for the better.
4. Leave people, places better than you found them. The simplest acts of kindness can have a great impact on those around you. The next time you see a mess, help clean it up. Hold the door, sit with the new kid at lunch, or give someone a sincere compliment. Give your all in everything you do, even with the little things. Start small, and, later, the big stuff will become easy.
Leaders aren’t born; they are made. They are made through their actions, words, and what they do when faced with difficulties. Every day, you are presented with opportunities to show leadership. The next time you are out and about, look for small opportunities where you can be a leader, and, remember, even the smallest thing can make a huge impact.
Bryce Jones is a Woodstock High honors student who plays soccer and is involved in student government. He was a reporter for Scholastic Kids Press and a 2020 TEDx Speaker.