2 minute read
Rosalina Rivera
The Season of Giving and Waiting
During this season of giving, in a recent Bible study with my church council, I challenged them to think about the things they were concerned or worried about for next year. Lots of things were mentioned. Then, I challenged them to think about all that had been accomplished this past year. As you can imagine, the list could go on and on, but one thing was very clear — it was a wonderful opportunity to see all the ways God has blessed the congregation.
“Give” appears in the Bible 921 times, almost as many times as “faith” (270), “hope” (165) and “love” (541) combined. Mentioned more than anything else in the Bible, it accounts " for 15% of God’s word and some 2,350 verses! It goes without saying that giving is an expression of faith, hope and love.Maybe our impatience can be turned Right after Thanksgiving, Christmas carols began on the radio. I always look forward into joyful adoration for the to listening to the station that plays all my favorites backto-back. If I’m being honest, one who gave up everything while I am patient about some things, there are other things that I am extremely impatient about. As a kid, it drove me crazy whenever my mom would place another wrapped gift under the tree, and I had no idea what was inside. for all of us. " Fittingly, my advent focus this year is “Wait for the Lord.” Advent, the four weeks prior to Christmas, literally means waiting.
Truly, these seasons — the season of giving and the season of waiting — go hand in hand. Acknowledging all that God gave is what makes the waiting worth it. Immanuel, one of the many names for God, means God with us. As we approach Christmas, in hopeful expectation of what is to come, maybe we can focus on all that was given that faithful starry night in Bethlehem. Maybe then, our waiting can turn into hopeful expectation. Maybe our impatience can be turned into joyful adoration for the one who gave up everything for all of us.
“Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” — James 1:17
Wishing you all a joyous Christmas!
The Rev. Rosalina Rivera (Pastor Rosy) is pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Woodstock.
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