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Community Calendar
Around & About
15-19 Splish Splash Break Camp at the Cherokee County Aquatic Center gives students ages 5-13 fun activities to look forward to during school breaks. For details, email Lauren Voss at latvoss@cherokeega.com.
Non-Stop Action Break Camp at the Cherokee Recreation and Parks Agency rec center, 7 a.m.-6 p.m. for kindergarten through age 12. $170 per child. For details, email Lauren Voss at latvoss@cherokeega.com. 19 An Arbor Day celebration in Woodstock will give away 700 seedlings of dogwood, redbud and bald cypress trees at three locations: City Hall Annex at 12453 Highway 92, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Dean’s Store at 8588 Main St. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; and William G. Long Senior Center at 223 Arnold Mill Road. 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
20 Guns & Hoses 5k Run/Walk and Fun Run is a fundraiser for the Cherokee Sheriff’s Foundation (supported by the Guns team) and Goshen Valley Boys Ranch (Hoses team). During registration, participants choose a team to represent; a portion of their race fee will go to that charity. Early registration ends Feb. 5; late registration is Feb. 6-19. No day-of-race registration. The Fun Run starts at 7:30 a.m., followed by the run/walk at 8 a.m. For details, email Bailey Barcomb at bmbarcomb@cherokeega.com.
26 Pruning ornamental shrubs is the topic of the February live virtual lunch and learn seminar, noon-1:30 p.m., presented by the UGA Master Gardeners Extension Volunteers of Cherokee County. Other scheduled seminars include “Secrets to Success in Summer Vegetable Gardens” on March 25, “Cutting Gardens” on April 30 and “Container Gardening” on May 28. All classes are free. Pre-registration is required at https://bit.ly/3nCVNRC. 13 2021 Celebration of Education Gala, a blacktie event, is a fundraiser for the Cherokee County Educational Foundation, will be held at the Northside Hospital Cherokee Conference Center. Last year’s gala raised $80,000; all proceeds are funneled to the students and staff of the Cherokee County School District through grant programs. For more information, visit www.cherokeecountyeducationalfoundation.org.
2The Market @ The Mill begins, continues first Tuesdays each month through October. Hours are 5:30-8:30 p.m. Details available on Facebook at The Mill On Etowah page. 3 Unwind Wednesdays, is a new event for 2021, and features food trucks and market night at Veterans Park. Continues the first Wednesdays of each month through October. For details, follow the Revival Events Group page on Facebook.
18, 25, April 1
COED’s Cherokee Film Summit will be held in three parts. Launched by COED as an initiative of Cherokee By Choice in January 2019, the summit was designed to strengthen Georgia’s film industry pipeline. Through power-packed networking opportunities and a variety of breakout sessions led by dynamic speakers and panelists, the event will build meaningful connections between the film industry and community. For more information, visit www.cherokeega.org. 19 Flashlight Egg Hunt starts at 6 p.m. at Cherokee Veterans Park for children up to age 12. $10 per child. Event includes food trucks, vendors, music, face painting, crafts, kid zone and a visit with the Easter Bunny. Sponsored by the Cherokee Recreation and Parks Agency. Registration is open, contact bmbarcomb@cherokeega.com.
20 The Sutallee Trace 4- and 7-mile Trail Run opens the 2021 series, taking place at Boling Park in Canton. Registration details available at www.mountaingoatadventures.com.
1 Innovation Way, Woodstock. 770-345-0600. www.circuitwoodstock.com/events.
1 Million Cups Cherokee (1MC) Cherokee
Held in person, and on Facebook Live. The free, biweekly coffee gathering helps build startup communities on a grassroots level. Visit www.1millioncups.com/Cherokee for more details.
Learning Community
Book study meets 10:30 a.m. the second Thursday of the month at the Circuit.
Meets weekly, 8-9 a.m. at Reformation Brewery, 125 Railroad St. Check Facebook for an optional Zoom link, and other club news and events.
At the Elm Street Event Green in Woodstock; shows begin at 7:30 p.m. Check for updates at www.elmstreetarts.org. March 27: Time for Three June 5: Swedish Jam
April 17: VoicePlay Factory
April 24: Little Texass June 26: Laila Biali
May 1: Crystal July 17: Ian Sherwood Bowersox! Sept. 25: The Black
May 15: Gina Chavez Market Trust
May 22: JigJam
www.cherokeechamber.com Good Morning Cherokee breakfasts held at
7 a.m. monthly, except July, Feb. 4, March 4, April 1, May 6, June 3, Aug. 5, Sept. 2, Oct. 7, Nov. 4, Dec. 2. Meeting at First Baptist Church Woodstock February through June. Power Hour Networking, held at the Chamber office, 3605 Marietta Highway, Canton, 10-11 a.m. Feb. 11, March 9, April 16, May 4, June 17, July 29, Aug. 2, Sept. 16, Oct. 5, Nov. 10 and Dec. 16.
770-924-7768 www.playcherokee.org Cherokee County Aquatic Center
March 27: Eggs-traordinary Eggs-travaganza 2-5 p.m. $10 per child
May 29: Oasis Outdoor Pool opens June 14-18: Water Safety Week at the Oasis
June 20: Dad’s Day at the Oasis- Buy one kid’s admission and get dad’s admission FREE! July 2, 30: Family Fun Night at the Oasis (on the 30th donate a school supply and receive $2 off admission)
July 18: Mom’s Day at the Oasis- Buy one kid’s admission and get mom’s admission FREE!
Dec. 11: Swim with the Grinch 10 a.m.-noon, $10 per child
Because CTC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization your donations are tax deductible.
Cherokee Theatre Company PO Box 5885 • Canton, GA 30114