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Local News
Nominations Open for 2022-23 Leadership Cobb
Leadership Cobb, the Cobb Chamber’s leadership development program, is seeking nominations for members of its 2022-23 class.
Fifty diverse and qualified individuals are selected annually to participate in this leadership development program. Leadership Cobb enhances personal and professional growth, while participants gain awareness of current issues, community resources and the social, political and economic needs of the community. Program days combine lectures and dialogue among speakers as well as audience interaction with leaders in all facets of the community.
Nominations are open until Feb. 14, and can be found at https://bit.ly/3GJC4Kn.
WaterSmart Art Contest Seeks Entries
Show off your drawing skills and get published in Cobb’s waterSmart art contest coloring book. For this contest, fourth- and fifth-grade students enrolled in Cobb County and City of Marietta School Districts are asked to draw Cobb Water’s mascot, Tappy Turtle, practicing a water-saving habit. The deadline for submissions is 3 p.m. Feb. 18. The winners will be invited to a virtual reception March 14. Winning entries will be compiled into a coloring book and distributed throughout the county.
For more information, visit https://bit.ly/3FFVaQm, or email michael. kahle@cobbcounty.org.

Register Now for Spring Sports and Activities
It may be cold outside, but it’s time to register for sports and activities for the Cobb PARKS spring season. Registration opened in January for many sports and activities, including baseball, softball, soccer, track, tennis and BMX. For specific information on the activities, visit https://bit.ly/32cKz1y. Many registration deadlines are fast approaching, so don’t miss out.
Registration for adult spring sports is open as well. Below is a list of upcoming registration deadlines for adult sports. For more information and to download registration packets, visit https:// bit.ly/3GJHMfo.
Softball — Feb. 16 for individuals, Feb. 23 for teams
Kickball — March 2 for individuals, March 7 for teams
Cornhole — March 29
Upcoming Public Meetings
CobbTV makes it easy to stay up-to-date on all of the happenings of Cobb County Government. Many public meetings and hearings are broadcast live and are available on YouTube and Video On Demand. • The Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, 9 a.m. Feb. 8. • The Board of Commissioners Zoning Hearing, 9 a.m. Feb. 15. • The Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting, 7 p.m. Feb. 22.
You can livestream meetings on CobbTV’s cable channel, www.cobbcounty.org/CobbTV, or by watching it on the county’s YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/cobbcountygovt.

Marietta Spring Fun Run
Take a run with Marietta’s Police Athletic League (PAL) in the sixth annual Shamrock Shuffle 5K Walk/Run event. This Peachtree Road Race qualifying run is St. Patrick’s Day-themed, so dress accordingly. It starts at 9 a.m. March 12, at the historic Marietta Square.
Proceeds from this event will provide funding for programming of Marietta PAL. Its mission is to prevent juvenile crime and violence by providing civic, athletic, recreational and educational opportunities, which create trust and build understanding between officers and youth.
Register for the race at www.mariettashamrockshuffle.com.
Open House
March 10, 6-8 p.m. Hudgins Hall (Cobb County Civic Center) 548 S. Marietta Parkway SE, Marietta
Your Input Is Needed!
Cobb County’s Community Development Agency will host community meetings and surveys to facilitate a five-year update to Cobb County’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is a long-range, community designed growth strategy that guides the future of Cobb County.
Community Development staff would like your input by completing a survey to analyze the needs and opportunities important to you as a resident, landowner, visitor or business owner. Your participation will help develop a shared vision for the county’s future. The survey is available at https://arcg.is/1avWem0.
Through March, there will be opportunities for the community to provide their thoughts and ideas related to the plan. Residents are encouraged to be active in the planning process to ensure the plan reflects the community’s preferences and desires. The meetings will be informative and interactive, designed to collect feedback on the existing needs and future development in the county. For more information, please visit the Comprehensive Plan website at www. cobbcounty.org/comp-plan.
Virtual Meeting
Feb. 24, 6-7:30 p.m. Link will be posted online.
City Seeks Input for 2022 Comprehensive Plan
The City of Kennesaw Comprehensive Plan is a living document shaped by its leadership, staff and citizens. It is a policy guide for making zoning and capital investment decisions, and it sets policies for city officials and staff concerning the future development of the city.
A five-year update of the city’s Comprehensive Plan is required by the minimum standards and procedures for local comprehensive planning adopted by the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA). The latest version of these standards and procedures can be found in the DCA Rules at Chapter 110-12-1, effective Oct. 1, 2018. In meeting these standards, this plan enables the city to maintain its Qualified Local Government Status, making it eligible to receive certain types of state funding. This update reassesses where Kennesaw stands today, and how it intends to grow in the future. It presents an updated community vision, corresponding goals and a work program designed to make that vision a reality.
Comprehensive Plan Goals from 2017
The residents, employees and businesses of Kennesaw are working to capitalize on the qualities and values that have made it a successful community. To be a successful community, Kennesaw will… • Create great public spaces and thoroughfares with well-balanced, fiscally sound, infrastructure investments. • Work to ensure existing business and retail vitality while expanding the economy with community partners. • Preserve the city’s hometown atmosphere while growing the economy and population through impactful redevelopment within downtown and along major corridors.
Help guide future growth by taking the online survey at https://publicinput.com/B4807. Input needed by Feb. 28.
Map to Nonprofits Near You
Cobb County Geographic Information System has a new interactive map of all the nonprofit organizations in the area. With this map, residents can easily find organizations, whether they need those services themselves, or if they’re interested in volunteering or want to donate. Access the map by visiting https://bit.ly/3GKK4e4. A short instructional video is available on Cobb TV to help residents start using the new map. View the instructional video at https://bit.ly/3qFfrBi.