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Crucial Decisions in Store in 2022 BY CHARLICE BYRD

The best time to divide a plant is before flowering. I usually propagate in September or October. Dig up the entire plant and divide it, making sure you have two or more buds on the divided plant. Plant one portion back where it was previously, and plant the others in your garden, or put in a pot and give to neighbors and friends to enjoy. Note: The sap in hellebores can irritate skin, so wear gloves when pruning or propagating. The hellebore is not susceptible to many bug infestations, but aphids are the biggest problem. Aphid infestation can bring black death disease, which causes black streaks. Remove and toss out the plant if this happens. Treat the plants for aphids, so they do not spread to other plants. Hellebores are poisonous, and ingestion by a pet should not be fatal, but can result in illness. The taste is very bitter, so a pet probably would not eat a great amount. However, even though they are toxic, deer, rabbits and squirrels have been known to eat them. Since hellebores bloom early in the winter or spring, I plant companion plants around them, so I have continually flowering plants. I use hostas and coral bells. Other plants that can be used are native ferns, columbines and bleeding hearts. Who says you can’t have flowers in winter? Try planting hellebores to add colorful life to winter gardens. Diane Walton has been a Cherokee County Master Gardener for the past 14 years. She held the position of treasurer for 10 years and has presented several gardening seminars.

Ringing in the new year is a time of anticipation and excitement as we look forward to the 12 months ahead. I wish for you joy and prosperity, along with a happy new year. Each new year is another beginning of hope renewed, and 2022 is no different in that regard. What sets this year apart is that it is a crucial time for the direction of our country, state and community. What also sets 2022 apart is what is behind us. The last few years have been turbulent and emotionally testing. There is important work to do to rebuild our economy and strengthen our country. The Georgia General Assembly has crucial decisions ahead in the 2022 legislative session. From election integrity, critical race theory, vaccine mandates and supporting the police, our nation’s most important battles are taking place in state legislatures, and Georgia is becoming an important front. I am a founding member of the newly formed Georgia State Freedom Caucus, aimed to mirror the House Freedom Caucus in Congress. The group of principled, “America First” conservatives is committed to help better protect our liberties and American values. With the support of national, conservative groups, including the House Freedom Caucus, we are committed to effectively fighting against the political status quo in Georgia and in Washington, to bring power back close to the people, where it belongs. Georgia is the first state of many that will provide a framework of conservative elected officials to fight on behalf of all of our freedoms. We need more people in politics willing to look at our problems with eyes wide open, to see how we can do things differently to achieve better results for everyone. One of the things that has made America great is that each generation has worked hard to leave our country better than it found it. We must be diligent, and we must work hard to appreciate the joy and prosperity of this great country.

Rep. Charlice Byrd represents District 20 in the Georgia House of Representatives. charlice.byrd@house.ga.gov

TOWNELAKER | February 2022


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