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Letter From the Editor
Happy New Year, everyone! I know it’s the second month of 2023, but I’m writing this on Dec. 30. Remember how I said we work ahead? So, as I’m writing, I’m finishing the Christmas goodies. If you remember December’s letter, you know I like to eat, especially sweets. And, apparently, I love to eat while I’m working. It helps to know that — maybe that’s the first step in curbing weight gain this year.
You do know that food consumed while watching sports has no calories, right? Sort of like the food you eat at church suppers. So, enjoy the Super Bowl with a few of our favorite dishes (Pages 26-27).
I’m excited for 2023 to unfold, as we continue our support of local businesses. We started with our Best for Bridal contest in October and announced the winners in last month’s issues. On March 1, the nomination phase for Readers’ Choice opens, setting off a multi-month emphasis on celebrating the best of the best in our communities. You’ll find the poll on each magazine’s website. Here’s the timeline:
• March 1-31: Nominations accepted.
• May 15-June 30: Voting phase.
• August issues: Winners announced. We’ll bring back the Best for Bridal contest this October. While our Readers’ Choice polls focus on the businesses in the zip codes that each magazine serves, we expand the territory for the bridal contest, since north Georgia is a common destination for weddings.
Speaking of love, our feature on Pages 20-21 has suggestions for a few ways to enjoy a memorable Valentine’s Day celebration while supporting local businesses.
Along with the tried and true comes the exciting and new. Those creaky wheels in my brain are always turning and, as a result, we’ll roll out new content throughout 2023 on subjects we’ve barely broached before. Stay tuned for more — I won’t spoil the surprises for you! Just check in here each month, so you’ll be among the first to know. My most faithful reader is my mother-in-law — thanks, Mom! But, if you’re out there and enjoy this column, I’d love to hear from you.
Speaking of old, I can’t believe I have a son who turned 33 last month. He doesn’t realize how lucky he is … as I was making a special birthday cake to deliver to the Catoosa County fire station, where he is a firefighter, I had a fleeting thought: I should put together goody bags for the other firefighters on duty with him on his birthday. I quickly dismissed the idea, but not until after I started wondering what special trinkets they would enjoy. So, one of Drew’s presents was not to act on that motherly instinct. You’re welcome, son.
America’s Community Magazine
Volume 27, Issue 4
Aroundabout Local Media, Inc. www.aroundaboutlocalmedia.com
PRESIDENT Kim Dahnke | 770-778-5314 kim@aroundaboutmagazines.com
Jennifer Coleman | 678-279-5502 jen@aroundaboutmagazines.com
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Bill King, Eliza Somers
TowneLaker, a publication of Aroundabout Local Media, Inc., is a community magazine with 16,400 free copies distributed monthly. Approximately 15,800 are direct mailed to homes and businesses and an additional 600 are placed in racks in the community.
TowneLaker welcomes your comments, stories, and advertisements. Editorial deadline is the first and advertising deadline is the fifth of the previous month. Subscriptions are available for $24 per year. Send check or money order to: TowneLaker, 1025 Rose Creek Drive, PMB 380, Suite 620, Woodstock, GA 30189. The viewpoints of the advertisers, writers and other submissions do not necessarily reflect those of the editor/publisher. And the publisher makes no claims to the validity of any opinions expressed by charitable, business or civic organizations mentioned, or statements made within the editorial content. The cover and inside related article, and other editorial-type submissions labeled SPONSORED CONTENT, are paid content. The publisher neither guarantees nor supports any product or service mentioned in this magazine, nor does it guarantee any assertions made by the manufacturers or providers of such products or services, or claims regarding the status of such businesses. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved. Copyright 2023.