2 minute read

Justin Spainhour-Roth

A Night Out at Elm Street



Picture it: You’re in downtown Woodstock, 2021.

It’s a mild spring night with just the right amount of chill in the air, perfect for a light jacket. You’ve been invited to share a table at an upcoming Lantern Series concert on the Elm Street Event Green with seven of your favorite people. As you’re taking in the good conversation, company and delicious food, a sound piques your interest. Focusing in, you notice the pre-concert video showcasing a style of music that you’ve never heard before. Your foot starts to tap to the rhythm, and you can’t help but smile at how much fun you’re having in that moment. The sun begins to set, coloring the sky a deep and gorgeous orange; you sit on the edge of your chair, awaiting a night of music and entertainment you’ll spend the rest of your weekend thinking about.

Scenes like that are the reason we offer tables at our Lantern Series concerts.

Now that I’m finished being Sophia Petrillo from “The Golden Girls” (I must admit I’m more of a Rose), I want to tell you why I opened with that story. Experiences are what shape us and create memories, moments and connections. That’s why I pursued theater in my undergraduate studies - I understood just how much a musical or play could have an impact on the audience members sitting on the other side of the auditorium. That’s true for any art form, whether it be music, art, or even a comedy show.

At Elm Street, our mission is centered around bringing different arts experiences to our fellow community members. We share a collective passion for empowering, engaging, inspiring, and educating through the arts. That’s something that excites us immensely, and I love getting to share that with people. By sharing your passion, you help others find their passion, or rekindle one that they might not have thought about for years.

What’s something you’re passionate about? You might just find out at your next night out at Elm Street, like an upcoming Lantern Series concert with trio Time for Three or Little Texas, or our newly launched monthly comedy series, The Lasting Laugh!

Justin Spainhour-Roth, marketing manager for Elm Street Cultural Arts Village, has a bachelor of arts in communication in musical theater from Bowling Green State University.


Freaky Friday The Lasting Laugh

Musical | Theatre Season MAR 11-14, 2021

Recommended for ages 13+ Comedy | Theatre Season MAR 20, 2021


Time For Three

Classical Pop | Lantern Series MAR 27, 2021

Classic Country | Lantern Series LITTLE TEXAS APR 24, 2021


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