Around Towne Letter From the Editor
Readers, it’s all about YOU this month! Okay, it really is all about you every month, because we try our best to create content you’ll enjoy. But this month, what you think is doubly important as we launch Readers’ Choice 2022. Please take time to go to the Readers’ Choice link at, and write in your favorites in the categories listed there. If you nominate 25 or more, you’ll be entered to win a $500 Visa gift card. The top five nominees in each category will move on to the voting round that begins May 1. The winners will be announced in the July issue, and a list of the winners and finalists will stay on each website, giving you a perfect resource for whenever you need a recommendation for a service, restaurant or physician. Each winner will be in your area, so you can be assured they are local. Keeping things hyperlocal is the standard by which we measure our editorial content each month. With this goal in mind, I’d like to ask for your help. I’m sure there are many human interest stories in your neighborhoods. I’d love to hear about them, and share them with others! Please don’t hesitate to email me. We want to champion those unsung heroes who live next door! We’re excited to see more events taking place in our community. If we’ve learned anything through this, it’s to not take anything for granted, and to embrace each moment. Last weekend, a charitable group of folks embraced the 1980s by dressing up and attending an ’80s-style prom event to raise money for the Children’s Haven. Flip to Pages 16-17 for a trip back in time. Allatoona Lake campgrounds are opening (Page 28), and there are opportunities to adopt a local stream through the Upper Etowah River Alliance and a state program (Page 30). We always marvel at the lengths someone will go to to help a loved one … including donating a kidney to a stranger. Turn to Page 38 to meet Mallory and Alex Woodward. If you’re a regular reader of this magazine, you’ll recognize that examples of charity, care and a servant’s heart are recurring scenarios in Cherokee County, arguably one of the strongest, most united counties in Georgia. I’m proud to work, live and play in such a loving, caring and supportive community.
Candi Hannigan is the executive editor of Aroundabout Local Media. She has lived in Cherokee County since 1987. Send your comments or questions to
TOWNELAKER | March 2022
CHOICE Award 2022
Nomination phase starts 9 a.m.
March 1
For details, see Page 64 and visit
Donna Harris has joined Aroundabout Local Media as managing editor. We’re excited to welcome Donna, who has worked in this community and has considerable journalism experience. However, we are sad to say goodbye to former managing editor Katie Beall. We wish her well in her future endeavors!
What’s Closing
The Wright Stuff Records & Collectibles
at 8646 Main St. is closing after 11 years in downtown Woodstock. Owner Tom Wright, in a Facebook post, said he’ll be offering sales and specials to reduce inventory before closing. 410-294-8226.
Cherokee Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cuttings
Ursula & Associates Real Estate
1025 Rose Creek Drive, Suite 680, Woodstock 678-569-4044.
Treasure Tax
225 River Park North Drive, Woodstock 678-888-4829.