2 minute read
Everyday Angels
Spring is here, along with warmer weather, longer days and nature coming back to life. We are reminded of the innocence and beauty that exists all around us, despite the heaviness of what is happening in the world. We are given new life and new mercies every morning.
Since school began, Everyday Angels has been very busy, behind the scenes, meeting the rising needs for temporary housing. We continue to work closely with school administrators and counselors who identify and help qualify family needs. The “as needed” donations received allow us to do this important work for our community. We could not make a positive difference without your help.
Everyday Angels invites everyone to an Elton Live! tribute concert on April 23 at the Northside HospitalCherokee Amphitheater in honor and support of Chasity Schug. We featured her story in December 2021 and, now, we are partnering with the local company, TSA, Inc. to raise funds in honor and support of her family. Please go to https://cherishchasityconcert. eventbrite.com for more information or to purchase your tickets. We are excited to see everyone there! Readers, this letter is for you:
Dear Everyday Angels:
We want to thank you for the help you provided to one of our student’s families during the holidays. The day before we left for Christmas break, it was brought to our attention that one of our student’s family’s utilities had been disconnected for weeks. We learned that due to family illness and sick days without pay, the parents had to choose what bills to pay, and water and power in their home became a luxury. While other kids were excited about Santa, these students just wanted a warm shower.
We quickly rallied together like we do, and collected funds. We remembered the help your organization had provided in past years and made the call. Despite the long list of holiday needs, you put our student on top of your long list, no questions asked, and made sure their utilities were reconnected within days. You also provided grocery cards to present to them.
Last week, the parents came into our school to thank me and asked that I send a small donation to Everyday Angels. While the amount may be small, the gesture is huge. They are humble, they are grateful, and they look forward to better days so they can do for others as you have done for them. It is important you and your donors understand the impact you make within our community. As an administrator, we are grateful to have a resource available to help during desperate times, and that you trust us to identify these needs. Jenn
This is why we do what we do, and you allow us this privilege. We thank YOU!
Everyday Angels is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit serving Cherokee County since 2000. To make a tax deductible donation, visit www.everydayangels.info to donate via Paypal, or send your donations to: Everyday Angels, PMB 380, 1025 Rose Creek Drive, Suite 620, Woodstock, GA 30189. One hundred percent of your funds will go to the family you specify. If you know of a special need in our community, email aaeverydayangels@gmail.com.