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Prepare for Tests 4 Ways for Students to


Picture this: You just got home from seven hours of school, and all you want is to relax and decompress. You sit down on the couch, turn on the TV (or your phone) and take a moment for yourself. The next thing you know, it’s nearly 8 p.m., and you still haven’t started studying or working on your homework.


This scene is all too familiar to me. While I do believe winding down after a hard day at school is alright, it’s important to have a plan in place to create good study habits that will help you stay on top of your classes.

1. Make a schedule. At some point, most high schoolers have stayed up late, or pulled an allnighter, for a test or exam. I am just as guilty, and every time, I promise not to let it happen again. However, a week later, I usually find myself cramming the night before a big test. Using a planner or calendar will help you keep track of your upcoming tests, quizzes and assignments, and set aside time to study.

2. Find a quiet place. When you are sitting at home, there often are distractions that can keep you from focusing on your work. You need a place where you can sit down, put your earbuds in and work without distractions. A few places that I enjoy studying are coffee shops and public libraries; both are free to use and provide Wi-Fi access.

3. Study with friends. If you have, or can form, a study group, one of the best ways to test your knowledge on a subject is teaching it. Try explaining your study topic as if your peers never have heard of it before. All parties can benefit from this method; however, it only can work if the group is committed to staying focused.

4. Ask for help. Whether it is talking with your teacher or reaching out to a friend, asking for help is one of the most important things to do when studying. Sometimes, no matter how many times you Google a question or read through your notes, some things just don’t click. It can take someone explaining something in a new way to help you comprehend it, so don’t be afraid or embarrassed to seek help on a subject you don’t understand.

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