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Everyday Angels
Identifying people in need in our community.
Bob Meyer, 64, originally from and has now been referred to Emory Winship Cancer Carmel, N.Y., and a graduate of Institute due to the difficulty of his case. the Syracuse University School of Bob is not a candidate for a clinical trial, so his next Architecture, spent his career practicing plan of action is a major surgery at Emory to remove architecture, interior design and project his entire tongue, epiglottis, larynx (voice box), and the management for hotels around the world. Bob, his wife, cancerous lymph node. Meanwhile, Terry is his sole Terry, and daughter, Maria, have lived and served in our caregiver and provider until Maria returns from college community for 25 years. in May to help care for her father.
Despite the struggles in his industry “It is difficult to share our story during the 2007 real estate collapse publicly,” Bob writes (because it is and economic downturn, Bob took difficult to speak). “I grew up smoking consulting jobs, and did whatever he like so many others. I tried to stop many could to provide stability for his family. times using the patch, Nicorette gum, Health insurance became a luxury, but Chantix and even hypnosis, but the he made certain his wife and daughter damage was done. There are many things always received the care they needed I wish I could re-do, not smoking for one, while sacrificing his own healthcare. but also being more proactive and vigilant
“Bob is a typical proud man who with my health screenings. Take the time never shared the stress of his concerns and make the appointments and spend to protect us. He certainly did not the money. I ignored my own care and share the concerns of his health,” now I’m paying the price.” Terry said. “Throughout 2020, Bob The Oral Cancer Foundation began losing a few teeth – thinking (oralcancerfoundation.org) records nothing of it. He had also begun that more than 49,000 Americans to lose weight. It did not help that are diagnosed with oral cancer every COVID protocols deterred folks from year, causing more than 9,750 deaths. going to appointments unless it was The good news is oral cancer is highly an emergency. However, his persistent treatable if your dentist diagnoses it right cough raised concern until Maria, our away. Regular oral cancer screenings are daughter, and I insisted that he go to Bob Meyer encourages others not to neglect their personal wellbeing. critical if you smoke, dip or chew tobacco. urgent care.” We love the Meyer family. Their roots
“It was then that a mass was run deep in our community, and they discovered on his uvula; the teardrop-shaped piece of need our prayers today. Always the first to do and give, tissue that hangs at the end of your throat. We were they now find themselves in a desperate season of life. immediately sent to Northside Cherokee for a biopsy. It is our hope that our community will rally around this Tests confirmed that Bob had Stage 4A Squamous Cell sweet family – a little from many can make a world of Carcinoma of his tongue, epiglottis and larynx that also difference! Gas or grocery cards, money to pay utility involved a lymph node on the right side of his neck. bills and more can provide financial relief to allow Terry The involved lymph node rests on his carotid artery, to care for Bob in the next phase of his brutal fight. making it difficult and risky to remove.”
Since Bob’s diagnosis in July 2020, Bob has had all of his teeth removed prior to undergoing two rounds of aggressive chemotherapy while simultaneously receiving Everyday Angels is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit serving Cherokee seven weeks of daily radiation. In August, he received a County since 2000. To make a tax deductible donation, visit www.everydayangels.info to donate via Paypal or send your feeding tube, which he will always have. donations to: Everyday Angels, PMB 380, 1025 Rose Creek Drive,
“We administer his food every three hours to keep Suite 620, Woodstock GA, 30189. One hundred percent of your his weight up,” Terry said. funds will go to the family you specify. If you know of a special need in your community, e-mail aaeverydayangels@gmail.com.
His treatment began at Georgia Cancer Specialists