1 minute read
Susannah MacKay
Celebrate Pets by Supporting Rescue Efforts
Having a pet can reduce stress, anxiety and depression. It can help promote exercise, reduce blood pressure and even improve heart health. And no matter what animal you prefer, there’s no question that a pet can ease loneliness and provide wonderful companionship. Unfortunately, even with all these benefits, it’s sad to learn how many wonderful pets need homes.
However, there is no better time to change that. May is National Pet Month, and you can do more to help these homeless animals than posting a picture on social media. This is a great chance to get out in the community and support local rescue efforts. Check out these three successful organizations in our area:
Good Mews (justserve.org/goodmews) is one of the few virtually cage-free, no-kill cat shelters in Georgia and the first in the metro Atlanta area. The staff and volunteers successfully place hundreds of kitties each year and are proud to offer spay/neuter services as an outreach to the public.
Mostly Mutts (justserve.org/mostlymutts) provides health care, housing, physical and emotional care, and training for rescued dogs until they can be placed in new “furever” homes. The organization also runs several outreach programs for seniors, children and others.
The Georgia House Rabbit Society (justserve.org/ georgiahouserabbitsociety) seeks to rescue, rehabilitate and find homes for abused, abandoned and neglected domestic rabbits. Its vision is to be the Southeast’s premier rabbit rescue organization by finding the best homes for the most rabbits possible and by providing the best services, support and products it can.
Each of these excellent organizations can use your help. Whether through donations, volunteer hours or fostering, there are countless ways to make a difference. It’s so easy to get started. Check out these opportunities at JustServe.org.
Justserve.org is a free nationwide website and app that works to match volunteers with nonprofit organizations and service opportunities. If you run a nonprofit or are looking for ways to make service a regular part of your life, check out justserve.org. You can sign up for regular updates and learn more about organizations nearby, too. JustServe makes it easy to just go out and serve!
Susannah MacKay is a local JustServe specialist. She grew up in Marietta and loves helping strengthen her community through service! Follow her on Facebook @JustServeGeorgia.