1 minute read
Dr. Michael Litrel
YEARS AGO November 2006
On the cover: Young models show off selections from children’s clothing store Sweet Peas. • Meridian at Ridgewalk subdivision started construction. • Parkside Grill opened on Bells Ferry across from
Hobgood Park • Beef O’Brady’s, beside the Rose Creek Publix, closed. • Tuscany Italian Restaurant opened in June, 2006. • The Towne Lake Business Association (TLBA) announced updates, upcoming events. ALM still shares news from the TLBA. • Readers learned about Taylor Dakake, who was adopted by a Woodstock couple and had just graduated high school.
ALM ran a follow-up on him in January, 2021, after he contacted us to see if we’d like to share an update.

YEARS AGO June 2011
On the cover: Park Pediatric Dentistry, which still advertises with ALM. • Acru, a retail concept of First Cherokee State Bank, opened in downtown Woodstock, and included the 2021 Readers’
Choice favorite, Copper Coin coffee shop. • Aspen Falls Auto Spa opened, along with Cherokee Computer
Guys and Studio Tim Timmons (current owner of Salon Gloss). • Cherokee Women’s Health Specialists opened a Towne
Lake location. • The number of single-family homes sold in Towne Lake was 386 for March, 2011. The average sales price (with an average list price) for January-
March, 2011, was $158,049 of $209,569. • Chip Rogers was the state senator for District 11, and a regular contributor.

YEARS AGO June 2016
On the cover: David Waters, a candidate for Cherokee County Sheriff. • Heritage Presbyterian Church announced it has a new pastor, the Rev. Elizabeth Milford, who now is a contributing writer to the TowneLaker. • An advertorial announced the opening of Camellia Place. • Eyes on Towne Lake to open in July. • K9 and Kitty opened on Bells Ferry Road, near Goodwill. • Burn Boot Camp on Parkside Lane was gearing up for the first summer camps. • The Law Office of Jay G. Wall opened at Buckhead Crossing. • Cherokee Office of Economic Development President Misti
Martin was named one of North
America’s Top 50 Economic
Developers. • Michael Caldwell was the state representative for District 20, and a regular contributor.