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Around Towne

Letter From the Editor
I moved to Cherokee County in 1987, after Glenn and I married that October. The area seemed so similar to my hometown in South Carolina; I settled in easily. We lived in the home he bought when he moved here in 1981, until we built a larger house in Eagle Watch a few years later. We raised our three children there, spending countless hours on the playground and at the pool when we weren’t at the ballpark, or school events, or Boy or Girl Scout meetings. We were part of Hillside United Methodist, long before the congregation, formerly Oak Grove UMC, moved to Towne Lake. Our family truly was a part of the community in every way imaginable.
Gathering content for this 25th anniversary issue, starting with the second issue of the TowneLaker, published in July 1996, has been a stroll down memory lane. I found several photos of my children on the pages of the TowneLaker. Becca, now 27, appeared in the scouting issue in 2001, selling cookies and enjoying a Christmas event with fellow scouts. Years later, her college graduation picture ran in a 2016 issue. My son, now 32, smiles proudly, with a bat over his shoulder, in a photo I sent in to celebrate his 7th birthday. And I know Julie, my 32-year-old, is somewhere in the group photo of Bascomb Elementary’s first student body, that ran in the July 1996 issue. Our art director, Michelle McCulloch, Becca Hannigan and Becca Carpentier has been an employee since 2004. As a are serious about cookie sales. new resident, she picked up a copy of the TowneLaker at Publix to find out what was happening around Towne. She instantly loved what the magazine was about, sharing the good news in the community, and called the owners that day asking for a design job.
“The timing was perfect; I was hired to help launch the new titles in Woodstock, Canton and Acworth,” Michelle said.
I hope you enjoy the special features we created to commemorate our 25th anniversary! And how fitting is it that our kindness challenge this month is donating to the animal shelter? Since 1996, we’ve consistently featured pets available for adoption at the humane society, and we were thrilled to add Rob’s Rescues to our lineup of features in 2014.
Take Supplies to the Animal Shelter. Let’s not forget to share some love with our furry friends. Bring goodies, such as food, treats, blankets, paper towels. etc., for the cats and dogs waiting to be adopted. Visit www.cherokeega-animals.org/donate.html for more information.
Candi Hannigan is the executive editor of Aroundabout Local Media. She has lived in Cherokee County since 1987. Send your comments or questions to Candi@AroundaboutMagazines.com.
Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting

Furniture Fashions and Sleep Solutions
1025 Rose Creek Drive, Suite 380, Woodstock 770-779-9486 www.furniturefashionsandsleep.com
What’s New
Sandy’s Nails & Spa has opened at 1025 Rose Creek Drive, Suite 260, specializing in SNS, solar, acrylic, gel, manicures and pedicures, waxing, eyelashes and facials. Two percent of gift card sales is donated to local nonprofits. 470-308-4105.
The Fat Shack has opened at 6199 Highway 92, Unit 200, in the Cherokee Commons Shopping Center. The menu is filled with indulgent sandwiches, burgers and wings, as well as deep-fried desserts, including fried Oreos and cheesecake bites. 470-308-4950. www.fatshack.com.
At press time, Boss Hugo Boss had planned to open in early June at The Outlet Shoppes at Atlanta. The apparel shop specializes in casual, business, evening and athleisure clothing. On Facebook.
Dr. Vanessa Womack, a board-certified internal medicine physician, has joined Northside Family Practice. She specializes in preventive care, diabetes management and hypertension. www.northsidefamilypractice.com.
Who’s Moved
Nelson Elder Care has moved to 2230 Towne Lake Parkway, Building 1200, Suite 120, in a larger space across the parking lot from the previous location. www.nelsoneldercarelaw.com.

Around Acworth | Around Canton Around Woodstock | TowneLaker
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“Working with the TowneLaker magazine has been an excellent experience for our business. Their staff is extremely professional, and the quality of their work is top-tier. We received a substantial amount of new business as a result of being on the front cover of the magazine. I wholeheartedly recommend the TowneLaker's platform as an opportunity for businesses small and large to build your local reputation and to get the attention of new and existing customers!” — Tim McWhirter, Canton Termite & Pest Control, Inc.
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Patty Ponder, ALM President 770-615-3322 Patty@AroundaboutMagazines.com
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Publisher Aroundabout Local Media, Inc. www.aroundaboutlocalmedia.com
ALM President Patty Ponder 770-615-3322 Patty@AroundaboutMagazines.com Executive Editor Candi Hannigan 770-615-3309 Candi@AroundaboutMagazines.com Managing Editor Katie Beall 770-852-8481 Katie@AroundaboutMagazines.com Assistant Editor Jessica Forrester 770-615-3318 Jessica@AroundaboutMagazines.com Art Director Michelle McCulloch 770-615-3307 Michelle@AroundaboutMagazines.com Page Designer Laura Latchford Laura@AroundaboutMagazines.com Controller Denise Griffin 770-615-3315 Denise@AroundaboutMagazines.com Social Media Manager Kathryn Holt Kat@AroundaboutMagazines.com Market & Advertising Specialist Michelle Smith Michelle.Smith@AroundaboutMagazines.com Copy Editors Bill King, Eliza Somers
TowneLaker, a publication of Aroundabout Local Media, Inc., is a monthly community magazine. The magazine’s goal is to help local businesses grow and prosper by offering affordable advertising opportunities in a quality publication that provides positive, relevant information to our readers. It distributes a total of 16,400 free copies. Approximately 15,620 are direct mailed to homes and businesses and an additional 780 are placed in racks in the community.
TowneLaker welcomes your comments, stories, and advertisements. Editorial deadline is the 1st and advertising deadline is the 5th of the previous month.
Subscriptions are available for $24 per year. Send check or money order to the address below.
The viewpoints of the advertisers, columnists and submissions are not necessarily those of the Editor/Publisher and the Publisher makes no claims as to the validity of any charitable organizations mentioned. TowneLaker is not responsible for errors or omissions. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the Publisher. All rights reserved. Copyright 2021.
1025 Rose Creek Drive, PMB 380, Suite 620 Woodstock, GA 30189